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    PetuniaEpoch reacted to raymix in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  2. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to nightmare in Web Based Tools ( PrivateHiveTools )   
    - completly new coded
    - new design
    - much better usability on all things
    - much better live map ( zoom,click/edit/spawn,more maps & maybe a tracker )
    - better rcon tool ( kick, ban, banlist edit, restart, lock, unlock )
    - no installation on hive database required
    - multilingual / german / english / ..???
    new version 2.0 in progress, possible release: may - june 2014
    !   Reality & Lite Hive schemas will not be Supported anymore for version 2.0  !
  3. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to armyf35 in [Release] Advanced DayZ Epoch Heli Lift   
    make sure in fn_selfactions.sqf at the top where it says 
    private ["_isWreckBuilding","_temp_keys","_magazinesPlayer","_isPZombie","_vehicle","_inVehicle","_hasFuelE","_hasRawMeat","_hasKnife","_hasToolbox","_onLadder","_nearLight","_canPickLight","_canDo","_text","_isHarvested","_isVehicle","_isVehicletype","_isMan","_traderType","_ownerID","_isAnimal","_isDog","_isZombie","_isDestructable","_isTent","_isFuel","_isAlive","_Unlock","_lock","_buy","_dogHandle","_lieDown","_warn","_hastinitem","_allowedDistance","_menu","_menu1","_humanity_logic","_low_high","_cancel","_metals_trader","_traderMenu","_isWreck","_isRemovable","_isDisallowRepair","_rawmeat","_humanity","_speed","_dog","_hasbottleitem","_isAir","_isShip","_playersNear","_findNearestGens","_findNearestGen","_IsNearRunningGen","_cursorTarget","_isnewstorage","_itemsPlayer","_ownerKeyId","_typeOfCursorTarget","_hasKey","_oldOwner","_combi","_key_colors","_player_deleteBuild","_player_flipveh","_player_lockUnlock_crtl","_player_butcher","_player_studybody","_player_cook","_player_boil","_hasFuelBarrelE","_hasHotwireKit","_player_SurrenderedGear","_isSurrendered","_isModular","_ownerKeyName","_temp_keys_names","_hasAttached","_allowTow","_liftHeli","_found","_posL","_posC","_height","_liftHelis","_attached"]; add 
    ,"_lightweight","_mediumweight","_heavyweight","_superheavyweight" after "_attached" and inside the bracket
    I've just spent like an hour before I realized that  :(
  4. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in DZE_vehicleAmmo   
    DZE_vehicleAmmo was scraped due to unresolvable issues with the command we used and ArmA. Along with the ammo less _DZE versions I also made _DZ versions of all the stock armed vehicles in epoch, these versions will spawn with one magazine per weapon instead of 4-6 like stock classes do. 
  5. Like
  6. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to WGC GeekGarage in Add wholesale bulk cinder blocks AND bulk vehicle parts to traders?   
    Here is a copy of one of my napf wholesalers

    // North Wholesaler
    menu_Profiteer2_EP1 = [
    [["CinderBlocks","ItemGoldBar",25,2,"buy","Gold Bar","Cinder Blocks",101],["MortarBucket","ItemGoldBar10oz",25,5,"buy","Gold Bar 10oz","Mortar Buckets",101],["ItemSandbag","ItemGoldBar10oz",25,5,"buy","Gold Bar 10oz","Sandbags",101],["ItemPole","ItemGoldBar",30,3,"buy","Gold Bars","Metal Poles",101],["ItemSandbagExLarge5X","ItemBriefcase100oz",10,1,"buy","Full Gold Briefcase","H-Barrier Large",101],["metal_floor_kit","ItemBriefcase100oz",20,1,"buy","Full Gold Briefcase","Metal Floor",101]],

