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    Chino reacted to lwbuk in It does not work _bodycheck   
    Wow, the most un-informative post ever. I assume you are referring to Ess spawn select.
    next time, list a little more information instead of letting people guess.
    Add this code in server_playerdied.sqf
    _newObject setVariable ["bodyUID", _playerID, true];   below   _newObject setVariable ["bodyName", _victimName, true];
  2. Like
    Chino reacted to SideShowFreak in delete broken open vehicles and vehicles   
    so you want no default naturally spawned map vehicles?
    in your init.sqf  change to
    MaxVehicleLimit = 0;
    i would guess,  you will have to manually remove the vehicles already in the DB though.   
  3. Like
    Chino got a reaction from Mr.Exodus in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    no, not give any mistake .. if you follow the steps as such this should go in the most correct way. :) 
  4. Like
    Chino got a reaction from juandayz in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    hahaha yes juan :) thx for the help bro!!
  5. Like
    Chino reacted to juandayz in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    Really Nice!!!!!! its the Debug of your Dreams Chino haah!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!
    now u can sell it for $50 :D ; ) haha
  6. Like
    Chino got a reaction from juandayz in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    This debug is very similar to one offered by a service. After so long, I armed my own Latin American server. I had everything in place as wanted, but something was missing .. I was missing the debug.
    I've been looking for various topics, several forums, or maybe if there was someone who could share it with the community, and I have not succeeded. So why (besides being a beginner) I read about how.
    I will come to share that secure more than one (like me) you are looking for.
    Step 1) Go to your "MPMissions" folder, then "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus" (or as your folder is called). If you have a folder named "Custom" in there create a folder called "Debug" and create a file with the following custom_monitor.sqf in and keep within it.
    Step 2) Within the "Debug" folder create another debug_init.sqf file with the following.
    IMPORTANT: This debug is hidden by mouse wheel. Since doing so by a key is broken.
    Step 3) Go to your "init.sqf" and go to the bottom of everything and paste the following.
    If all goes well, when you open the server will see the debug so. View image. :)
    Well, I hope you like it. It's my first "edition" you could say, so try to do it the best way. I hope to move forward and continue sharing.
    Many thanks to user "Juandayz" for all the support he gave me.
    See you soon!

  7. Like
    Chino reacted to Linux in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    Nice debug, thank's for share
  8. Like
    Chino got a reaction from Linux in [RELEASE] Custom Debug Monitor   
    This debug is very similar to one offered by a service. After so long, I armed my own Latin American server. I had everything in place as wanted, but something was missing .. I was missing the debug.
    I've been looking for various topics, several forums, or maybe if there was someone who could share it with the community, and I have not succeeded. So why (besides being a beginner) I read about how.
    I will come to share that secure more than one (like me) you are looking for.
    Step 1) Go to your "MPMissions" folder, then "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus" (or as your folder is called). If you have a folder named "Custom" in there create a folder called "Debug" and create a file with the following custom_monitor.sqf in and keep within it.
    Step 2) Within the "Debug" folder create another debug_init.sqf file with the following.
    IMPORTANT: This debug is hidden by mouse wheel. Since doing so by a key is broken.
    Step 3) Go to your "init.sqf" and go to the bottom of everything and paste the following.
    If all goes well, when you open the server will see the debug so. View image. :)
    Well, I hope you like it. It's my first "edition" you could say, so try to do it the best way. I hope to move forward and continue sharing.
    Many thanks to user "Juandayz" for all the support he gave me.
    See you soon!

  9. Like
    Chino reacted to Shawn in several questions needed   
    1) I'm not too sure what you mean, but if you want to change the humanity required to access either hero or bandit trader, it is in fn_selfActions.sqf:
    Find and edit this part to your liking.
    if((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000); }; if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hostile") then { _low_high = "high"; _humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000); }; if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000); }; 2) If you want to edit humanity based on who kills who, here is a link I found: 
    3) For changing humanity when you kill a zombie, go into dayz_code\compile\local_eventKill.sqf and copy it to your mission pbo. 
    Then of course change the path to local_eventKill in your compiles.sqf
    You can now edit it to your liking, for example:
    private ["_zed","_killer","_kills","_array","_type","_humanity"]; _array = _this select 0; _zed = _array select 0; _killer = _array select 1; _type = _this select 1; if (local _zed) then { _kills = _killer getVariable[_type,0]; _killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true]; _humanity = _killer getVariable["humanity",0]; _humanity = _humanity + 25; _killer setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true]; _coinReward = _killer getVariable["cashMoney",0]; _killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_coinReward + 50),true]; }; This local_eventKill.sqf will give 25 humanity, but also 50 coins as a reward for each zombie kill.
