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  1. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from Richie in Rusty M16   
    idk why but it rubs me the wrong way.  I guess its ok if it was spray painted red/orange or whatever.  I mean people have done worse to their AR's

  2. Like
    hambeast reacted to Tobias Solem in Rusty M16   
    It's autumn camouflage.
  3. Like
    hambeast reacted to computermancer in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    What's more personal then telling someone e what they are doing is wrong if it doesn't concern you?
  4. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from McPimpin in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    wow what a duchebag.
    Can you be more pretentious?
    Seriously, this is a mod based on a MILITARY SIMULATOR.  If you don't like that fact, then IDK what to tell you.
    Oh and by the way, DayZ (which epoch was based upon) had blocked out all militarized vehicles and "too op" weapons completely by overriding their classes in the config.bin file.
    DayZEpoch was one of the first major DayZ mods that opened this all up for us to play with.  There was another, forget the name but it was poorly implemented.  Hell, that's one of the reasons I stuck around with epoch when it first came out.  None of the other mods allowed admins the amount of control over their own server like epoch did.
    So get off your high horse and try to understand that people may want to play this game a bit more differently than you do and quit trying to stifle creativity!
  5. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from computermancer in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    QA gets it done!  High five fellow QA brother!
    well put...   Something I've noticed since the beginning of my DayZ hosting career (experience?)  has the balance between how hardcore you want to play vs what players actually want.
    Here's an example and it translates to a3 I think.  24/7 Daylight servers.  It is a fact that servers with no nighttime have a higher average pop than a server with real day/night cycles (tied to your server time).  I love night time, I think its great.  But watch the pop drop once the server goes dark.  It's been happening before epoch was a dream in vbawol's mind.   On the flip side, when you go 24/7 daylight, the more hardcore players will complain "Is there nighttime?" "why doesn't it get dark"  So you being a good hearted admin, see this and go hey, yeah, lets make it dark again, then BAM your pop drops off like a cliff.
    Yeah, you can balance it but you have to figure out what that is and what it means to you and if you still want to play like that.
    Personally I'm a fan of 3 hours light, 1 hour dark per restart cycle.  But that is preference.
  6. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from cen in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    QA gets it done!  High five fellow QA brother!
    well put...   Something I've noticed since the beginning of my DayZ hosting career (experience?)  has the balance between how hardcore you want to play vs what players actually want.
    Here's an example and it translates to a3 I think.  24/7 Daylight servers.  It is a fact that servers with no nighttime have a higher average pop than a server with real day/night cycles (tied to your server time).  I love night time, I think its great.  But watch the pop drop once the server goes dark.  It's been happening before epoch was a dream in vbawol's mind.   On the flip side, when you go 24/7 daylight, the more hardcore players will complain "Is there nighttime?" "why doesn't it get dark"  So you being a good hearted admin, see this and go hey, yeah, lets make it dark again, then BAM your pop drops off like a cliff.
    Yeah, you can balance it but you have to figure out what that is and what it means to you and if you still want to play like that.
    Personally I'm a fan of 3 hours light, 1 hour dark per restart cycle.  But that is preference.
  7. Like
    hambeast reacted to cen in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    You call it ignorance, I call it history and evolution of DayZ, Epoch A2 and now Epoch A3.
    If you can't see that, then you are the ignorant one, or perhaps you don't run servers that have players?
    I'd love to see some "hardcore survival" servers with actual players/stats to prove this "survival experience."
  8. Like
    hambeast reacted to Glenn in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    Fixed your comment (my edits in bold). You are welcomed. 
    Just to give you a frame of reference - entitled is the wrong word to use there...  why?
    This is why: 
    inˈtīdld,enˈtīdld/ adjective adjective: entitled believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. "his pompous, entitled attitude"  
    I know its a dumb thing to comment a post on, and I am sure lots of people are going to go ballistic when I post this - that is not the intent with this. 
    What I am trying to make people see is that everyone keep using the wrong terms in their arguments or reasons why they do things.
    Please stop the use of a word that you truly have no business using in these arguments ("entitled" is the word I'm referring to, in case that was missed). 