    Try it out on my napf server at
  7. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Achmed in Add wholesale bulk cinder blocks AND bulk vehicle parts to traders?   
    I know it's not the same as how it's currently done but would it not be possible to change the amount of the item you are given. Same way as to how you need 2 10 oz gold bars but round the other way so you get 2 items for the price?
  8. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Spectral in [HOWTO / RELEASE] Keep your plot pole after you die!!!   
    I created a MySQL trigger that will update a characters plot pole with their new CharacterID once they die.
    In MySQL Workbench CE connect to your mysql server. open the dayz_epoch db right click on character_data and select 'Alter Table' click on the Triggers tab at the bottom. Select After Insert from the list and click Add Trigger Replace the generated code with the below and select Apply DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dayz_epoch.`character_data_AINS_plot`; CREATE TRIGGER `dayz_epoch.character_data_AINS_plot` AFTER INSERT ON dayz_epoch.character_data FOR EACH ROW -- Edit trigger body code below this line. Do not edit lines above this one BEGIN DECLARE oldCharacterID INT; SELECT CharacterID INTO oldCharacterID FROM dayz_epoch.character_data WHERE PlayerUID = new.PlayerUID AND Alive = '0' ORDER BY CharacterID Desc LIMIT 1; IF (oldCharacterID IS NOT NULL) THEN UPDATE dayz_epoch.object_data SET CharacterID = new.CharacterID WHERE Classname = 'Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ' AND CharacterID = oldCharacterID; END IF; END My next attempt will be to have the characters buildables follow them as well so that they can remove their walls and what not.
    What this does sets the players previous plot pole from their old characterID to their new characterID when they rejoin and select a new character.
    In addition to the above I have written scripts so that you do NOT have to restart the server... I have tested these and have worked for me.
    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo file and open compile/server_playerLogin.sqf. find 
    dayzPlayerLogin = [_charID,_inventory,_backpack,_survival,_isNew,dayz_versionNo,_model,_isHiveOk,_newPlayer,_isInfected]; at the bottom and just before this line add
    if (_isNew) then { diag_log format["Player %1 Character %2 is NEW", _playerID, _charID]; [_charID, _playerID, _playerObj] call server_changePlotsOwner; }; open server_functions.sqf and add 
    DeadPlayerPlotObjects = []; just above
    BIS_Effects_Burn = {}; now find
    server_maintainArea = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_maintainArea.sqf"; and add this code just below it
    server_changePlotsOwner = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_changePlotsOwner.sqf";  open server_playerDied.sqf
    _newObject setVariable["processedDeath",diag_tickTime]; if (typeName _minutes == "STRING") then { _minutes = parseNumber _minutes; }; diag_log ("PDEATH: Player Died " + _playerID); and add the below code just above it
    _allPoleObjs = allMissionObjects "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"; _playerOwnedPlots = []; diag_log format["Running pole stuff for char %1", _characterID]; diag_log format["All Poles: %1", _allPoleObjs]; { diag_log format["Pole: %1",_x]; _ownerID = _x getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; diag_log format["Owner of pole: %1", _ownerID]; if (_ownerID == _characterID) then { diag_log format["Owner: %1 == Char: %2", _ownerID, _characterID]; _playerOwnedPlots set [(count _playerOwnedPlots), _x]; }; } forEach (_allPoleObjs); diag_log format["Player owned plots: %1", _playerOwnedPlots]; _player_death_object_record = [ _characterID, _playerID, _playerOwnedPlots ]; diag_log format["Player death records: %1", _player_death_object_record]; DeadPlayerPlotObjects set [(count DeadPlayerPlotObjects), _player_death_object_record]; diag_log format["DeadPlayerObjects: %1", DeadPlayerPlotObjects]; now create a new file in the /compile folder called server_changePlotsOwner.sqf and add
    private ["_charID", "_playerID", "_playerObj", "_oldCharID", "_playaID", "_plots", "_removePlayerObjects", "_loc", "_dir", "_objCharID", "_classname", "_obj"]; _charID = _this select 0; _playerID = _this select 1; _playerObj = _this select 2; //Check if player had any plots diag_log ("Hello New player"); diag_log format["Your ID: %1 - %2 - %3", _playerID, _playerObj, _charID]; diag_log DeadPlayerPlotObjects; diag_log format["Dead players count: %1", (count DeadPlayerPlotObjects)]; { diag_log format["player object found: %1",_x]; _oldCharID = _x select 0; _playaID = _x select 1; _plots = _x select 2; diag_log format["Old Character: %1 PlayerID: %2 Plots: %3", _oldCharID, _playaID, _plots]; if (count _plots > 0) then { if (_playaID == _playerID) then { // User was found { // assign plots to new character diag_log format["Type: %1", typeOf _x]; _x setVariable ["CharacterID", _charID, true]; diag_log format["Plot %1 is now owned by %2", _x, _x getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]]; } forEach (_plots); _removePlayerObjects set [count _removePlayerObjects, _x]; }; }; } forEach (DeadPlayerPlotObjects); DeadPlayerPlotObjects = DeadPlayerPlotObjects - _removePlayerObjects; Thats it... feel free to remove the diag_log lines if you want. Now save all the files and repack your dayz_server.pbo file.
    I'm trying to get object swapping to work so that there is no need for the database triggers but having issues with that part. For now the above works fine
  9. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to NoxSicarius in [Release] Epoch Admin Tools V1.10.0   
    This was changed a few updates ago. There are now TWO repairs. Point To Repair TEMP and Point To Repair PERM.
  10. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from MrAlfred in 2nd instance of Chernarus & Reboot Scripts :S   
    Wow! What's the point in multiple MySQL installs??? lolz
    I've just got one MySQL install but use different databases :) - My MySQL server & data on a separate HD (ssd) too tho :)
  11. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from MrAlfred in 2nd instance of Chernarus & Reboot Scripts :S   
    EDIT: Although I did search the forums first and not find the answer, I THINK I've found it here - Testing now!
    EDIT 2: ^^^ That link and the answer below by MrAlfred solved it :D
    Hey all :)

