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    DruidRaven reacted to PryMary in Shoot first, ask questions later.   
    The main issue is people are forgetting the background story to the MOD itself: "Open world survival mod set in the year 2035, Just two years after the mass extinction of billions of people. Those that remain are left with remnants of a once technological society. Try to survive, build, or explore your way through the harsh dynamic environment."
    Given that if this happened in the real world I highly doubt people would shoot on sight just to "get your stuff". Just look at WW1 & WW2 after both mass extinction of millions the people of this world worked together and helped each other as they were fighting for the survival of the species not for themselves.
    ​Perhaps this should be more of a prevalent thought process for all those involved in this MOD.
  2. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to maddingamer in People who want to play sign here!   
    Here is what a dev from BI said in the Bugtracker: 
    Hey, you can take it easy now, it's being investigated with critical priority.     So there will be a fix in a few days i think  :)
  3. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to CrazyCorky in No ban forum page   
    Need to know the name of the server to determine if it was official or not...

    @everyone else.... Check the damn server list on the front page of the website!!! It's not that hard!!
  4. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.2 Patch Changelog   
    [Changed] "T" key action moved to Inventory Button. Use your inventory key (Default "I") once to smash trash piles and again to open gear. [New] Two halloween masks Pumpkin head and Warewolf. [New] Fireplace model. [New] Custom Anti Hack Framework by Skaronator. [New] Replacement First Aid Kit double click on the item and use. Heals other players or your self. [New] Wooden Ramp/Roof base object can be crafted with 6 lumber packs. [New] Three new food items: Snooters and Meeps Candy and Walk N' Sons Soda. [New] Electric Motorcycle has been added. [New] Car Jack added and has a chance to be found in freshly spawned vehicles. [New] New lootable furniture "Shoebox" added. [New] Military variant of the bed now spawns in specific military buildings. [New] Unisex vest called "side pack". All fresh spawns start with this item. [New] Group request menu, Group requests can now be accessed via the "Requests" button in the inventory. [New] Player trading now started with the inventory key (Default "I") and accepted with the "T" key. [New] Use paint cans to paint corrugated walls and use paint thinner to remove paint. [New] Wood stairs upgradable for additional landing area. [New] Circuit Parts found in the world to be used for crafting. [New] Lockable Cinder And Wood Doors upgrade with Circuit Parts. Ownership is controlled by frequency jammer group owner. [New] 9 more radios have been added and can be crafted using gems. [New] Many Inventory items now have proper icons instead of placeholder. [New] Give player energy if within 75m of a solar tower or wind tower. [New] Temp Lockable vehicles each time you lock a vehicle it will remain locked to you or your group for 30 minutes. [New] Base building objects get deleted after 7 days. Moving the object or Painting walls extends this for 7 more days. [New] Player Character are cleaned up after 30 days inactivity. [Fixed] Mineral veins now spawn at epicenters. [Fixed] Geometry changed on cinder wall to prevent phasing though it [Fixed] Lockbox can no longer be destroyed while open. [Fixed] Dump items on the ground if packed with items in lockbox. [Fixed] Overflow items to the ground if player does not have space when trading with another player. [Fixed] Added prices for Chainsaw so it is now possible to sell/buy to traders. [Fixed] It wasn't possible to snap the foundation to other foundations. [Fixed] Group Leader can no longer enter the commander vision. [Fixed] false PublicVariable Restriction on server start. [Fixed] Night Vision wasn't disabled when the player run out of energy. [Fixed] Added prices for Karts so it is now possible to sell/buy to traders. [Fixed] Shelf and Tipi storage devices are no longer indestructible and have limited storage space. [Fixed] Trader purchased vehicles should now look for a safer place to spawn vehicle within 120m. [Fixed] Text output from certain actions now show proper display names instead of classnames. [Fixed] Vehicles now persist exact position, angle, and direction so it should result in less damage at spawn. [Fixed] Some false BE kicks for base building. [Changed] Increased storage of all vests by 50% and reduced armor by half. [Changed] Building base objects from inventory kits now instantly forces build mode and consumes item. [Changed] P2p trading now more reliable, however now places traded items at your feet. [Changed] Reduced Dog and snake spawn chances. [Changed] Respawn button disabled. [Changed] Increased Building material spawns on trash piles. [Changed] Increased chances for Tools to spawn on Tool Rack. [Changed] Hunger and Thirst loss rates increased. [Changed] Increased purchase price of Ammo by a total of 100%. [Changed] Reduced Hunter armor levels by 50%. [Changed] Trader "Steal" option removed for now. [Changed] Traders now only wear uniforms that spawn in the world. [Removed] Hellcat Helicopter and and Nightstalker scope till balance issues are sorted. [Removed] Uniform storage space and selling of uniforms to traders removed due to dupe issues. [info] new bikey for 0.2 added remove any previous ones. [info] Improved backend DLL by Fank [Known Issues] Weapon attachments get wiped when player to player trading. (workaround for now take the items off the weapon first). [Known Issues] Moving a painted corrugated wall causes it to loose its color.
  5. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to GoldenVapour in Arma 3 Epoch 101 - Building   
    Here is a brief video explaining some of the techniques for building which exists in Arma 3 Epoch Mod and the items required to do so. Feedback is much appreciated, if you learnt something today leave a comment down below. 
    If you learn something don't forget to subscribe to view the other episodes and guides as they are released.  
    Thanks for watching 
  6. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Sequisha in Disgust and Kudos   
    Thank you for the kind words!  We really do appreciate it my friend.
    Brb more things.