    As a Server Admin, you are having the following special privileges granted according to the Epoch license and the Common Sense thought:
    - to pay your host bill (be it hosted or dedicated or running in a corner of your room) 
    - to set up a kick-ass Epoch server and invite others to play on it
    - to tinker with scripts (including the awesome #SEM and the host of other equally awesome scripts and extra content out there), within the confines of the licence, to put on your kick-ass server
    - to brag to your friends when you hit more than 5 active players (I'm sure everyone have done that once or twice)
    - to shut down your server when you are tired of paying for it (or you lose power in your room). 
    - to ask permission from BI and Epoch devs to monetize the server to help alleviate the cost (cause you are running a kick-ass dedicated server).
    And yes, in conclusion to this wall of text - I am nitpicking... its what I do in QA. :)
  9. Like
    hambeast reacted to cen in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    Let's be honest, Epoch has never been about survival.
  10. Like
    hambeast reacted to computermancer in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    Wow, you guys are ridiculous.
    Epoch is not only about survival, and not having weapons... it's also about building.
    The reason I play Epoch is for the building system as well some of their other mechanics.
    And yes, I do want rocket launchers, so what? That's the post-apocalyptic world I want to play in.
    That's why I am an admin and scripter and not just a player ...or crybaby... or sh*t talker.... though I would really love to return the hate and ignorant comments.
    I just don't understand why you would come to this thread to simply talk sh*t....
    What if I went to your SEM thread and said the following...
    How's that make you feel Good? because based on the way you are treating others, it seems this is the way you want to be treated.
    Do you want me to go on?
    That was not even a quarter of how much dumb stuff I can say.
    Next time I see you post something demeaning and negative, I will begin trolling all your threads to see how you like pointless, unnecessary, and unwanted comments.
    Make a thread called "Come here so I can talk sh*t to you"
    Then you can say all the ignorant things you want.
    That's my 2 cents, luckily for you, I don't have anymore time to waste on ignorant folks like ... *ahem*...well, we know who...
    ... and you know who you are.
  11. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from computermancer in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    More ignorance...
    Just cause you want to play the game the way you want, doesn't mean you should berate others for playing in a different style.
    Once again, the beauty of this mod is the fact that it is moddable by the community!   If you want to run a server where nobody has guns, only hatchets, go for it!
    If you want to run a server where everyone spawns with a rocket launcher and a tank, do it.
    But don't think for a minute that cause you said so, I'm going to give a damn about your opinion on how to run my server.
  12. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from computermancer in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    one more thing.  If you want such a realistic survival experience how about you get off your fat ass and go backpacking in the woods for a week.  Instead you are playing keyboard warrior infront of your computer preaching to others about the merits of a "pure" survival mod, while dudes in robes shoot fireballs at you, give me a break. 
  13. Like
    hambeast reacted to Moody in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    I would suggest that you stop creating missions with high loottable rewards then. Since epoch is all about running kilometer after kilometer, from town to town, finding that one can of meatballs and that one ruger gun:) kinda talking against yourself now, as your missions are providing military weapons(among other things) that is (and i quote:) "ruining the whole survival aspect of epoch."

    Maybe you should head over to wasteland forum ane publish your missions?
  14. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from psychosis in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    wow what a duchebag.
    Can you be more pretentious?
    Seriously, this is a mod based on a MILITARY SIMULATOR.  If you don't like that fact, then IDK what to tell you.
    Oh and by the way, DayZ (which epoch was based upon) had blocked out all militarized vehicles and "too op" weapons completely by overriding their classes in the config.bin file.
    DayZEpoch was one of the first major DayZ mods that opened this all up for us to play with.  There was another, forget the name but it was poorly implemented.  Hell, that's one of the reasons I stuck around with epoch when it first came out.  None of the other mods allowed admins the amount of control over their own server like epoch did.
    So get off your high horse and try to understand that people may want to play this game a bit more differently than you do and quit trying to stifle creativity!
