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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Wow, thanks for the such a quick reply.


    This is bad that markers are global and everyone will see it.


    The solution might be to hide the marker after a minute?


    But in this case we have to make a scroll menu for it or drop down menu, which sounds very complicated for me. But the idea of making custom map events using such script is nice. if anyone can help with it would be great. 


    You can make the markers go away very easily.


    if ("ItemRadio" in _weapons) then {
            hasRadio = true;
        } else { 
        hasRadio = false;
    if(hasRadio && _canDo) then {
          cutText [format["You've found a radio, check your map for new information!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
         _survbase = createMarkerLocal ["survbase", [3907.27,7872.66]];
         _survbase setMarkerTextLocal "Survivor City";
         _survbase setMarkerShapeLocal "mil_dot";
         _survbase setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
    sleep 15; //15 secs?
        deleteMarker _survbase; //deletes the marker after 15 secs, there is no loop (afaik) so it won't reappear untill another radio has been found.
        player removeWeapon "ItemRadio"; //The "fix" to not make them get infinite markers, deletes the radio after 15 secs?

    Don't know if the setMarkerLocal actually works as intended.



    Just a slight idea I had though; people can just drop and pick up the radio again to get infinite ammount of missions. 

  2. I'm no coding guru, but something like this?

    if ("ItemRadio" in _weapons) then {
            hasRadio = true;
        } else { 
        hasRadio = false;
    if(hasRadio && _canDo) then {
          cutText [format["You've found a radio, check your map for new information!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
         _survbase = createMarker ["survbase", [3907.27,7872.66]];
         _survbase setMarkerText "Survivor City";
         _survbase setMarkerShape "mil_dot";
         _survbase setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

    The problem is, markers are global aren't they? 
    So if 1 person finds the radio, everyone will see the marker?

  3. First we add it in to the traders_item.

    INSERT INTO `trader_items` (`classname`, `type`, `group`, `afile`) VALUES ('Su25_Ins', '2', 'Plane', 'trade_any_vehicle');

    Then we add it to the traders_data and change the price to what ever we want:

    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `order`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('[\"Su25_Ins\",2]', '10', '[5,\"ItemGoldBar\",1]', '[3,\"ItemGoldBar\",1]', '0', '519', 'trade_any_vehicle');

    To change the price, modify the ItemGoldBar value and the number BEFORE it. In this case, the 5.

    So this plane would cost 5 REGULAR goldbars and sell for 3.

    Example price:

    The C130J costs: ​[4,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]. 
    This mean it costs 4 times 100oz Breifcases. The number 1 at the end ",1] tells the database and game that the goldbar is just an item and not a vehicle. It can be ignored for now.

    If you'd want to change it to costing regular 10oz bars then add this instead: [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] I.e 2x10oz Goldbars.


    It's the same for the selling price.





    This should work.

    Here is a list of the class names for most Arma 2 vehicles. 



  4. You need to compile the file on your server, otherwise it won't work.


    Open compiles.sqf on your server and add this line:

    player_dumpBackpack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Fixes\player_dumpBackpack.sqf";

    and then make or copy the file player_dumpBackpack.sqf to the Fixes folder and add the code I posted above in it.


    That should fix it.

  5. why make two versions of the server code within 24 hours why cause you fucked it up i thought you said you only changed two files that was bullshit ya fucked it up man fucked it up.

    and now you have forced us to rework 90% of your garbage and make it our own mod.


    abwol your a dick and by the way i know you borrowed some of my code as i see it in the new update good work!


    as for all the haters just wait a few months when they make us pay for this mod and call it their game.



    Seriously, you should stop talking, like.. right now.

  6. So, 

    private ["_weapons","_magazines","_weaponscnt","_magazinescnt","_backpack"];
    _backpack = nearestObject [player, "Bag_Base_EP1"];
    if (!(isNull _backpack) and local _backpack) then {
            _weapons =                 getWeaponCargo _backpack;
            _magazines =         getMagazineCargo _backpack;
            _weaponscnt = count (_weapons select 0);
            _magazinescnt = count (_magazines select 0);
            if((_magazinescnt > 0) or (_weaponscnt > 0)) then {
                    /* PVS/PVC - Skaronator */
                    _pos = getPosATL player;
                    _inRange = _pos nearEntities ["CAManBase",300];
                            // run only on other players 
                            if(isPlayer _x and _x != player) then {
                                    PVDZE_send = [_x,"HideObj",[_backpack]];
                                    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_send";
                    } forEach _inRange;



    player_dumpBackpack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Fixes\player_dumpBackpack.sqf";

    is confirmed to work?

  7. Killing a hacker has been moved to: server_functions.sqf

    at the line around like ~780, above 

    diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));

    Remove or comment

    //if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {

    and add this below it:

    if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["DZAI",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {

    You can probably change DZAI to whatever AI system you use, be it missions or Sarge

    I'm fairly sure this one works as I have it and I've not had any kill reports yet (i think)
    You can also edit the damage line to:

    (vehicle _x) setDamage 0;
    _x setDamage 0;
  8. (dayz_Survived)

    is the only thing you need, and add this in the text parser:

    <t size='0.95 'font='Bitstream' align='right'>Survived: %2 DayZ</t><br/>

    and change the %2 to point towards the position of (dayz_Survived).


    waitUntil {alive player};
    while {true} do
    	_kills = 		player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    	_killsH = 		player getVariable["humanKills",0];
    	_killsB = 		player getVariable["banditKills",0];
    	_humanity =		player getVariable["humanity",0];
    	hintSilent parseText format ["
    	<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#D60000'>www.mywebsite.com</t><br/>
            <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#5882FA'>Welcome: %1 !</t><br/>
    	<t size='1.15' font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#5882FA'>Survived %2 Days</t><br/>
    sleep 1;
  9. Also, I notice that having self bloodbag in the fn_self_actions causes the base parts to be deleted ;)

    I have self bloodbag in the same file and I've not had any parts being deleted?

    When I maintain parts they get repaired (without maca134s' fix), however the damage table doesn't change (remains on 0).

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