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Posts posted by Hoplox

  1. 8 hours ago, Joshyy said:


    The higher the CPU on the list, the better for hosting an ArmA server.
    Storage only affects the startup time of your server, make sure you have 8gb of ram or 4gb if your using linux, and tune your MySQL according to your specs.


    Looking at your specs your CPU is the best one for hosting an ArmA server. Those specs should give you the best performance... try disabling hyper-threading too. Arma was only using 5-12% cpu at max with my server then i disabled hyperthreading and now it uses up to 40% cpu.

    Do OVH allow disabling hyper threading? How do i do it?

  2. Hey, just something I've been wondering for a while, what would be the best specs to host ARMA 2 servers on? Currently i'm hosting on OVH MC-32 with the current specs:

    • I7-4790k 4.3Ghz
    • 32GB RAM
    • 2 x 240GB SSD
    • Windows 2012 R2 Server

    We're currently looking to upgrade to a server with better specs but i'd like to ask everyone what specs are you running and what kind of performance are you getting? I've been told a few times using a normal home CPU such as our current one instead of a E3 / E5 server CPU is not recommended but I've also heard the higher the clock speed the better the performance depending on single core stats. What are you opinions?


  3. 29 minutes ago, chi said:

    I was wondering if anything ever came along to allow single currency with database traders. 

    I like the fact that the traders have an inventory and can run out of stuff if players don't sell things to them.

    Thanks in advance for your responses!!

    I'd recommend not using database traders and it will probably be better performance wise to stick with the custom file traders.

  4. Recently I've come across a method of duping vehicles through virtual garage in which, when two players take a vehicle out at the same time, 2 of the same vehicle spawns. This can be easily fixed by following these steps:

    1. Find your garage_spawnvehicle.sqf

    2. Find the line 

    _vehname = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_vehicle select 0) >> "displayName");

    Place this UNDER it:

    //Dupe Check//
    _dupecheck = count nearestObjects [player, ["CAManBase"], 10];
    if ((_dupecheck) > 1) exitWith {cutText [format["[Antidupe] You cannot spawn the vehicle with another player/zombie within 10m of you"], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; 

    This check makes sure there is not another player within 10 metres distance from you, so they cannot have the option to withdraw a vehicle. The distance may have to be changed depending on the distance range in which you have the option to withdraw in your fn_selfactions.

    If there is another player within the 10m radius, it will not allow you to withdraw the vehicle.

    3. Your are done!

    4. I use this script on my very own server and it works fine so far.

    Hope this worked for you guys. Have a great day. Feel free to like!

    Credits to - 0verHeaT for making Virtual Garage.

  5. 20 hours ago, lwbuk said:

    Thanks Ebay, thats solved the black screen issue, but Im still having to wait 90 seconds or more for the database to load. At least Im on the waiting for Auth... screen rather than black! Just now I even got kicked back to lobby and had to re log where it took another 80 seconds on top, even though nothing has changed since the first restart and login where it took 90 seconds.

    There are about 6k items in the database, but I use the same database and files on 3 other servers and all load in under half the time this new dedi server is.

    It must be an sql issue im sure, but I just dont know what to change in the my.ini and basic.cfg to get the most from it.

    If you could help with that Id be forever grateful!



    I'm also using MC-32 Game server hosted in France.

    https://mysqltuner.codeplex.com/ Download that and use it to tell you what you need to change and how to optimize your my.ini. Also i recommend just installing the latest version of MYSQL server instead of using XAMPP, i noticed a slight performance increase by doing so. I run a Overpoch server with 60 Slots and have around 30-50 players on most of the time.

    You can also check this out:https://forums.dayz.com/topic/51542-psa-server-admins-how-to-optimize-your-dayz-server-for-maximum-performance/

    Here is my basic.cfg


    Hope this helps! If you need more help, feel free to pm me!


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