  7. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to GeneralTragedy in Disgust and Kudos   
    So, this is just a bit of a "rant" post, with some well deserved kudos added in for the devs...
    It's pretty disgusting how quickly the "illegal" server files have propagated, and how many unscrupulous folks there are that would take a team of developers' hard work and private intellectual property with no respect for or consideration of what has gone into the effort.  In SIX today, there are well over 40 servers currently listed running the Epoch server.  
    On the flip side and a more positive note, many of those 40+ servers are pretty full.. I'd guess there are 1000+ people playing the new Epoch currently.  This really shows the demand for this mod, and the huge following the team has created with this exceptional concept and the results of their hard work.  Which leads me to the better point, and that is a HUGE amount of KUDOS to the development team for producing what is already a fantastic mod for ARMA 3, and what will truly set the bar for other mods to follow.  I can't wait to see and experience the finished product (or rather future iterations, as it will likely never be truly "finished"), because what you've created already is fantastic!
    Thank you Devs!
  8. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Nic in Shoot first, ask questions later.   
    When me and my group play, we try to give players the benefit of the doubt. On Epoch for Arma 2 we were heroes. Especially if it is just one player and we have 4-5 in the group we will try to be friendly. We play on TX01 btw.
  9. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to CrazyCorky in Shoot first, ask questions later.   

    I agree.. I think we've tested the repawn and spawn teleports enough. I understand people want to have fun however people need to rest other things. This stage of the development is to help find bugs and test aspects that might not have not been tested/found yet.

    If nothing else try to make contact with the person before shooting, a little role play hasn't killed anyone.
  10. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to PryMary in Shoot first, ask questions later.   
    The official ones are either passworded or whitelisted due to hangender and his motley crew of skiddies. You would need to request a password from a server owner / Epoch Mod Developer to gain access. Of which you can thank Hangender for as it was previously opened to the public until he tried blackmailing the dev's.
  11. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to PryMary in Shoot first, ask questions later.   
    I too tend to find this is the mentality of most of the players of the MOD. Again not bitching but in all seriousness some of us actually want to be able to start base building and testing stuff. If all you are going to do is go around and shoot people go and play wasteland or something the holster weapon feature of Epoch is there for a reason to show that you are not a SOS player and that you are friendly and have no intention of shooting on sight / sniping like a lame asshole.
    Unfortunately it seems all the gear is on the west of the island where all the traders are spawning i'm unsure if there is a correlation between the two but you can hunt round kavala for a day and find literally nothing but junk however go to pyrgos and your kitted relatively sharpish.
    Could we perhaps all agree to have an gentlemen's agreement and not SOS those players with holstered weapons just so those of us who don;t have a crew of 10 people actually get a chance to test instead of constantly gearing up and that's all? I'm not here to gear up constantly I am here to test the functionality of the MOD which includes base building.
  12. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to fr1nk in Password prompt   
  13. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Sequisha in Epoch Devs dont negotiate with...Hackers & Blackmailers!!! (Or Terrorists)   
    That is a trash version of ripped server files. Nice try though.
  14. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Extortion and the joys of ARMA: Update v2   
    Small update to the exploit. I think we got their attention.

  15. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Extortion and the joys of ARMA: Update v2   
    Arma has so much to offer and is a very flexible and fun game to play and mod. With this flexibility comes insecurity and a dark side.

