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Posts posted by KPABATOK

  1. If you manage to make a server without shitty black market traders, then count me in. Will be a regular player and will support it. I've been thinking of making a server myself since they are pretty cheap, just 20 euros a month for 30 slots.

  2. I am willing to pay for 30-40 slot server (anything more is obviously paying for empty slots that will never be filled, in fact, 20 slots is overkill already).

    Only intersested in this because all the rest of Epoch servers that has more than 1 player is flooded with BM traders and other bullshit. Never liked it, never will.

    As a purist, I think Survival Epoch isn't compatible with Black Market. There used to be a server few years ago, called "Pure Epoch" and I intend walking in their footsteps.

    Only necessary addons, like SEM missions and maybe vehicle AI.

    For now I consider two possibilities, one is Epoch with vanilla traders and safezones, another version - no safezone traders. There was a Japanese server KongariBacon that I loved so much too, they had no safe zones and it made a pure survival experience.


    So if anyone would be interested in being a regular player, hmu :D

  3. I have a radical idea - remove safezone traders. :D And make the rest brown traders dynamic (every restart) to avoid camping etc. But that's not gonna happen, unfortunately. I used to play on Japanese server which had no safezones and all traders were dynamic and it worked way better. No safezone camping, spawns were random (relatively) and well, much less drama over "oh he killed me as soon as I left the safezone!".


    Then a bit moderate idea. The way I see it right now is that it is too easy to accumulate crypto over short period of time (you find a safe - sell it and buy any gun you want basically), gun prices are too high for selling or too low for buying, depending how you look at it.

    Anything 7.62 caliber and above should cost more than it is right now. Lynx spawns too frequently. But that's server specific thing, I assume. I constantly find myself dropping them since they do not fit in backpack for selling later.


    An example pistols and light machine guns up to 5.56 could cost from 10 crypto to 800 or something (6.5mm mk2000 could be the top cheapest machinegun for 800 crypto).

    7.62 machine gun (Zafir) could start from 1000 crypto at traders, then other assault, marksmen rifles and sniper rifles could go up to 5000 crypto, lynx and LRR being the top most expensive guns. It would force people loot more, trade between themselves.

    The reason is that getting money in game is easy. Especially if you collect only valuable stuff, like guns, safes, lockboxes, metal, cinder, mortar, gems etc.


  4. When you hover with a mouse on a player and its the name is barely visible if at all, since the colours change (fade) if a player is damaged. So the more player is damaged the harder it is to see his name when getting closer and hovered with a mouse. I think it should be addressed to Epoch developers though since this problem was since the beginning. I think the colour should stay fixed and as bright enough to be able to distinguish the player's name. The damage could be indicated by the circle surrounding player's name, there is no need to change the colours. Because in Arma 3 daylight it becomes invisible.



  5. Amazing! Can't thank you enough.

    I think the spacebar option will be used as last resort anyway and I hope players eventually will learn this. If someone in chat will ask why their base doors do not close, those who know about the issue, admins, or players like me, will inform them about the space bar and to use it if doors get bugged.

  6. Opening/closing/locking/unlocking metal doors work only 50 percent of the time. Usually, well, for me almost always, when I want to lock a gate I need to press OPEN. Or if I want to unlock it I need to open a hatch or close it. I suspect it is server related but it seems fine, no lags elsewhere, so not sure.

    Same issue with gates too.


    Also noticed that putting a backpack into a backpack frequently deletes the additional added backpack when you right click on it to remove it from your backpack. It is just gone, does not appear on the ground. Either when I do it from a ground (find second backpack in loot, put it on my backpack, remove it.. it disappears) or when I do it with safe, if I want to equip a backpack (switch), one of them gets deleted.

  7. With radiation effects, it would be nice if it caused more visual impairment when you are in the zone and reduce it to minimum or zero when you are out of effected zone. Sure, the initial radiation level stays for example, causing blood pressure slowly to rise etc. That way attempting entering such zone would give you death after, let's say 5-10 minutes. And leaving it immediately could heal over time or kill you much much slower. Just a thought.

  8. Ah didn't know about full moon. I thought even this feature were disabled by Bugemia after their update on lightning FX. Yes, that artificial ambient light  is just terrible, like a lantern always following you above your head. Unrealistic to say the least.

  9. I think one of the biggest issues with Night Time in Arma 3 is that on some servers (or maybe most) due to colour correction and other nonsense it becomes everything pitch black so you can not even see 1 meter in front of you. Arma 3 had pretty night times before some 1.6x or whatever update that changed everything. I guess Epoch was at at a time or something.

    No true night is pitch black and should never be in Arma 3 (epoch) but even Bugemia made it worse. Previously night time enabled you to see shadowy figures even at 1 km away just that it was hard to use LR scopes. Current nights (haven't played for a while) are just usually too dark so maybe that's why players hate it. There can be a middle ground to satisfy people who hate nights and people who want nights. Just make nights less dark without necessity to use NVG all the time.

  10. On 8/9/2017 at 7:45 PM, Sneer said:

    I feel epoch needs a new villain, something that comes at night.

    Too bad there is not a single populated server which has night enabled ;) Every such server is baby day mode 24/7. It needs villains that are harder to kill or maybe come in swarms. But focusing on night is bad idea since most people hate it for some reason. Pew pew in a night is challenging and kids these days forgot what games used to be in the 90s and early 00s. They used to be challenging, not holding your hand. But I am rambling here.

  11. I just need 2-5 good servers to choose from without BM bullshit, no tanks or AI (except Epoch original AI) and keeping middle mouse button FREE from advertisements and regular bullshit many admins still try to push. Middle mouse button (and scrolling) is only for opening doors and interacting with environment like Arma 3 intended. Don't touch it.

    Haven't played epoch for few months now, but only because want some new features, preferably, new enemies. I am actually happy that servers are dying, there is no need for 50 servers for such a small mod in comparison. 10-20 is ok, but even they, at least most of them, won't have more than 10 players at a time. Always preferred Vanilla epoch and miss PureEpoch server I used to play for a week until it closed.


    I see I said nothing new here I haven't told before, still wanted to give a shout for this great mod. It's better than DayZ mess for sure.

  12. if walls are built correctly, snapped in place, not placed using free mode, any floor should snap. But you need support for that. Either do it old way using stud walls as support, or current feature of ghost mode, by placing one floor sideways (horizontally, not vertically) as support for the second floor which should snap to a cinder wall or whatever you have. If it is a complicated game.

  13. Not sure what your problem is, but will try to guess. Build first floor sideways (you gonna remove it later), meaning clip it using ghost mode into the walls whatever. As long as it stay in place we do not care about the direction. Once it is finished build second floor on top of the first one normally, using ghost mode snapping and everything however you like.  It should snap correctly and finish. After that remove the first floor. Proceed with other areas using this method. It may seem time consuming at first (but wood is free) but it is fool proof, I have been building sky bases with this.

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