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Posts posted by Brockie

  1. Guys you really need to update your arma version this weekend.  June 30 is final gamespy shutdown,  and Battleye will not protect older versions after june 30th.   You are urged to upgrade to the new steam version (125548).


    This guide is designed for private server hosting with access to all files, epoch installed, with the steam version of Arma 2 + Arma 2 OA.


    To do so: 


    step 1:  go to your operation arrowhead folder


    step 2:  delete the all the exe files (ArmA2OA, arma2oaserver, ArmA2OA_BE)  if you don't have ArmA2OA_BE skip it.


    step 3: go into your Expansion\ folder


    step 4: delete the beta\ folder and all it's contents.  If you don't have a beta folder, skip it.


    step 5:  go to steam library -> operation arrowhead -> right click -> properties -> beta -> Choose your version.  Opt-out (stable) Opt-In (beta)  1.62- (older version)


    step 6: wait for game to switch to versions


    step 7:  go to steam library -> operation arrowhead -> right click -> properties -> local files -> verify integrity of the game.


    step 8: wait for game to verify and then launch arma 2 oa from steam library.  check to see if you have the new version in the bottom right corner.




    For a point of reference... when I launch my arma OA.. at the main menu I see:


    - 3 pictures in the bottom-left corner: first one is Dayz Epoch, next one is Arma 2, next one is Arma Arrowhead.

    - In the bottom-right corner it says version 1.63.125548 and beneath that it says

    - In the top-right corner, under the dayz epoch picture it says Dayz Epoch


    If you got all that it should work on newly updated servers, like mine.  If you are missing any of that try clicking the expansion button and activate them.





    Step 9: Copy the entire contents of your Arma 2 & Arma 2 OA folder into your server folder.  This should update your server to new version. 




    Step 10:  Change your launchers .exe paths: Expansion\beta\arma2OAserver.exe (delete the red part.  steam version uses exe in the main folder, not the expansion\beta folder.)   


    Step 11:  In your config.cfg add two lines at the very top:

    steamport = 2300;
    steamqueryport = 2301;


    Step 12:  add port forwarding to these ports.


    Step 13:  In your config.cfg update your requiredBuild = 125548;


    Step 14:  In your config.cfg.. right below your requiredBuild add this line:

    requiredSecureId = 2;





    - Keep the old gamespyreportingIP= in the configs.

    - Keep your old port forwarding.

    - Keep the -port=2302 in the launchers.


    If you have any problems feel free to pm me.




    With steam,  it has new steamID.  I'm not 100% sure but it looks like I have a new GUID also.  When players connect to the database it will create a whole new player to the database with the new steamID.  In the database it will keep the old entries with playerUID and create all new entires with steamIDs.  This may, or may not cause DB issues/loading issues.  Not sure.  All players will start with a new, fresh character... kills reset, humanity reset, plot poles will need not recognize you as owner, etc...  I'm guessing all the player bans need to be updated, and I doubt that is even possible, so server admins need to find there own ways to deal with these problems.  So we need to be extra vigilant against hackers.  My information tells me that Dayz commander will not work after the gamespy shutdown unless we are very lucky, so I am recommending this update to all server admins.

  2. the version of this mod is not compatible with the new epoch.  I had a look thru player_monitor.fsm and there is some differences but as to knowing what to change and where I am at a loss.  Does anyone know how to make this work for  I loved finding these things out in the woods.

  3. You can. But for others to be able to see the skin, THEY HAVE TO HAVE THE TEXTURE FILE ON THEIR SYSTEM! Otherwise they will just see a default texture. If you change it to something already in Arma2/OA/DayZ/Epoch, then YES, they will see it.

    IF you make a custom skin, then people will NOT see it, unless you add it to the mission or another PBO file.


    Indeed, yes, you put the texture in the mission pbo and they get it when they connect to the server.  What I meant was that they do not have to go out and download a special addon pack for this to work. 

  4. Hi, I'm trying to upgrade my server to 1.0.5.


    I finished the updating, I'm still using 103718, and the RPT looks very clean.  The only error I saw was a warning about local_setrefuel.sqf and I think that must be for my WAI.


    But the problem is when the server finished loading up, the loading screen never goes away.  I can hear my player moving around and the sounds of the environment but all I can see is loading screen.


    Double checking my files atm but does anyone have a clue what might cause this?

  5. 1.0.5 has self-bloodbag if you can wait until your provider updates.