    So I want to run a 2nd instance of Chernarus, NOT using the same DB - entirely isolated, different server files etc)

    Here's what I've done in prep:
    Made a new instance folder with battleye/BEC etc Made a new @dayz_epoch_server folder, called '@DayZ_Epoch_Server_V2' which has the server pbo > Edited the folder name of the mission file folder that sits within the server PBO Made a new mission side folder (in MPMissions) Edited init.sqf and BEC config to reflect the new instance Made a new MySQL database and added the stock SQL Edited the hive.ini to reflect the new MySQL DB name My question:
    Currently I reboot my single instance by a batch file called from the BEC scheduler that:
    Checks for 'arma2oaserver.exe' and kills the process if it finds it running (after several in-game warnings of course!) Checks if MySQL is running & reboots it if it is Checks if BEC is running and reboots that too  
    Now, what I'm worried about is that this method may kill all servers running AND MySQL - effecting both servers AND BEC - effecting both servers - or even the wrong server :S
    What would be the best method to be able to reboot each server instance individually? :D
    Thanks in advance!
  12. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from computermancer in AI guards for bases...   
    So there is a lot of discussion about bases being perma or not...
    The argument for perma bases (which I am for, by the way!), is that it's not fair that someone can spend weeks building a base, only to have it removed in one evening when they are not online. 
    The argument against perma bases seem to be that its more realistic, I see the point here too - IRL, people WOULD be able to raid & destroy your bases, although not as easily as when someone leaves the game IRL for work/sleep etc!
    That's the point here then, right? In Real Life, you'd ALWAYS have someone at the base - hell, you'd likely sleep there and have someone posted on guard to wake everyone to defend it if needed, right? Trouble is, we can't do that on DayZ, as we ALL need sleep, some go to school/college/work etc...
    So how about being able to 'buy' from the traders (hire?) a small group of AI guards (a set number, like 1 sniper, 2 gunner, 1 scout and a medic?) that are only friendly to your GUID or PlayerUID (database)?
    Obviously this would mean trouble for your clan mates, but then again, there could be a warning with 60 seconds to enter the right PIN code for the guard. The AI guards, when purchased, would appear at your base (plot pole? - so you'd have to have a placed pole to be able to purchase).
    This way, players bases are guarded while they sleep or work IRL, but they are not perma, as if bandits are good, they will be able to wipe out all the guards then destroy/raid the base.
    Prob quite a bit of coding, but I'd love to see this, and I'd even be happier using Epochs non-perma base building if I knew it was guarded so that one lonely sad geek couldn't wander up with a few tools and take it all apart unhindered!!!
  13. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to adg in Call a server-side script from client side (eg. via admin tools)   
    That will not work. Look into publicVariable and publicVariableEventHandler
  14. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [How To] Add Epochs Building Scripts to Right-Click Options (by Petunia)   
    let me work some thing out and post it so we can have this working properly, give me a day to do it, as i have a community to run, and is currently working on some private scripts
  15. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from SideShowFreak in [How To] Add Epochs Building Scripts to Right-Click Options (by Petunia)   
    This little tutorial I've placed here as the question was asked by 'phone_guy' here: 
    This tweak will allow you to add the ability to right-click on an object and build something, with EPOCH's up/down placement system and save it to the database.
    I'm certainly NOT an SQF genius (AT ALL!) so feel free to advise changes!
    Right-click system by Maca!
    Epoch base building script tweaks by Me!
    Of course MASSIVE creds to the EPOCH guys for the base building method in the first place :D
    1) You have added the right-click options mod by Maca134 (kudos to Maca for this wicked mod!) (here: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4834-add-right-click-options-to-items/)
    2) You know a little bit about SQF
    1) Place the following code in a file called 'buildwell.sqf'
    2) Using Maca's system, call this file by a right-click option (e.g. on a waterbottle, etc)
    3) For other objects, change the variable I've commented above/below
    4) If you change the object built, check near the end of the file and change the congratulations message accordingly!
    Note: I've pulled a bit of code out of the one I use on my server as I had a few extra's in there too... IF anyone gets an error with this let me know and I'll throw this version up on my test server to see what's wrong! It 'should' work perfectly though :D
    Note 2: SOMETIMES an item may suddenly jump up in the air after being placed! It sets back to the correct position after a restart. Not sure why it does this, but as it's only sometimes AND it corrects itself after reboot, I don't mind too much! (Seems to happen LESS if you place the item a few inches lower in the ground!)
    Here's the file:

