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Posts posted by Kind-Sir

  1. Hey what about these guys?

    Seems fairly new, I am not getting many reliable reviews on them. Web Of Trust doesn't have an entry for them either.

    I currently rent a Dedicated Server from Vanquish.

    Contact them and see if they can set you up with a deal. Their customer service is phenomenal, lots of cool guys.

    I haven't had experience with much other server hosts other than Vortex, but wasn't satisfied too much with Vortex.

    If you find something, make sure to do some research and ask around before shooting them some money, as they may just take it and never give you the service.

  2. I recommend a 2 core server if you're going for a 40 or less slot.

    This will minimize cost, and at least you can run at full power without the stupid Arma multicore issues.

    I currently rent an 8-core stocked with 32 gigs of ram and 2 ssds on a fast connection, along with a webserver and a dataserver to handle web and client interactions.

    The dedi costs $120/month and the other servers I have since I work for a networking company (don't want to run a game server off of their servers for security reasons)

    I've seen offers from places like VanquishVPS, Vortex, and some other hosts with $55 USD a month for a 2-core server.

    Vanquish VPS has rather satisfactory prices for the performance. Great customer support, rented from them a few times too.

    I would recommend searching for someone in your preferred area (if you're looking for most players, eastern Canada servers seem to attract both European and American players frequently) along with good reviews.

    If you're looking for a web-site game control panel that you can use with DayZ, I recommend OpenGamePanel or using the PrivateHiveTools by Nightmare

  3. I believe you're looking for:


    If you have a last_updated column inside of your character_data, you are able to change the following variable in the data.php of the DayZMapper to check for last-updated:

    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT
    	s.CharacterID as id,
    	s.Model as model,
    	s.CurrentState as state,
    	s.Worldspace as worldspace,
    	s.Inventory as inventory,
    	s.Backpack as backpack,
    	p.PlayerName as name,
    	s.Humanity as humanity,
    	s.Datestamp as last_updated,
    	s.KillsH as hkills,
    	s.KillsB as bkills
    	Character_DATA s
    	Player_DATA p on p.PlayerUID = s.PlayerUID
    	s.last_updated > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)
    	s.Alive = 1");
    (of course, editing the s.last_updated line to the name of your SQL column)

  4. You know Kind-Sir i was about to give you a speech about your stop it comment but i'll give it a rest. I bet you cant even code...so there is no point in talking to you since you got no idea how it feels to lose 2h of your life cause someone forgot to update one of the 2 things 1000 people are downloading from.

    I've been coding C and PHP for 15 years and the no.1 thing everyone knows is that if you share your code with others, make sure its well commented and that its easy to understand and use by others.

    Quite comical how you can judge another from a brief blot of text written on an open-source mod community forum.

    I don't think I have to back myself up with any of the coding that I've done, nor the job titles that I have.

    If you have been coding for 15 years, you should at least be able to use some sense when there's official builds and then commits posted on a git... unless you're still using floppy diskettes.

    Point being, let the mod developers do their work. If you see a lack of documentation, take the 2 hours that you "wasted" and make a branch, put up some comments on code that you found to be "confusing", then submit it as a commit to the original git for review.

  5. Right, thats what i thought also.only that in this case the github was outdated! The pbo had newer files....hence my confusion.

    Anyways, the github should be fixed...And some detailed documentation would be a nice addition. Changelog is not a very resourceful thing to catch changes.

    Stop what you're doing.

    I understand your pain.

    But stop.

    These guys don't have to work on squat.

    They made an awesome derivative of the DayZ mod, and it took them weeks of work to get to the point they are up to.

    If you want to write them some documentation and submit it to them, that would be a LOT more useful than complaining on forums.

    Remember, the world owes you nothing. If you're bothered by this, do something about it rather than complain to the people who already have their hands filled.

  6. I want to see about changing the sell price of items on my server, what sql code would i need to change just the sell price?


    would this work?

    SET sell = '[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]', sell = [3,"ItemSilverBar10oz",1];

    i have no clue so its prob wrong so dont recommend anyone try it lol

    UPDATE traders_data SET buy='[9001,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', sell='[4500,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]' WHERE item='["AW159_Lynx_BAF",2]';

    UPDATE - modify existing data in a table

    traders_data - the table you want to modify

    SET - the action you want to run

    buy='xxx' - the argument

    WHERE - for every occurance of

    item='xxx' - where the item name = xxx


  7. Make sure the vehicle classnames and numbers are labeled appropriately.

    INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES
    ('["VIL_asistvan_DZE",2]', 5, '[8,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 565, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
    ('["HMMWV_Armored",2]', 10, '[4,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 569, 'trade_items');

    Make sure there are no additional characters (spaces) inside the quotes for the vehicle classname ("HMMWV_Armored") and that it is defined as a vehicle ( ,2] )
  8. Make sure you ONLY run the @DayZEpoch mod on your client side.
    The error you are seeing is stating that you are running mods that the server does not accept.
    Disable those through the Arma 2 main menu, or in your startup launcher or startup shortcut, or make a new one dedicated to @DayZEpoch

    Welcome to the forums!

  9. Yeah I noticed that to - was a premature thanks for it, I assumed it was being called.


    We have such an issue with this, random new people joining the server.. glitching into bases and ruining all peoples work. Causing me to have to dig into database backups, spawn myself in on positions of players that look close and see who it is. Another way is tracking the items they take, specifically high value/rare items works pretty well, I don't want to detail how in public as these glitchers will stop doing it but we desperately need an anti wall system!

    It is not hard to actually create your own anti-wall system.

    Exec a vm on each player client-side, and have it detect when the player gets out of the vehicle, then have it figure out where the car is in relation to the wall, and place the player on another side that is not near a wall.


    This could be done in a lot of ways.

    I assume you would only want to apply this to land vehicles, as boats and aircrafts will not get up that close to a base....

  10. Things take time.
    None of the developers get paid to work on this. They do it on their own accord and on their own time.
    They do a fantastic job at what they do.
    The donations they get are put towards web hosting and other server costs.

    I have worked on my fair share of mods, websites, and projects without pay.

    So, while you wait, you can sing The Beatle's "Here Comes the Sun"


    Same problem as @MGJamesProductions and @crckdns, it works fine in editor but there's just an empty flagpole ingame.

    _vehicle_3 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_3 = _this;
      _this setDir -142.9415;
      _this setVehicleInit "this SetFlagTexture ""z_dmikflag.jpg""";
      _this setPos [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005];

    Make sure _vehicle_3 is not already defined if you are adding it to the mission.sqf.

  12. Hey which forum has it been answered on? I have been looking for a solution for a very long time, I really need to be able to spawn in vehicles and items and make them save.

    For 2 and 3: http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1200-how-to-disable-the-102-anti-tp-protection/


    and refer to the following for 1:



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