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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Do you have this:

    if(DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then {
    	[nil, nil, rspawn, [_killer, _message], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;

    enabled in the server_playerDied.sqf?
    Enabled as in, it's not commented out or anything.

    if so, you can just type DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = True; in your init.sqf

  2. When I had 8gb of ram and ran a dayz epoch chernarus server with 50/50 players it used ~5-6gb of ram.

    (Edit: the entire machine used that amount)
    So the server is not that ram heavy.

    Ram is more of a point to make applications run smoother and be able to handle more calculations. Faster the better. 
    Stay with 16gb of ram for now unless you notice your server lacking in that section. 

    My current machine runs 32gb of ram.

    So in short, the server would not suffer much. 

    Try compare the price and the server specs to other hosting companies and see which ones give you the best offer. 
    Remember though, always check for customer reviews!

  3. TCAdmin is not needed unless you plan to rehost servers or if you want to have some funky web access to the server. 
    (You can always go for free alternatives like ISPConfig: http://www.ispconfig.org/)

    Yea, that hardware should support 4 maps, no problem.


    SSD is good, the thing is though. The arma 2 folder can become quite big and you'd often want some space left over. 

    (I myself run a single HDD 1gb)


    The ram leaves room to be improved upon, especially since they are 1033's. I thought a server of that power would atleast have 1333's.


    I see you're looking at Vilayer

    Contact the support and ask them if they have any solution for you regarding the internet speed. Be mindful though, Vilayer does not offer refunds (atleast not for gameservers, you get some stupid Vilayer credit)


    They mention 1000mbps in network. Howerver I do not know if this is internal or external to the internet.
    What country do you want to host the server in?



    Sadly I do knot know of any other hosting company that offer service in Canada USA (apart from http://OVH.com (Canadian French)).

    You can probably find better and cheaper servers than that, however, most of them are located in Europe, take for example companies like:

    http://oneprovider.com/  (I believe they are resellers of OVH servers) (French)

    http://www.online.net/en (Not sure these also resell OVH servers) (French)

    http://www.hetzner.de/ (The one I use) (German)

    Edit: Sorry, Kansas is not in Canada, it's in the US, my bad.

  4. You generally have to rent the windows license. ~25€ is the average price I guess.

    (For windows server 2012)

    Things you might want to ignore: (From personal experience)

    - Fuck all kinds of addons like CPanel and Plesk (Costs more A MONTH and does absolutley jack shit in my opinion)


    Things you might want to do:

    - Win 2008 r2 web server is actually not bad, it's generally cheaper and works just as well. (afaik).

    - Get software that does what you want to do, ideally find the lowest cost for it or some that does not cost anything at all. (Referring to FireDaemon restarter, does good stuff but is costly.)


    TCAdmin is only needed if you want to be fancy. It's not needed most of the times if you get root access to the server through lets say, remote desktop.

    (There are free alternatives to these! Always check the free alternatives before deciding to go with something like TCAdmin or the other addons like the ones I mentioned earlier)

    The thing you want to focus in this case is the network. DayZ requires abit of network since its uploading constantly. 100mbit can throttle some, try looking for something of atleast 200 (if possible and in price range).

    The CPU is more than enough, even though they are 2.5ghz. I'm not sure if you really need a double E5520 though.

    Ram is good and hard drive is good.


    Unmetered bandwith is perfect!

    So ideally you'd want a bit more upload speed. Say for example, does the service provide you're looking at offer a MAXIMUM of 100mbit upload or, 100mbit guaranteed?  - Always worth checking out.

    Some providers are quite sneaky with this and you'll have to contact them in order to get the real information. I know OVH.com only gave me a max of 100mbit upload, while my current gives me minimum of 300; and I usually get around 700-900mbit up and down.


    A few questions:


    Maximum of 100mbit or minimum of 100mbit?

    How many servers do you aim towards hosting?

    What type of RAM is it? (Ghz, dddr etc)

    What type of HDD is it? 

    Can you pick SSD?

    What's the cost you're looking at?

    What Company are you looking at?

    What Location are you looking at?

  5. They both do the same thing, more or less. The bracket, to my knowledge only indicates that the execVM syntax is executing additional argument or strings.

    For example, my towing exec:

    if (isServer) then {
    	[true] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	[] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"

    So it would mean that, anything that's been passed through the brackets also gets passed through to the executed .sqf file.
    As the example above, i pass the true statement even if the server is not dedicated. Which means the R3F starts regardeless. 

    null = [farts,1234] execVM "stuff.sqf"; //or was it nill?
    //and in the stuff.sqf you need to place for example:
    //to access the different elements
    _farts = _this select 0;
    _numbers = _this select 1; //

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. Here is my loadout script, I execvm it from the init.sqf though. 