  16. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from xBowBii in [How To] Add Epochs Building Scripts to Right-Click Options (by Petunia)   
    It 'should' do I think :)
    I've tried it with water wells, static guns and fuel pumps - no reason warehouses shouldn't work :D
    Just be careful to get the right classname if you want loot to spawn (LAND_ vs MAP_ etc)
  17. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from xBowBii in [How To] Add Epochs Building Scripts to Right-Click Options (by Petunia)   
    This little tutorial I've placed here as the question was asked by 'phone_guy' here: 
    This tweak will allow you to add the ability to right-click on an object and build something, with EPOCH's up/down placement system and save it to the database.
    I'm certainly NOT an SQF genius (AT ALL!) so feel free to advise changes!
    Right-click system by Maca!
    Epoch base building script tweaks by Me!
    Of course MASSIVE creds to the EPOCH guys for the base building method in the first place :D
    1) You have added the right-click options mod by Maca134 (kudos to Maca for this wicked mod!) (here: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4834-add-right-click-options-to-items/)
    2) You know a little bit about SQF
    1) Place the following code in a file called 'buildwell.sqf'
    2) Using Maca's system, call this file by a right-click option (e.g. on a waterbottle, etc)
    3) For other objects, change the variable I've commented above/below
    4) If you change the object built, check near the end of the file and change the congratulations message accordingly!
    Note: I've pulled a bit of code out of the one I use on my server as I had a few extra's in there too... IF anyone gets an error with this let me know and I'll throw this version up on my test server to see what's wrong! It 'should' work perfectly though :D
    Note 2: SOMETIMES an item may suddenly jump up in the air after being placed! It sets back to the correct position after a restart. Not sure why it does this, but as it's only sometimes AND it corrects itself after reboot, I don't mind too much! (Seems to happen LESS if you place the item a few inches lower in the ground!)
    Here's the file:

