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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Do you have this enabled in your HiveExt.ini?

    ;CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 8

    I had this problem back in October last year, but since I added the above function and amongst other things the problem seem to have subsided.. or atleast the reports of it.
    Amongst these changes was actually enabling the event scheduler in mysql.. which I had forgotten to do.

    Try building a doorway and check how it's effected by the decay. Sometimes decay can be buggy depending on what the damage you set it to do. 

    UPDATE `object_data` SET `Damage`=0.2 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )

    I've been quite paranoid about this, so I set my admins and myself to watch player made bases and count the days they are active with and without maintences to see what may be the cause of the deletion; I have no results as of yet.

  2. So its been a while since i used EMS. What advantage does it have over DZMS?

    Erm.. Epoch oriented missions  :ph34r:. 

    Nah, but I don't actually know much more. I believe the loot and spawn system was slightly different. I've not used DZMS so can't accurately answer.


    how to customize the spawn of the missions in the woods?

    example pls :rolleyes:

    If you know coding, you may want to play around with this:


    and similar commands. I've seen it somewhere, a line of code which allows you to designate the position of the mission spawn based on the enviorment around it. Don't remember where though.

  3. As much as it is awesome, I doubt it will happen since this relies on ACRE which relies on teamspeak which relies on people actually connecting and TS/ACRE working. And anone who has used ACRE knows what a pain it can be when it decides that today is the day it wants to fuck you over.
    ACE is also one of the best scripted mods I've seen, but it may also require a lot of (extra) system resources, that plus the already resource heavy arma 2 and epoch would tank servers extremely.
    You may like it but I say that it is not practical for the server machine one bit. That along with the fact that the video linked in the OP is using more than just ACE and ACRE (sthud etc). 


    I'm not saying I'm against it, it's just very.. very.. impractical. 

    One thing you can do is to consider the ACE/ACRE for your Arma 3 Epoch mod. This would not upset current Arma 2 epoch players (NEW STUFF SUCKS OMG QUITTING CY@), instead you can use those two as a "new" addition towards your ArmA 3 Epoch perspective.

  4. To my knowledge, all it does is search for the skin right now. So you'd be better off doing something like istypeOf.
    Or like what Sandbird posted here:

    Well you might want to do

    _traderguy = "Graves_Light";
    _traderguy = _this select 0;


    unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";
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