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Posts posted by Sneer

  1. On 12/10/2019 at 8:52 AM, Kreefthond said:

    Hello everyone,

    I've been trying to setup a private server for local use, and I've been trying for days to get this script working. I keep getting the same error @Sneer gets; HALV_Spawn_map.LineMarker

    It always occurs when players access the menu, and after this they are stuck in the spawn chamber.

    Now I've also seen that I dont get the spawn options for ChernarusRedux, there are only three available options. None of them work. ( in the .rpt it also says remoteexec not allowed, but I'm not using battleEye since its for LAN only )

    I'm not an expert on this field, so I probably got it configured wrong. But I'm absolutely clueless. Does someone know how to fix this?


    PS. I found it weird that there's no ChernarusRedux in the spawn_locations.sqf, only Chernarus. Do I need to change the name Chernarus to ChernarusRedux?

    ( if someone needs some files, let me know. I can upload files at a later time today if necessary )

    Thanks in advance!



    EDIT: Figured out Epoch was still blocking some code from running, fixed it!

    Did you fix the HALV_Spawn_map.LineMarker error? I still get this error.


  2. 11 minutes ago, He-Man said:

    I have changed the script, so it can also be used in Editor.
    - Run you Epoch Mission file in Editor
    - Place all Vehicles you want to configure for the ServicePoint
    - Run this Script in console
    - Read out the Variable "NewVehiclesAndAmmo"
    - Paste the array you get from the variable into an empty file
    - Replace all [ by {
    - Replace all ] by }
    - Replace all 999999 by the price you want for the Ammo
    - Add it to cfgservicepoint


    Sure, you have to add some line breaks, to make it a bit easier to get an overview. But in general, you get a final config (with the above changes)


    Thank you! I'll try it out tonight.


  3. Does anyone have this script working so the tanks from the tanks DLC can rearm weapons?

    With the Tanks DLC the only thing you can re-arm are the machine guns on these tanks, I'm guessing they changed the way to add magazines to turrets? I think this also goes for the Jets DLC.


  4. adding this here, it wasn't in the recent update.


    params ["_display","_dikCode","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
    _handled = false;
    private ["_key"];
    for "_key" from 1 to 20 do {
        If (_dikCode in (actionKeys (format ["User%1",_key]))) exitwith {
            if !((player nearObjects ["Constructions_static_F", 5]) isEqualTo []) then {
                _handled = true;

  5. My server is not up at the moment but somewhere there is an option to delete and recreate any persistence files that are deemed corrupted. Sounds like some terrible workaround, This could be what happened?

    Personally I've never had this problem but I do a persistence wipe with every new update.

  6. I know what your saying but two servers where it all worked from prior all stopped after the update.

    This is what it complains about and spams the logs since the update: 9:55:58 Warning Message: Bad vehicle type

    I verified all the vehicle class names in a3eai. If I disable all the vehicle spawns, UGV, heli, LandPatrol, etc then the errors stop.

    It works if I disable verifying for classnames, and configuration but I get the spam messages.

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