    Yesterday I spoke with one of the "kids" that have been terrorizing our servers. He is demanding server files in exchange for stopping the attacks. I told him that the server files would have been released to more communities by now if we had something proven stable and secure. Something that this hack-a-thon is stopping us from doing. He offered up one exploit and then immediately started demanding that we give the server files in exchange. He then said that if we did not give them the server files in 24 hours the hacking would continue, and it has.
    Simply put, the current exploit they are using is a fault in ARMA and not an issue with our mod and will ultimately need to be fixed by BI.
    Please vote for this issue to get the attention it deserves: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20994
    Until this issue is fixed by BI or another fix is found we will no longer be running any public servers. All servers run my me will only be accessible with a password obtained from me or Axle. We will have a few communities that will likely run whitelisted servers so look out for them to pop up on our servers page: http://epochmod.com/servers.php
    Now back to developing.
  16. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Berreta in Epoch Devs dont negotiate with...Hackers & Blackmailers!!! (Or Terrorists)   
    I would just like to take this time to raise up my middle fingers and give a big F*** Y** to Hangender and his pathetic little group of S**tBags! Thank you very much.
    I would also like to give a Huge Double Thumbs Up to the Devs for not taking any BS and throwing those pos's right back into the mud and under the rock from whatever s**t infested basement they came from!
    I Feel much better now. Rant over. Sorry for the language. lol
    Keep up the good work Devs!
    Much Love.
  17. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in How to kill a good beginning   
    I think most are misunderstanding what happened as we simply removed whitelisting (we are still in very early alpha) on our servers as we had well over 5000 players whitelisted and really did not want to continue trying to manage that large of a whitelist.
    The reality of it is we need our servers to act as a honey pot so that we can attempt to provide everyone with a secure and stable platform before we release anything server wise. Anything else is unsupported.
  18. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Shadow Moses in Hacker on GDE01   
    I would assume that is not an official server according to the epoch twitter feed. Is there a list of official servers here on the forums? If not why not?   Arma 3: Epoch Mod‏@EpochMod Please be aware that the server"SSNC02 Hosted by LystGender" is NOT official. Play on it at your own risk.
  19. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in New Limited Edition Tee!   
    It's time for the sapper.
    Help support the mod by picking up a limited edition shirt!

  20. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to kitten87 in Spawn campers on ATL#02   
    we'll other night me & few others had no weapons & were fresh spawns... & few of us were dead leaving zone AKA spawn camping. so really how do you explain that? IT IS STILL AGIANST RULES TO SPAWN CAMP A TRADER/PORTER SIMPLE AS THAT.
    Devs have said it before its not aloud & keys will be taken away & banned off Epoch for good.
  21. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to RIE_JACKTE(new) in Killing Traders in tradercitys and the others on the map   
    its intended mate, devs said in the future you'll lose rep or something like that .
  22. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Epoch Hotfix Changelog   
    [Added] New Dog Brain with many new features. [Added] More event driven chances to spawn antagonists. [Added] Great White Shark. [Added] Speargun found only in boats. [Added] NVG goggles now require Energy to use (5 Energy every 10 sec). [Added] Alert sound to drones when they spot you. [Added] AI Soldiers should now attack you even in a vehicle. [updated] Group System - Invite List is alphabetically sorted. [Fixed] Fixed typo that caused storage devices not to save correctly. [Fixed] Overhaul of vehicle selling code to prevent issues. [Fixed] incorrect scope with ItemKiloHemp. [Fixed] Fixed and improved group system. [Fixed] Double click action button text had incorrect text for some items like "Vehicle Repair Parts". [Fixed] Fixed UI icons disappearing due to conflicting resource layer with dynamic text. [Fixed] Added workaround for players not saving due to specific character in player name. [Fixed] When first building a base item it will spawn as simulated and start to save. [Fixed] Only allow owner or members of group to upgrade-in-place base objects if a Frequency jammer is placed. [Fixed] Players can now trade Krypto using P2P trade menu. [Fixed] P2P trading now correctly removes weapons from backpacks. [Fixed] AI soldiers now spawn with the correct radio, vest, and hat. [Fixed] Random traders can no longer occupy the same building. [Fixed] Preview of building objects now use proper ghost preview models. [Fixed] "Mine" trader city teleport point moved so that protection zone covers area. [Changed] Suppress some group leader options by disabling use of 0-9, f1-f12, backspace, and commandmode. [Changed] Code lockout added to Take Krypto code to prevent spam. [Changed] Improved quality of shipwreak and pelican loots. [Changed] Disabled side chat on all servers, use Quartz radio instead.  [Optimize] Furniture spawning moved client side for better server performance. [Optimize] Added cleanup on furniture, weaponholders, and Krypto devices every 20min if no players within 45m. [Known Issue] Unable to loot dead fish with "T" to get Seafood.
  23. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to wingtip in Spawn campers on ATL#02   
    because axle comes into the various servers regularly and announces it in chat... and if you read this thread instead of just jumping on the troll wagon, others have confirmed it as well....   and cippy , ya YOU may have been 300 m out but we werent even 100 m away yet... no sooner than stepping out of the trader area we're engaged AND THAT IS AGAINST THE RULES....   i dont give a flying fuck if you do it again or not cippy... just be aware that you do risk losing your whitelisting and thats straight from the devs... period.
  24. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Sequisha in Pics from the Devs.   
    A much needed facelift for cinder garage entrances.
  25. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to fr1nk in What needs to be done to, Epoch becomes an even better mod!   
    I'm gonna go ahead and start a rumor that they're developing a secret cow level.
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