  15. Like
    hambeast reacted to Gr8 in Why does my mission.sqm show like this?   
    go to http://dev.withsix.c...ro-pbodll/files
    Run mikeroupdate. http://dev.withsix.c...4.Installer.exe
    Run http://dev.withsix.c...5.Installer.exe
    Run http://dev.withsix.c...9.Installer.exe
    go to eliteness (will be under program files -> mikero -> depbotools -> eliteness -> eliteness.
    With eliteness open, go to file -> open -> wherever the mission.sqm.
  16. Like
    hambeast reacted to shurix in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    Epoch maps default "T" to some other function. Once I re-mapped Weapon Locking to one of my mouse keys it works fine.
  17. Like
    hambeast reacted to Moody in Titan launcher won't lock on target   
    How about this, what if you just ignore posts like this, that contains questions about weapons and attack vehicles on epoch servers? Im pretty sure the server admin is entitled to add whatever he/she wants to his/her server....And HEY....WHO KNOWS, maybe someone actually want to play on an EPOCH server with the stuff EPOCH has to offer. And at the same time have fun with more weapon types than Ruger, MX, MK and Lynx? Ever tought about that before you post these arrogant replies on every topic that contains servers with "nonstandard" epoch objects?
    Nobody is forcing you to assist or guide people to the right direction on everything beeing posted here, you can freely just ignore it and move over to help what interrests YOU.
    I can see countless replies from you regarding this and its starting to annoy me alittle.
    Thank You in advance
    Greez Moody
  18. Like
    hambeast reacted to mgm in EPOCH_playerCrypto   
    Cool, man, thanks for reporting success. I will use your code then. I will need it soon.
  19. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from mgm in EPOCH_playerCrypto   
    ok some more...
    so I got the bugs fixed (I think).  But I am still having issues setting a player's bank data:
    check balance code (working)
    GetPlayersBankBalance = {         private["_playerUID","_balance"];         _playerUID = _this select 0;         _balance = 0;                          diag_log format["getting bank balance for playeruid: %1", _playerUID];                 _response=["Bank",_playerUID]call EPOCH_server_hiveGET;         diag_log format ["Response: %1", _response];          if((_response select 0)==1 && typeName(_response select 1)=="ARRAY")then{             _bankData=_response select 1; _bankBalance=0; _bankBalanceBefore=0;               diag_log format["got into the if _bankData: %1", _bankData];             if !(_bankData isEqualTo[])then { _balance=_bankData select 0; };                 };         _balance;     }; This gets old balance, adds 5000 to it, and attempts to save to redis
    _oldBalance = [_playerUID] call GetPlayersBankBalance;                     _newBalance = _oldBalance + 5000; diag_log format["_oldBalance: %1 _newBalance: %2", _oldBalance,_newBalance]; _return=["Bank",_playerUID,EPOCH_expiresBank,[_newBalance]]call EPOCH_server_hiveSETEX; any ideas?
    edit:  appears to be working now???  
    16:08:54 "getting bank balance for playeruid: 765611XXXXXXXXXXX" 16:08:54 "Response: [1,[2243]]" 16:08:54 "GMS: got into the if _bankData: [2243]" 16:08:54 "_oldBalance: 2243 _newBalance: 7243" 16:08:54 "getting bank balance for playeruid: 765611XXXXXXXXXXX" 16:08:54 "Response: [1,[7243]]" 16:08:54 "GMS: got into the if _bankData: [7243]" 16:08:54 "WE GOT A BALANCE NOW: 7243"
  20. Like
    hambeast reacted to prone in Banned from playing Arma 3 Epoch (sorry if in wrong thread)   
    I'm pretty sure It depends on his settings ...
    antihack_cfgPatchesCfg[] = {1}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG antihack_ahInitAuthCfg[] = {1}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG, 90 = ban or log if anti hack is not started in 90 seconds   If he has 0, it could autoban because they have the wrong version...
  21. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from brokenegg in [HowTo] Website KillBoard   
    OK so I'm going to boil down how to do this into simple steps that you can take to learn how to do this.
    Step 1.  Look up and get a basic understanding of regular expressions.   Short summary, they are what some programmers call "black magic".  Regex or regular expressions are used to look up patterns in strings.  You can use regex to grab sections of strings in a log line by line and pull out the useful info.
