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  1. Like
    natoed reacted to He-Man in Door remote script   
    I like your idea and I have done some more work on it.
    I will rework it a bit, make some configs and give it to you. I think tomorrow evening...
  2. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in Door remote script   
    Can you post the script with all the code (including the group jammer stuff) together?
    Also the scanner range should be a lot smaller than 25km... 
    Ideally this would not be an action but an automatic thing (maybe, can see reasons why not). I use a script from KillZoneKid for the automatic doors at Karvala Hospital and Altis International Airport. Here's the AIA one:
    call { if (!isDedicated || worldName != "Altis") exitWith {}; private ["_fnc","_tr","_side"]; _fnc = { { _tr = createTrigger [ "EmptyDetector", _side modelToWorld _x ]; _tr setVariable ["parent", _side]; _tr setTriggerArea [5, 5, 0, false]; _tr setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _tr setTriggerStatements [ "this", format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 1]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 1]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ], format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 0]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 0]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ] ]; _side setVariable [format [ "bis_disabled_Door_%1", _forEachIndex + 7 ], 1, true]; } forEach _this; }; _side = [14619,16810,0] nearestObject "Land_Airport_left_F"; [ [-0.62,-15.16,-7], [-0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; _side = [14587,16776,0] nearestObject "Land_Airport_right_F"; [ [0.62,-15.16,-7], [0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; }; Should be a way to integrate your idea for a auto-door opener with KZK's scripts maybe...? You just set the triggers on found doors to run the code to open them if you are part of the group at the time you come into the trigger's range
  3. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3E DZMS   
    Couple of things I need to fix (minor things) and will be adding all the missions for those with CUP Terrains Core on their servers. Will provide an update in the morning. Does work and look so much better with CUP Terrains Core (and CUP Weapons/Vehicles for the graphics on the mission notifications)
  4. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    No problem... and when I release LootSpawnerZ you'll have infected at the crash site too  @natoedObviously you will get a look at that before I make it public. Just dealing with the deletion of corpses and working on a LOS mechanism so Zs don't spawn in eyesight of a player and then it should be good to go (and spawns infected at all buildings covered by the enhanced Haljv's LootSpawner with CfgLootPositions.hpp)
  5. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Grahame in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    works great thx @Grahame
  6. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Yes, there were a few bugs in the latest builds. I have been behind the curve with the holiday and all and not posting here when I make updates other than to change the build as appropriate.
  7. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Changes for the experimental branch were merged with the master today.
    Changes include new features and several bug fixes.
    Please see the changelog on the github for a more complete listing of changes.
  8. Like
    natoed reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    This will help get a new map with new buildings into the loot system much easier.

    1. Gather all the new buildings without loot positions already added.
    2. Once you have your list of new buildings, spawn each one in and use this function to get new loot object positions
    3. Now you have to add your new buildings and positions into your epoch config here:

    Here is a list of EPOCH loot object classnames:
    Toilet_EPOCH Filing_EPOCH Shoebox_EPOCH ToolRack_EPOCH ChairRed_EPOCH Chair_EPOCH Table_EPOCH Couch_EPOCH Bunk_EPOCH Bed_EPOCH Pelican_EPOCH Freezer_EPOCH Cabinet_EPOCH Fridge_EPOCH Shelf_EPOCH cooker_epoch locker_epoch wardrobe_epoch Tarp_EPOCH  
  9. Like
  10. Like
    natoed reacted to Drokz in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    Great job :)
  11. Thanks
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    I  always liked the animated helicopter crash spawner in ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch and, with permission, I have ported the latest version provided by @JasonTM to ARMA3/Epoch. It's nice as an enhancement to the existing static ARMA3/Epoch DayZ-Style Helo Crash Sites script or as a replacement. It is great to see a helo flying around for a while and then crash, spilling loot around the burning wreck 
    Note that the version provided requires that you have CUP Terrains Core and CUP Vehicles installed on your server (so you'd be good to go after changing the loot @natoed and @Drokz ).
    It's not that difficult to mod the loot and helos/planes used by the script for vanilla ARMA3 weapons and equipment (that I hate) so I leave that at an exercise for the reader.
    Also note that the helo does not crash at the centre of the marker that appears... it is within that area only!