    //Default Loadout - Obviously default
    DefaultMagazines = ["ItemPainkiller","ItemAntibiotic","ItemMorphine","ItemHeatPack","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","7Rnd_45ACP_1911","7Rnd_45ACP_1911"];
    DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight","ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemHatchet_DZE","ItemMap","Colt1911","ItemToolbox"];
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
    //Admin Loadout Not - In - Use
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0"]) then {  
    DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","ItemBloodbag","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodSteakCooked","20Rnd_B_AA12_74Slug","20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets","20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets","ItemGoldBar10oz"];
    DefaultWeapons = ["glock17_EP1","AA12_PMC","Binocular_Vector","NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","ItemWatch","ItemKnife","Itemtoolbox","ItemCrowbar","Itemetool","ItemHatchet"];
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1";
    DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";

    That is correct yes. 
    Ammo, bandages and that of its like in DefaultMagazines
    Weapons (primary and secondary), toolboxes and binoculars etc in Default Weapons

  7. The above example will output: Expression is false, quit at step 2. So here it is, my lazy evaluation for ArmA tutorial.


    Well normal if functions would require all values to return true (in arma2) in order to post the message. This one returns all values up intill the false value.

    I don't know which bracket you refer to but yes, if you only call on a then b & _c won't matter.


    private ["_result","_step"];   
    _result = "is false";  
    a = {
        _step = "1";  
    scopeName "main";
    while {call a} do {
        _result = "is true";
        breakTo "main";
    hintSilent format ["Expression %1, quit at step %2", _result, _step];

    This would return "Expression is true, quit at step 1". You can ofcourse change the code around but this is just a basic idea.

    It's to make it so that you dont need to do a spiderweb code of if functions.

  8. private ["_result","_step","_c"];   
    _result = "is false";  
    a = {
        _step = "1";  
    b = {  
        _step = "2";  
    _c = {  
        _step = "3";  
    scopeName "main";
    while {call a && b && _c} do {
        _result = "is true";
        breakTo "main";
    hintSilent format ["Expression %1, quit at step %2", _result, _step];

    Is this what you want? It's called Lazy Evaluation:



    Basicly (bool1 .. {bool2} .. {bool3} .. ...). instead of (bool1 .. bool2 .. bool3 .. ...).

  9. Add or change this in your init.sqf: 

    MaxVehicleLimit = 50; // Default = 50

    and open the dynamic_vehicle.sqf located in here:




    and remove any vehicle you feel shouldn't be in, also lower the amount of them that spawn.

  10. Yes, I'm finally done.
    Basicly what this is, it's like the epoch missions but made usable through fn_selfaction and the usage of radios!

    Ofcourse this script is not totally 100% done, there can still be some addition that you, yourself might want to add, but here's the basic concept.


    What does it do?

    When someone loots a Radio, they get an option in the scroll wheel menu to "Use Radio", once used the player will perform an animation and a message will appear, telling them to check the map. 
    On the map there will be a marker, just like the EMS. At the centre of this marker there is a reward.
    To stop constant abuse, the radio will be removed after usage.


    How do I install?


    Step 1: Open fn_selfactions.sqf  and add this:

    (This requires that you already have the fn_selfaction being locally compiled on the server ofcourse.)

    _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);

    Add this below that line:

    ////RADIO TRANS-MISSION get it? it's a pun.
    // This part is inpsired by the selfbloodbag by Krixes @ Opendayz and Player 2 @ ZombZ.net
    _mradio = (magazines player) + (weapons player); 
    if ("ItemRadio" in _mradio) then {
            hasRadio = true;
    		hasRadio = false;
        if((speed player <= 1) && hasRadio && _canDo) then {
            if (s_player_radiomission < 0) then {
                s_player_radiomission = player addaction[("<t color=""#f000ff"">" + ("Use Radio") +"</t>"),"radio\mission\mission.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_radiomission;
           s_player_radiomission = -1;
    ////I'll just show myself out.

    Step 2.

    Download these files and place them in your missions folder.


    Create a folder called radio inside that, create another folder called mission

    Save these codes as:


    mission.sqf (fixed)









    In the end, it should look like this:



    Why did I make an entire script?

    Well, I want to use this aswell! - The radio can be something very rare, a special event type of thing.

    Reminder: these vehicles don't save after restart!

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