    Step 2.  Learn to use Grep or another regex search tool.  Grep will most likely be what you are going to use as it is GNU and included in almost every single linux web server.  Almost all web servers are linux so this is pretty key.
    Step 3.  Learn PHP or some other sort of language to dynamically create a HTML page.  Not going to go into semantics but basically this is a server side language that lets you run code server side and display the results in raw HTML (or javascript).
    So here's what I'm doing.
    1.  Use grep to pull out relevant lines from the log file
    grep -i -r 'infiSTAR.de Log:.*UNLOCK' /media/dayz/instance_11_Chernarus_vp/ > /var/www/html/dayzlogs/unlocks.txt 2.  Use regex with PHP to parse out the different parts of the log that we actually want.
    3.  Using the same PHP script, generate a basic table of events to display.
    (2 and 3)
    <?php if ($_GET['parse']) { } else { $handle = fopen("/var/www/html/dayzlogs/unlocks.txt","r"); if ($handle) { echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>fileName</td>"; echo "<td>time</td>"; echo "<td>type</td>"; echo "<td>id</td>"; echo "<td>uid</td>"; echo "<td>name</td>"; echo "<td>playerUID</td>"; echo "<td>gps</td>"; echo "<td>code</td>"; echo "</tr>"; while(($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false){ // echo $buffer; $pattern = '/^(?<File>.*\.RPT):(?<Time>[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])\s"infiSTAR.de Log:\s(?<Type>[a-zA-Z ]*):\sID:(?<ID>[0-9]+).*UID:(?<UID>[0-9]+)\sBY(?<Name>.*)\((?<PlayerUID>[0-9]+)\)\s@?(?<GPS>[0-9]+)\s*(Code Entered:\s?)?(?<Code>[0-9]*)?.*$/m'; preg_match($pattern, $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $fileName = $matches[1][0]; $time = $matches[2][0]; $type = $matches[3][0]; $id = $matches[4][0]; $uid = $matches[5][0]; $name = $matches[6][0]; $playerUID = $matches[7][0]; $gps = $matches[8][0]; $code = $matches[10][0]; if (!empty($fileName)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>$fileName</td>"; echo "<td>$time</td>"; echo "<td>$type</td>"; echo "<td>$id</td>"; echo "<td>$uid</td>"; echo "<td>$name</td>"; echo "<td>$playerUID</td>"; echo "<td>@$gps</td>"; echo "<td>$code</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "ERROR"; } fclose($handle); echo "</table>"; } } ?> And this is the end result, note I've blacked out the sensitive information here.

  22. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from Gr8 in [HowTo] Website KillBoard   
    OK so I'm going to boil down how to do this into simple steps that you can take to learn how to do this.
    Step 1.  Look up and get a basic understanding of regular expressions.   Short summary, they are what some programmers call "black magic".  Regex or regular expressions are used to look up patterns in strings.  You can use regex to grab sections of strings in a log line by line and pull out the useful info.
    Step 2.  Learn to use Grep or another regex search tool.  Grep will most likely be what you are going to use as it is GNU and included in almost every single linux web server.  Almost all web servers are linux so this is pretty key.
    Step 3.  Learn PHP or some other sort of language to dynamically create a HTML page.  Not going to go into semantics but basically this is a server side language that lets you run code server side and display the results in raw HTML (or javascript).
    So here's what I'm doing.
    1.  Use grep to pull out relevant lines from the log file
    grep -i -r 'infiSTAR.de Log:.*UNLOCK' /media/dayz/instance_11_Chernarus_vp/ > /var/www/html/dayzlogs/unlocks.txt 2.  Use regex with PHP to parse out the different parts of the log that we actually want.