    Download AnimatedCrashSpawner.sqf from https://github.com/morgoth0/Animated-Crash-Spawner and put it in the EpochEvents folder of your epoch_server_settings PBO.
    Feel free to play with the configuration settings at the top of the file:
    RePBO epoch_server_settings and upload to your server. Then add the following line to the events[] array in @EpochHive/epoch_config.hpp changing the first number to match how often you want the script to run:
    { 2700, "AnimatedCrashSpawner", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, And enjoy!
    Issues/To Dos
    For the life of me I cannot get client side messages about the incoming helos working right now for this script. Tried using the same mechanism as I used in the DZMS system and then the function used in the Message Epoch event but both just made the script silently fail... Will fix asap, but the script works fine without them and the marker is placed when the helo crashes. Better loot table handling - probably using additions to the CfgLootTable
  12. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in [WIP] Potential Uniform/Vest Glitch Fix   
    UPDATED CheckUniformVest.sqf with the excellent recommendations from @He-Man
    Here is a suggestion to solve the issue of ARMA3's uniform and vest glitches that can result in a player logging in without one or both anymore, despite the fact that they never noticed that they had vanished when they were last on. The script needs some eyes on it and testing, though I have verified that it runs without errors. 
    Open your epoch_server_settings.pbo. Create a file called CheckUniformVest.sqf in the EpochEvents folder with the following contents:
    UniformVestCheck = { if (typeOf player == "VirtualMan_EPOCH") exitWith {}; params ["_uniform", "_vest"]; if (!(uniform player isEqualTo _uniform) || !(vest player isEqualTo _vest)) then { player setunitloadout (getunitloadout player); //["The server had to replace your uniform as it was bugged", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; publicVariable "UniformVestCheck"; { if (alive _x) then { if (uniform _x == "" || vest _x == "") then { if !(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo "") then { [uniform _x, vest _x] remoteExecCall ["UniformVestCheck", owner _x]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; Uncomment the Epoch_message lines if you want the afflicted players to know that they have been fixed.
    RePBO epoch_server_settings.pbo and upload to @EpochHive/addons on your server.
    Open @EpochHive/epochconfig.hpp on your server and add the following line to the events[] array:
    { 30, "CheckUniformVest", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, Add !"UniformVestCheck" to your BattlEye publicvariable.txt filter and reload the BE scripts.
    That's it. Let me know of any issues.
  13. Like
    natoed reacted to He-Man in [WIP] Potential Uniform/Vest Glitch Fix   
    You could reduce a bit performance with this:
    { if (alive _x) then { if (uniform _x == "" || vest _x == "") then { if !(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo "") then { [uniform _x, vest _x] remoteExecCall ["UniformVestCheck", owner _x]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; Then you only push it, if the player really has no visible uniform / vest for the Server.
    Another really helpfull (new) command is "getunitloadout" and "setunitloadout".
    UniformVestCheck = { if (typeOf player == "VirtualMan_EPOCH") exitWith {}; params ["_uniform", "_vest"]; if (!(uniform player isEqualTo _uniform) || !(vest player isEqualTo _vest)) then { player setunitloadout (getunitloadout player); //["The server had to replace your uniform as it was bugged", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; Then the player will just completely reload his loadout...
  14. Thanks
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  15. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  16. Like
    natoed reacted to Tarabas in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    It finally works for me aswell..
    Thank you Grahame
  17. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in porting from A2 to A3   
    There are pretty much no one to one equivalents between A2 DayZ/Epoch and A3 Epoch (for one, given the two ways I described them you might see that A3 Epoch does not use another mod). Would need to see the script and need to know what it is doing with that. No guarantees of an easy solution but post up the script... after all, I intend to steal all of @salivals stuff and port it to ARMA3 
  18. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Grahame in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    Ok it is working on my dedi server oddly not on my test server....arh 1600m viewdistance is great thx again @Grahame
  19. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    Hmm... And god effing damn it... I cannot post images since I only have 0.04 MB left in my allowance and despite the fact that I have verified the links for these images the damned forum will not accept the URLs... even though I have opened them in other browser windows... FFS!!!
    I modded security_checks.h to set the view distance to 1400. My video settings are as follows, I just changed them randomly to be sure that they would be different:
    Without the code change:
    Note 1600 view distance. With modification:
    Note the 1400 view distance...