  18. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to cen in I can`t sell spawned vehicles   
    This is correct.
    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999)); _object setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true]; _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
  19. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to ValdisMD in Classname of Ramp document?   
    ItemDocumentRamp - document wood_ramp_kit - the actual ramp
  20. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to ChesterCheetoz in Just good Base(ALTAR)   
    You did fine, don't listen to some of these people. Even if it's something some of us won't use, we appreciate the effort and contribution.  Thank you.
  21. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Kroenen in 1.0.4 to - Details of which files were patched?   
    That would be amazing if they could, but as you say...they all do a great job of building the mod, and their support on these forums is second to none!
  22. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from Uro in Just good Base(ALTAR)   
    AntonioMaster - Don't worry what people say or if they like it or not, I think it's a good effort :)
    Keep em coming - the fun's in the making, right :D
  23. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to AntonioMaster in Just good Base(ALTAR)   
    [] ExecVM "addons\Maps\altar.sqf";   just post in your INIT at the end where addons\Maps=your folder .HAVE fun))))!!!!!
  24. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Kind-Sir in How do you admin your server?   
    I created a few custom PHP scripts that would convert database backups into time slices along with area slices, so I am able to restore a certain area of a map and see who was where and what happened based on the database backups.
    They are not at all secure, and still have a lot of improvement.

    Might package them into a tool set soon..
  25. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from NateDaBeast in Admin tools add-on - Spawning vehicles to hive, with key in belt   
    EDIT: Updates - Thanks to ToejaM, WattE and MatthewK for spotting & highlighting issues!

    Hi all.
    This little add-on is for people that use blue phoenix's admin tools. However I'm sure if you know what you're doing, you can add this to other admin tools :)
    Credit to Epoch for their brilliant mod, and snippets of this coding (used some of the trader scripts for this), and also inspired by what I saw of the blur tool, and how they work. This may not be coded as cleanly as it could, as I am not an SQL coder as such, I just like to figure out how things work and adapt them... Still, it works for me and I thought maybe others would find it useful so I shared :)
    This add-on will spawn a vehicle, write it to the database, and pop the right key in your toolbelt. You MUST have room in your toolbelt though!
    In file: AdminToolsMain.sqf
    Find the part of the admin tools that has your main admin tools menu, should be inside one of the admin levels (mod/admin/superadmin etc)
    Like this:
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxx"]) then { // super admins adminmenu = [ ["",true], ["Scripts Menu", [2], "#USER:ToolsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],  
    Add this at the end, ensuring you change the number in the square brackets ([2] in the example above), to be the next in the sequence:
    ["Spawn Vehicles With Keys", [8], "#USER:HiveVehicles", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],  
    So for example:
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxx"]) then { // super admins adminmenu = [ ["",true], ["Scripts Menu", [2], "#USER:ToolsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Spawn Vehicles With Keys", [3], "#USER:HiveVehicles", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],  
    NOTICE how the [8] became [3], as it was after the 'Scripts Menu' item that was [2] :)
    Next, towards the end of your admintoolsmain.sqf, but above 'showCommandingMenu "#USER:adminmenu";' entry add this:
    // Adding hive vehicles - check the sqf file and change classnames as desired HiveVehicles = [ ["",true], ["MI17", [2],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveMI17civ.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["UH60", [3],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveUH60.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["HMMV m2", [4],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveHMMVm2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["UH1Y", [5],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveUH1Y.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["lil bird", [6],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hivebird.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Chinook", [7],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hivechinook.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Armed SUV", [8],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveArmedSUV.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Charcoal SUV", [9],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hiveCharcoalSUV.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Next page", [12], "#USER:HiveVehicles2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ];   HiveVehicles2 = [ ["",true], ["Osprey", [2],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hivemv22.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Next page", [12], "#USER:HiveVehicles2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ];    
    Then, in the folder 'admintools\vehicles\' you need the sqf file for each of the above vehicles.
    I'll paste the code for the last one (hivemv22.sqf) below. You just change the filename and classname for each :)

    You NEED to be in the open for this to work!
    I hope this works for you guys, it works for me!
    I'm off out now, but will check tomorrow to see if anyone has any questions :D
    Sorry if the instructions are not very good! This is my first attempt at a tut!
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