    [ADDED] Self transfusions (works in vehicles) must be enabled in mission using DZE_SelfTransfuse. @icomrade
    [NOTE] You may customize transfusion settings for self transfusions using DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [blood amount, infection chance, cool-down (seconds)]; @icomrade 

    Also, if you are still looking for a different script, here's a good one: 

  6. Found this error in the Arma2OAserver.rpt log 


    21:03:33 Error in expression <14224.753, 13776.799, 27.756823];




    21:03:33   Error position: <};>

    21:03:33   Error Missing {

    21:03:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\maps\North_Cave.sqf, line 590

    21:03:33 Error in expression <8538.6738, 2660.0386, 9.5373116];




    21:03:33   Error position: <};>

    21:03:33   Error Missing {

    21:03:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\maps\South_Cave.sqf, line 1613

    21:03:33 Error in expression <-6.9160495];



    _group_1 = createGroup _center_0;


    _vehicle_48 = objNull;

    if (t>

    21:03:33   Error position: <_center_0;


    _vehicle_48 = objNull;

    if (t>

    21:03:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _center_0

    21:03:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\maps\North_Cave.sqf, line 338


    Hey,  I looked at my RPT today and noticed some errors.   Exact same errors as this.  I took out the extra closing brackets myself.  But also noticed this on mine aswell:

    21:03:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _center_0
    21:03:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\maps\North_Cave.sqf, line 338[/spoiler]

    So I checked and sure enough in North_Cave.sqf line 338:

    _group_1 = createGroup _center_0;

    Remove this line to fix the error


    Another Good add on pack,


    Thanks Hollow!

  7. Apologies for the misunderstanding in how I worded it. Yes, people were able to pack vehicles from any distance as long as they walk up to the vehicle and scroll on it to get the 'pack vehicle' option. So, I edited the script to check to see if the vehicle is within 5m of the player before packing (see reply #73 for edited code). However, once I made that change, I started encountering a different problem: you would get the option to pack vehicle --> choose to pack vehicle --> player would go through the animation --> vehicle would not delete --> parts would not get refunded --> no longer have the option to pack vehicle if you scroll wheel on the vehicle again.


    So, on my production server players are still able to pack vehicles from a long distance. On my test server, my changes aren't deleting the vehicle or refunding parts.


    Sorry about the confusion.


    EDIT: Do you think I should remove the check for the vehicle within 5m from EVD_Pack.sqf and move it into the fn_selfActions.sqf script? Maybe something like:

    //Pack Vehicles
    if (_typeOfCursorTarget in StaticVehicleArray and !(locked _cursorTarget) and (damage _cursorTarget < 1) and (_cursorTarget distance player <= 5)) then {
    if (s_player_packvehicle < 0) then {
    s_player_packvehicle = player addAction ["Pack Vehicle", "Scripts\static_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
    player removeAction s_player_packvehicle;
    s_player_packvehicle = -1;
    // All Traders

    I will test this and see. I am still very new to Arma scripting (and coding in general as I only took 1 semester of C++ coding in high school, which was a decade ago), so I apologize for the trouble but I greatly appreciate your input and help. I understand coding logic and syntax in general, so I'm not flying completely blind when it comes to coding, but I am still very new at this.


    EDIT 2: Issue resolve via PM from @Hardened.


    This fix did indeed work. MUCH easier. Thank you!


    No problemo.


    Here's a video of what I did with this amazing script to deploy mounted weapons: http://youtu.be/oASs2_RUX88

  8. I hesitated to add this to my server thinking it was going to be another time consuming effort to make this mod work for me, but thankfully it already has everything I was looking for!


    Recorded my test with fraps, thought I would share it: http://youtu.be/N0nIY-um7E4


     I had a complaint by player not being able to leave the preview but I suspect it is my infiStar.. and regardless I'm sure I will figure out a way to fix it so.. Thanks for the great script!

  9. Thank you for your time looking it over, Brockie.


    I believe the spot it's in is fine because if I remove the check to see if the vehicle is within 5m, everything works just fine. But, once I add in the check to verify the vehicle is within 5m, it breaks the script. I get the option to pack, it does the animation, but instead of deleting the vehicle and refunding the parts the vehicle stays right there, no parts get refunded and I no longer get an option to pack the vehicle  :huh:


    ie. script works if

    if (_finished) then {
    	if(!isNull(_obj)) then {

    script does not work if

    if (_finished) then {
    		if ((player nearObjects ["EVDVehicleArray", 5]) && (!isNull(_obj))) then {

    Anybody else have any ideas?  :unsure:


    This is different then the problem you said before.  You said before that the problem was people could pack vehicle from anywhere that the option would not go away.  That would typically be an issue with fn_selfActions.


    As a reference here is what my fn_selfActions looks like.  Obviously I have renamed things a bit to fit my desire but it works like a charm. 


    //Pack Vehicles

    if (_typeOfCursorTarget in StaticVehicleArray and _hasToolbox and !(locked _cursorTarget) and (damage _cursorTarget < 1)) then {

    if (s_player_packvehicle < 0) then {

    s_player_packvehicle = player addAction ["Pack Vehicle", "Scripts\static_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];


    } else {

    player removeAction s_player_packvehicle;

    s_player_packvehicle = -1;


    // All Traders


    But you said now the problem is the vehicle doesn't disapear, no refund, and don't get an option to pack, then there's something wrong with your script.  I'm going to guess in the common file?

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