  20. Sad
    natoed reacted to TheRaider in Server Review   
    Hey Guys,
    just wanted to warn you not to join the Ignatz-Gaming Epoch Server. The Server may seem really good with great performance and a lot of players, but if you are a good Player you wont be happy there.
    My group and I played there for some time and we are a pretty efficient team. We killed many Players and we raided many Bases. We never broke a rule on purpose and we always help small groups.
    We were quickly becoming hated by some toxic players who would complain about us to the Admin every time we killed them (everybody knows guys like this). So the Admin decided to ban us with the reason that we are too good and he doesnt want to deal with toxic players (in his mind we are the problem and not the toxic players). This pretty much happens to every big group that plays on that server. It is even more frustrating since we have Donators in the group who wont get their money back now.
    Do not support this Server if you dont want to get banned because some guy complains about you a lot.
    Have fun
  21. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    UPDATE: I got some time before heading off for meetings and tested the below "solution". Can confirm that admin's viewdistance is now limited as a player's is... Other admin tools seem to be fine too. If others can also test then I will work on adding a variable to epochAH.hpp, the reading of same in server_securityfunctions.sqf and then wrap the added lines in an if based on that variable. Hopefully the devs will accept that back and people will not have to maintain custom code each release...
    Would inserting the following:
    [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; setViewDistance "+str _skn_viewDistance+"; setObjectViewDistance["+str _skn_viewDistanceObects+", 100]; setTerrainGrid "+str _skn_terrainGrid+"; }; before line 1271 which reads:
    uiNamespace setVariable['ESP_mainMap', findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51]; in server_securityfunctions.sqf do the trick. Might have time to test this evening. Basically though, the admins have a separate code path for AH initialization than non-admins as shown in the following code:
    531 EPOCH_server_pushPlayer = compileFinal (" params ['_playerNetID','_playerUID','_C_SET','_fsmHandle','_player']; if (_playerUID in "+ str _skn_adminUIDArray+") then { _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_Admin_Code+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_adminLog+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_hackerLog+"'; _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_Admin_Init+"'; } else { _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_AH_Init+"'; }; [_fsmHandle,['_C_SET', _C_SET]] remoteExecCall ['setFSMVariable', _player]; true "); So basically the _skn_code_antihack function that includes the viewdistance settings for normal players is replaced by _skn_admincode for admins and the proposal above runs the viewdistance related code in the admin function too...
  22. Thanks
    natoed got a reaction from Tarabas in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    no one can gets an advance by increasing or lower graphics card settings
    soz I looked into this some time ago, I couldn't find a solution, I did try editing server_securityfunctions.sqf in regards to limit viewdistance for listed admins
    but I just broke shit so i move on
  23. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in Error   
    I use the above on one of my servers. On the other I have a client side mod that resides the Epoch male character model itself to be BLUFOR and unlocks all uniforms though. Either way, these mechanisms free another side for AI. In my case I use OPFOR for renegade uninfected and GUER for Zedz
  24. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in Random Spawn Script   
    As an alternative to this script which allows the spawn at jammer functionality to continue to work you could use the following changes to epoch_server/compile/player/EPOCH_server_loadPlayer.sqf:
    At the top of that script, add the following variables to the definition of the script'd private variables: "_spawnArray" and "_spawnLocation"