    3.  Using the same PHP script, generate a basic table of events to display.
    (2 and 3)
    <?php if ($_GET['parse']) { } else { $handle = fopen("/var/www/html/dayzlogs/unlocks.txt","r"); if ($handle) { echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>fileName</td>"; echo "<td>time</td>"; echo "<td>type</td>"; echo "<td>id</td>"; echo "<td>uid</td>"; echo "<td>name</td>"; echo "<td>playerUID</td>"; echo "<td>gps</td>"; echo "<td>code</td>"; echo "</tr>"; while(($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false){ // echo $buffer; $pattern = '/^(?<File>.*\.RPT):(?<Time>[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])\s"infiSTAR.de Log:\s(?<Type>[a-zA-Z ]*):\sID:(?<ID>[0-9]+).*UID:(?<UID>[0-9]+)\sBY(?<Name>.*)\((?<PlayerUID>[0-9]+)\)\s@?(?<GPS>[0-9]+)\s*(Code Entered:\s?)?(?<Code>[0-9]*)?.*$/m'; preg_match($pattern, $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $fileName = $matches[1][0]; $time = $matches[2][0]; $type = $matches[3][0]; $id = $matches[4][0]; $uid = $matches[5][0]; $name = $matches[6][0]; $playerUID = $matches[7][0]; $gps = $matches[8][0]; $code = $matches[10][0]; if (!empty($fileName)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>$fileName</td>"; echo "<td>$time</td>"; echo "<td>$type</td>"; echo "<td>$id</td>"; echo "<td>$uid</td>"; echo "<td>$name</td>"; echo "<td>$playerUID</td>"; echo "<td>@$gps</td>"; echo "<td>$code</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "ERROR"; } fclose($handle); echo "</table>"; } } ?> And this is the end result, note I've blacked out the sensitive information here.

  23. Like
    hambeast got a reaction from howitzer in Idea to help prevent too much PvP   
    guys, this issue is what causes so many problems in DayZ.  People want to play the game their way or not at all.
    What you fail to realize is that those guys who shoot on sight or are "bandits" are playing the game the way they want to as well.
    You shouldn't force your viewpoint on others just because you don't like the way they play the game.
  24. Like
    hambeast reacted to striker in [Project / WIP] dayzChunks - Load Objects in a chunk style as opposed to all at once   
    This is an extremely ALPHA project and by no means is appropriate for production servers! ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVERS (when released)
    Hey guys,
    Just want to share with you my latest project that I have been working on. One of the biggest issues I have seen with running a server is low fps do to the shear amount of objects in the server. I pondered on how I could solve this issue. One of the first games to pop into my head was Minecraft. Why is Minecraft significant? It's significant because the size the levels can be can practically be unlimited to the average person, and the way they achieve this is, well, level chunks. So I decided I would take this concept and apply it to the object spawning mechanism.
    The Mechanism
    The way dayz currently spawns in objects is it spawns everything in at once when the server starts. This creates lower FPS on the client side because the clients have to account for all of those vehicles. The way I have reworked the mechanism is to put all the objects into an array for later access. I get the chuck the players are in by using a function that divides their location by the chunk size. This in turn, creates a array location which can also get the objects within their chunk. You can also apply a chunk radius which will be added and subtracted from the current chunks location. This is done to prevent only one chunk to load at once.
    Here is a few screen shots of the script in action and then without the script. This is on a public server with less than a thousand objects on the server. (FPS in upper right hand corner)
    With chunk script

    Without chunk script

    Result: As you can see from the pictures, rural areas on the map, FPS increase is close to +20, while on the city side of the spectrum, FPS increase is a mere +5 FPS.
    But that is not where the script is suppose to shine... What if I told you we could have 10,000 object on the server with a decent FPS? Lets try it at 2,000 vehicles first shall we  ;)
    With chunk script

    Without chunk script

    Result: Yep, chunks helped tremendously with the FPS of the client. It's FPS was a shear +38 fps more and there was 2,000 vehicles.
    The performance increase is great but there still is a long road(network lag) ahead of the script.
    Any thoughts? Should I continue with it? IS IT THE FUTURE?
    Ill share the script once I have it to an exceptionable point. However, if there is a massive influx of people who want to see it for themselves, I might release what I have now.
    Appreciate and support my work? 
  25. Like
    hambeast reacted to igoooor in [TUTORIAL] How to use Public Variables   
    sure :)
    thanks again for this awesome tutorial!
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