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Posts posted by Kind-Sir

  1. I currrently have mine set to:

    # The MySQL server
    pid_file = "mysql.pid"
    # enable-named-pipe
    key_buffer = 16M
    max_allowed_packet = 2M
    sort_buffer_size = 512K
    net_buffer_length = 8K
    read_buffer_size = 256K
    read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
    log_error = "mysql_error.log"
    table_cache = 64
    thread_cache = 16
    query_cache_size = 64M
    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 32M
    innodb_log_file_size = 256M
    innodb_log_buffer_size = 10M
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
    innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

    Been working swell so far.
    Just recovered from a hard drive crash, so I had to redo a lot of the configurations.
    Going to be adjusting this as needed.

    Some nice guides:

  2. Would not be hard at all to make a script for one... just edit the fn_self_actions.sqf to see if the player has a specific key in their inventory, if they do, allow them to unlock/lock the vehicle and bypass the key-check.

    However, I am against any "admin tools" that are used to defy the gameplay, so I will sit this one out.

  3. For safecracking, why not pop up with a complex circuit and have the player trying to crack the safe have to rewire the combination?

    A new tool by the name of Needle-Nose pliers and a knife would suffice.

    I imagine I could whip up a nice interface with wires that could be messed with. If a wire is placed in the wrong area, it will disable access to the safe for an amount of time, or electrocute the player (make them start shaking and stop cracking the safe)

    This could add a level of experience to cracking safes, so not any new player can go to your safe and crack it with ease.

    As for door locks, I think that multiple locks would be neat. An implementation of this could just extend the CharacterID with the use of hyphens or just a string of numbers:

    Lock 1 - 1337

    Lock 2 - 6999

    Lock 3 - 9001

    CharacterID - 1337-6999-9001 or 133769999001

    This could be split up by using (I can't find a split function for Arma 2):

    Lock 1 - floor(CharacterID/1000000) -> returns 1337

    Lock 2 - floor((CharacterID-(Lock1*1000000))/1000) -> returns 6999

    Lock 3 - floor((CharacterID-((Lock1*1000000)*(Lock2*1000))) -> returns 9001

    The function listed above is not at ALL an elegant way of going about splitting the character id, but in a zombie state of consciousness, this will do.

  4. Did it, now all I get is a black screen and I'm still in debug. No more Waiting for Server Authentication though.

    Make sure you still keep the exit }; for the function.

    MGT should have been a lot more specific on his explanation.


    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
    Also! You can check your client arma2oa.rpt within your %localappdata%\Arma 2 OA folder.

    This will allow you to check for any mission-related script errors.

  5. Would this be to block all players from dedicated server controls in the server, even admins?

    If so, use the following in your scripts.txt:

    5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";"
    I haven't tested this out, but I snatched it from an older scripts.txt I had.

    It may be better to write a server-side script that spawns a loop that waits until the dedicatedServerInterface display ID pops up in-game and it will close it.

  6. This does not seem to be a DayZ Epoch problem, as you mentioned in your post...

    The reason Sarge AI induces lag is due to the fact that you have to run all the computations for the AI system on the server itself, which is quite hefty when dealing with multiple groups and players. This is why popular Arma 2 servers use Headless Clients.

    As for your server host migration, can't really do much about that. You have to submit a ticket and see if they can give you values for your basic.cfg or if they could set it up based on their new servers.

  7. Holy jeez!   Ok, what a douche.  I'll let him know and thanks for the direction guys.  Keep up the good work.  You've got a group of new converts here!


    Does anyone know what battleeye #296 is?  We can't find info on it and it may be a clue.  Thanks

    Each Battleye error is server-specific, as each server may have different Battleye restrictions.

    I would assume this to be a Sarge AI problem, in which the restriction would be caused by the player setting a variable or running a code that has somethign to do with the AI.

    Mention it to the server administrator of the server you play on and see what they say.

  8. Hello SuperMarco! Welcome to the forums.

    I would like to refer you the following post:


    Specifically (edited to show main points):

    ... In future versions of Epoch we will not be including 1.7.7.x code in full. The reason for this is in the new version there are new permissions and copyrights that go against the open nature of dayzmod and dayzepoch (in our opinion). Not that we do not have permission to use this code, we do, however some of the permissions are not transferable and require renewal from multiple authors ...

    ... we [DayZ Epoch developers] are going in a different direction anyway and dont need alot of the things that have been added ...

    ... Basically dayzmod has walled themselves off in a garden of copyrights so that noone will steal their work, while we appreciate the work thats been put in we feel like this attitude doesn't help the dayz community in general ...

  9. How about having a check for locked vehicles when a vehicles inventory is updated to the database? Then you could remove magazine/weapon cargo globally when locked and it won't update the empty inventory. Then when unlocked add it back in. It would also have to check for locked in the server_moniter when spawing in locked.

    Would be lovely, however, a ural that is filled, or better yet, if someone bought a SeaFox (2000 items, 400 weapons, 80 backpacks I think?) and filled it up to the brim, this would cause major lag and desync among all clients since it has to update all of that data to each and every client.
  10. I've been thinking about editing the datestamp for certain objects (vaults, tents, etc) where the datestamp would be changed each time the object is accessed.

    As of right now, I keep objects in the database regardless if they have been accessed recently or not.

    Come to think of it, a neat feature to be added to combat this would be rusted locks.

    Essentially, the longer someone is gone, the weaker the lock gets, the easier it is to break the combo... but I digress: You will have to manually go in and delete the safes.

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