    Add the following definition near the beginning of the file with the locations you want as spawn points (the ones here are for coastal spawns on Chernarus Redux):
    _spawnArray = [[983.09302,6.7761588,2254.0823],[1155.7864,6.1192575,2356.7129],[1096.1768,5.3980026,2504.6936],[1352.8545,2.1613581,2302.5435],[1500.7729,5.9919157,2175.6643],[1632.6266,21.805342,2448.9648],[1788.5873,4.8160377,2059.5898],[2179.8347,5.241425,2060.3379],[2379.8352,58.366646,2225.1743],[2433.207,5.1148863,1997.3651],[2740.1614,2.7912369,1960.6941],[3074.7866,3.4997852,1976.5038],[3333.9524,5.8744197,2138.3877],[4031.8059,6.1015735,2565.5728],[4086.6877,5.5475397,2324.6392],[4781.9897,2.731606,2081.5291],[5481.0767,4.0947819,1946.4497],[5490.8184,5.1554675,2095.45],[5811.7773,3.735441,2044.8666],[7306.5669,27.260843,2998.2771],[7478.1138,4.8799691,2867.8105],[7513.4146,6.8649487,3079.0928],[8063.4902,6.0699091,2855.1089],[7951.187,3.2415648,3014.5588],[8358.7686,4.70329,2592.3428],[8482.7773,3.131171,2472.1626],[8907.7422,29.831085,2487.7373],[8849.7588,5.9718113,2169.7705],[8944.4316,5.143754,2263.7214],[9154.543,6.574295,1945.807],[9238.9746,66.637901,2391.2561],[9579.7275,16.095795,1782.15],[9595.0889,134.0484,2607.9131],[7421.6738,6.2561855,3446.3447],[9802.1025,86.165977,2469.1272],[11115.879,5.9981298,3078.6499],[10862.73,77.658577,3079.5911],[11215.613,4.1728563,3183.187],[11383.834,3.4007955,3292.0039],[11629.932,2.4290636,3368.0454],[11560.671,2.0110123,3166.429],[11754.95,2.2625861,3242.2285],[11792.205,68.021111,4050.2542],[12469.81,4.1587758,3493.1667],[12537.293,5.7202988,3528.0825],[12658.474,6.0148015,3620.4048],[12893.222,5.4084978,3688.4792],[13013.412,5.6887813,3766.7581],[13164.464,4.1031175,3863.1531],[13165.663,5.0566158,3963.1921],[13474.624,4.206718,3924.3452],[13636.59,41.368057,2943.1489],[13496.393,3.2527399,4238.396],[13344.611,6.2754188,4156.4063],[13548.936,5.3874044,4705.8242],[13475.054,5.9932609,4801.7119],[13521.428,4.9222593,4917.2563],[13346.661,5.4356627,4968.6743],[13478.942,5.1376753,5135.7051],[13408.477,5.4539185,5518.0674],[13340.642,5.8874321,5540.9644],[13402.539,5.7297354,6697.3496],[13147.215,14.300579,6530.707],[13150.627,4.8385439,7433.521],[13121.707,4.989223,7559.5073],[13011.977,5.9976835,7518.4321],[13086.896,3.2081017,7765.5352],[13084.221,4.1835752,7829.2896],[12938.579,3.2111793,8562.3213],[12915,4.9831157,8720.8301],[12885.845,4.8636355,8977.1221],[12536.612,27.153666,8338.1963],[12557.354,20.775656,8505.501],[12892.631,4.0215631,8927.084],[12892.146,4.3237324,8965.8711],[12880.137,6.0926261,9025.4873],[12896.026,3.3486283,9127.5059],[12932.441,5.5499988,9329.3867],[12800.495,6.0466361,9045.749],[13010.114,5.7329006,9473.1475],[13308.738,3.5886538,10714.45],[13087.661,27.61842,10995.557],[13320.1,5.6564746,10909.686],[12751.535,33.690998,10585.68],[13654.887,3.8856928,11174.24],[13620.909,6.7621517,11242.292],[14032.058,2.9685678,11325.959],[13296.164,50.477425,11795.922],[13451.539,5.2290726,5822.3047],[13110.845,30.434931,6479.4277],[13031.907,31.401312,5362.668],[13173.328,91.072197,5724.394],[9286.4541,12.191065,1934.7296],[9151.0586,14.707945,2170.6519],[8999.3965,6.1928778,2079.7434],[8686.5791,3.8233314,2259.4868],[8813.7666,6.3450418,2445.6042],[7365.5957,2.9105158,2711.2485],[7417.0415,7.7354693,2940.4182],[5667.9048,5.2971683,2048.7437]]; Replace line 138
    _location = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; with:
    _spawnLocation = selectRandom _spawnArray; _location set[0, _spawnLocation select 0]; _location set[1, _spawnLocation select 2]; And Bob will in fact be your uncle ;)
  25. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Grahame in any working EpochZ   
    Yes there is mate, myself and  @Grahame ported over exilez for epoch
    send me your email address in a PM and I'll send you a copy
    btw epochz has issues when  groupz which blocks/fucks up epoch locking systems like vehicles, safes doors and so on, hard to explain without writing a couple of pages...
    Also @Grahame is rewriting EpochZ for the community - time frame unknown ask him
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