    4) Blood Bag - copy dayz_code\medical\transfusion.sqf to the mission pbo, and change the path in compiles.sqf
    Then in transfusion.sqf, find 
    [player,100] call player_humanityChange; And change the 100 to whatever.
    The rest is pretty much the same, i'm sure i've given enough information for you to do the rest yourself :)
  10. Like
    Chino got a reaction from juandayz in several questions needed   
    Good community. I'm looking for your help. I want to edit several things and I'll leave here below:
    1) Edit humanity with which to be villain and hero, I want it to be: + 5000k -5000k hero and villain. From where and how I edit it?
    2) Mankind when one kills the other, this way:
    Kills Bandit Bandit
    Neutral Kills Bandit
    Hero Kills Bandit
    Neutral Kills Bandit
    Neutral Neutral Kills
    Neutral Kills Hero
    Hero Kills Bandit
    Hero Kills Neutral
    Hero Hero Kills
    As I can edit each of those?
    3) Humanity is killed when a zombie
    4) And mankind to help a colleague to give blood, bandaging, give or painkiller morphine.
    Well, I have been looking but I did not find the way. I hope you can help me because I need just that to finish my server. Thank you so much guys. (And sorry for my English, I use an online translator).
  11. Like
    Chino reacted to BigEgg in [Release] Restrict building near defined areas   
    So you currently have a rule that states you can not build within a certain distance of Military barracks etc..... Although making it a rule is easy, making it impossible is almost easier. No deleting bases or having to constantly be on the look out.
    You will need:
    Notepad++ (or a software of your choice)
    player_build.sqf (can be found in your snap build folder)
    Step one: 
    Open up your init.sqf and add this to the very bottom:
    ServerIllegalRadius = 500;   ServerNoBuildList = [ "Land_Mil_ControlTower", "Land_SS_hangar", "Land_Mil_Barracks_i", "Land_Mil_Barracks", "Land_budova4_in", "HeliHEmpty" ]; Step two:
    At the top of player_build.sqf add these to the end of the Private line:
    "_posrad","_cntrad" Step three:
    Find this line in player_build.sqf:
    if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; }; Under it add:
    _posrad = [player] call FNC_GetPos; _cntrad = count (nearestObjects [_posrad, ServerNoBuildList, ServerIllegalRadius]);   if (_cntrad > 0) then { _cancel = true; _reason = format["- Building is restricted %1m near Trader Cities and Millitary Loot Areas", ServerIllegalRadius]; };   Hope it helps :)
  12. Like
    Chino got a reaction from juandayz in Debug Monitor Infistar   
    LOL. He had asked if he could share it with me, as good wave, and told me he charged me 50 dollars. I did not think it would have to pay for something you might find it in the forum. :( 
  13. Like
    Chino reacted to juandayz in Debug Monitor Infistar   
    create a sqf called custom_monitor.sqf
    2-Now create a sqf called : debug_init.sqf
    3-Paste this 2 sqf into  /MPMISSION/YOURINSTANCE/custom/debug/
    4-go at bottom of your init.sqf and paste:
    **Note: You Can toogle whit scroll menu.
    **my debug is in spanish but this files are in english
    ***you can change colorus as raymix said:
    for example in this line:
    <t color='#009FCF' size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Online:</t><t color='#F2EA00' size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    first is for the "Online" word  second is for number to count how many players are online.
  14. Like
    Chino reacted to Shawn in Debug Monitor Infistar   
    He charged you 50 bucks for a debug monitor you can get for free? Jesus.
  15. Like
    Chino reacted to creativv in How to install mods (plugins?)   
    This video by raymix got me to understand the most about epoch scripting .
    Well explained and was a life saver when i started out .
  16. Like
    Chino reacted to mgm in How to install mods (plugins?)   
    so HeidiSQL is a tool to interact with your SQL database - it does not affect the way you would script your Arma2 server.
    XAMPP is also the database (plus others) package - again it does not affect the way you would script your Arma2 server.
    in short, your Arma2Epoch setup is no different than others when it comes to adding/testing/modifying scripts.
    if you go and watch any scripting video, the information you will gain is valid for your server. 
    here is one Arma scripting tutorial video series (playlist) for you. there are 17 videos you don't need to watch all but watch one or two to get a handle on scripting:
    once again, when you do your prep work and get stuck at any point, that's when we can (and happy to) help you. 
    but asking "how 2 script?" is just too much - nobody have  that much time to assist you from zero to hero. hope you understand!
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