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Posts posted by Defent

  1. You could always make the start up bat file that the server use call for this line: 

    sqlcmd -s localhost\mysqlserversomethingsomething -i C:\yourscript.sql

    If above doesn't work try this:

    sqlcmd -S DBserverName -U username -P password -i "C:\yourscript.sql"

    and in the myScript.sql you add the script to open the stats table and print current date and time:


    This should update the table stats to the current date that the sql server uses.

    ​Alternatively you can also use BEC to once in a while run a .bat file which uses this line aswell, if you don't want to include it in your restart file.
    I have done this with my automatic database backup, which is being run every 15 min.

  2. It's because that debug script is not adapted for DayZ Epoch. It calls for _handled, which is already used by epoch to remove the menu you're seeing. You can circumvent it by removing _handled from the script, however I'm not sure if the debug toggle works then.
    I have the toggle function working on my servers. I could probably post a how-to etc when I get home.

    P.S This topic is abit old

  3. I'm fairly sure I've seen that hack name on my servers, though I could mix it up. 
    Fun thing is, if the hack did not work on DayZ, then how come the Infistar DayZ anti-hack recognizes it as a hack and bans it?

    Ofcourse the anti-hack should pretty much recognize any and all scripts, but it makes for quite a stupid argument when you think about it.

  4. I had a lot of these problems, untill I stopped thinking of it as a problem and started thinking of it as a part of the game. I still have safezones in place with anti theft. However, I do not take actions against stealing, extortion or other similar behaviour. 

    Though you could barricade the surrounding area with dragonteeth to stop people from entering with vehicles. As for camping, it's rather hard to combat without making other players "suffer". The campers will die sooner or later anyway.

  5. I have fixed pretty much any problem that came with this script and added it to my server, heres a list of what I did:

    • Added Medical boxes for medical supplies
    • Increased loot chances to be somewhat realistic
    • added more building loot for building loot missions
    • fixed markers to be red and green instead of both red
    • fixed grammatical and spelling errors
    • fixed so the missions now spawn using the bis findsafespot (found it to be more dynamic, (no stary/novy bugs yet, only spawning OUTSIDE of the cities at times))
    • fixed spawning issue of the missions
    • fixed so building loot doesnt spawn in weapons boxes
    • missions now use boxes for different purposes
    • customized the missions (to fit my ideals)
    • fixed the amount of ais spawning

    This is just a short list of stuff that was done, however. I am willing to share this but I would need the confirmation from the script creator before I do. I don't want to do some stolen valor shit. 

  6. How is this possible? Like 8 hour day, 8 hour night? that leaves 8 hours for what?

    No, that does not amount to 24h.

    Tthe northern hemisphere has its logest night and shortest day around the moment of the solstice. A night within the solstice can be around 24h long.

    North america will only see nine hours of daylight during the solstice and 14 horus of nighttime for example.

    or you can do this:


  7. I wrote something similar some time ago:

    ////RADIO TRANS-MISSION get it? it's a pun.
    // This part is inpsired by the selfbloodbag by Krixes @ Opendayz and Player 2 @ ZombZ.net
    private ["_cordinates","_nocoridnates","_mradio"];
    _mradio = (magazines player) + (weapons player); 
    if ("ItemRadio" in _mradio) then {
            hasRadio = true;
    		hasRadio = false;
        if(hasRadio && _canDo) then {
               titleText [format["Mission info, check your map!"], "PLAIN DOWN"] call RE; // you probably want RE.. why would you want to transmit a message to yourself?
    		   hasradiomarker = _cordinates;
    			publicVariable "hasradiomarker";
    			[] execVM "hasradio_marker.sqf";
        } else {
           titleText [format["Unknown mission (you have no radio!)"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; // This one should probably not be RE since some people don't have radios..
    		noradiomarker = _nocordinates;
    		publicVariable "noradiomarker";
    	   [] execVM "noradio_marker.sqf";
    ////I'll just show myself out.

    Note: This will not work, it's just the general idea. This would execute the script everyime someone gets a radio.. or has one.

    In the mission I made I included a fn_selfaction script instead which, when you got a radio opend a scroll menu to use it and a mission would appear on the map.

  8. Horrible timing to step down and horrible wording. But I understand him non the less. DayZ will continue, with or without Dean - perhaps it will be better or perhaps it will be worse. 

    People are proper mad about this, especially since he said "It's flawed" and left in early access ALPHA. However, I still have utmost respect for the guy, made an awesome mod and I bet it will continue to be an awesome game.

    But, what a lot of people are missing is that he's actually staying the year out and may work even longer if required, but he will probably not stay as the "leader".


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