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Posts posted by Brockie

  1. I have the same problem.  Clean, fresh epoch install no mods!  Battleye kicks 'client not responding'.  Server side problem is all I am sure of but can't pinpoint the problem...  any help appreciated.


    my launcher/BEpath:



    @echo off
    start "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -BEpath=C:\epoch2\BattlEye -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"



    My BattlEye folder had the vanilla epoch filters only and thats it.  So when I ran the server it created the server dll and updated it automatically, and upon joining I even got kicked for a publicvariable restriction, so I make my first edit to the filters to fix that.  I thought at this point that I had fixed the problem of getting kicked for 'client not responding' but NOPE!  still getting kicked saying 'BattlEye Client Not Responding'  this is happening as I said on a vanilla server, on a fresh install of windows 7, no mods...  so frustrating.   Any help or tips will be appreciated!  Thanks!

  2.         class ItemMap_Debug: ItemCore {
    		descriptionshort = "Debug Map - Admin use only";
    		displayname = "Map";
    		picture = "\ca\ui\data\gear_picture_map_ca.paa";
    		scope = 2;
    		simulation = "ItemMap";
    		class Library {
    			libtextdesc = "Debug Map - Admin use only";

    in object_infectedcamps.sqf remove/comment out...


    (line 36)     if ("ItemMap_Debug" in items player) then {




    (line 42)     };





    This is the answer if all you want is debug.


    You will need B.I. Tools 2.5 for this.  Link


    Go into your server-side pbo file and you should find a file called \addons\dayz_server\Config.Bin


    Drag and drop \addons\dayz_server\Config.Bin onto \Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\BinMake\cfgconvert\CfgConvert.exe


    This will allow you to edit the file in Notepad++.  If you can now edit the file with notepad++ congratulations so far. almost done.


    Now copy this part to the very bottom of your Config.Bin:

            class ItemMap_Debug: ItemCore {
    		descriptionshort = "Debug Map - Admin use only";
    		displayname = "Map";
    		picture = "\ca\ui\data\gear_picture_map_ca.paa";
    		scope = 2;
    		simulation = "ItemMap";
    		class Library {
    			libtextdesc = "Debug Map - Admin use only";

    Save it and then Drag and Drop it onto \Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\BinMake\binMake.exe


    This will convert the file back into a useable Bin File for the pbo.


    Repack your pbo with the new Bin.


    Last but not least....



    in object_infectedcamps.sqf remove/comment out...


    (line 36)     if ("ItemMap_Debug" in items player) then {




    (line 42)     };



    Save that and done.  Your Admins should now see a small red ring around the camps on the map.  Please Note:  If you die, and respawn into the game, you will not see the markers anymore until next restart. 


    If you are running this script for players I suggest setting the InfectedCamps ClutterCutter Debug in the init.sqf to 3.  This gives glowing red light where the loot is that you can see from a distance so if you are near one a good chance to notice it. 


    Hope this helps.


    I have been trying to work on a way to make the markers visable always for everyone, but not having an easy time.  Help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. all you gotta do is put this:

    DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","ItemBloodbag","ItemAntibiotic","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodCanBakedBeans","30rnd_9x19_MP5","30rnd_9x19_MP5","30rnd_9x19_MP5"]; 
    DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight","ItemHatchet_DZE","ItemMap","ItemCompass","MP5A5"]; 
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1"; 
    //DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";

    just above dayz_paraSpawn = true; in your init.sqf

    and modify it the way you like!

  4. Hey!


    So I've got a trader selling static weapons using trade_any_bicycle (database reference) which makes it unlocked and without a key when you purchase it.  However, when I restart the server they are all coming up locked...  so I'm thinking ideally I could just have them all unlocked at server restart...



        if (object isKindof "MK19_TriPod") then {
            _ownerID = "0";


    To me this should work... does anyone see any flaws?


    I'm not sure where to put it...  server_publishObjects?  server_publishVehicles?


    I tried to get this to work but so far no luck, please help

  5. Hi Guys,

     nice script and works correctly on our servers, but I have one issue, now with this added safe codes,door codes etc...only stay on the screen for like 1 second and go away too fast for people to get them, any ideal how to resolve this issue?



    From my testing you need to slow down the checking and updating. 


    There is two files you need to edit the config file and the checkconfig file.


    Change the check update thingy that is at 0.5 seconds change it to 5 seconds


    and same in the config file change the spots that are 0.5 to 5 and that will slow down accuracy of the markers but fix your messages from dissappearing too fast!  hope that helps

  6. Hi friends.


    I'm setting up a dedi server with a lot of cool mods but two of my favorite mods are conflicting with one another.  They are both quite radical mods, but add great features which is why i really want to get this working, with some help from you.


    So the first mod is:

    [Howto/Release] Tie PlayerUID To All Buildable Objects / Keep plot pole after death

    This cool mod allows players to keep ownership of all there plot poles, even if they die. And continue building when they get back, like nothing happened.

    It also has another very important feature:  It allows players that are tagged friendly to build on your plot. 


    Link to the first mod: http://tinyurl.com/lvwkxj7



    And the second mod is:


    [Release] Radio Communication Script v1.2

    This script allows people tagged as friendly to see each other on the map and on GPS.


    Link to second mod:



    Both scripts use the GUI (player_updateGUI.sqf) and friendly tagging (player_tagFriendly.sqf), which is where the problem comes in.


    The first mod changes both of these files for the persistent plot poles and friendly build capabilities.  But then my map and GPS markers stop working,


    So a quick summary of the changes I've done to the two problem files:



    6. Open player_updateGui.sqf in the custom folder and go to line 155 and replace this
        _charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
        _rcharID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
    with this
    _charID = getPlayerUID player;
    _found=[_charID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr;
    if (_found) then {
    _charID=[_charID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID;
    _rcharID = getPlayerUID _humanityTarget;
    _found=[_rcharID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr;
    if (_found) then {
    _rcharID=[_rcharID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID;
    }; and add "_found" to the private array at the top




    8. Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf" to your custom folder and open it up and replace

    _callerID = _caller getVariable "CharacterID";
    _targetID = _target getVariable "CharacterID";




    _callerID = getPlayerUID _caller;
    _found=[_callerID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr;
    if (_found) then {
    _callerID=[_callerID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID;

    _targetID = getPlayerUID _target;
    _found=[_targetID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr;
    if (_found) then {
    _targetID=[_targetID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID;
    }; Now add "_found" to the private array at the top of the file


    quoted from the instructions on how to tie objects to playerUID from the first mod.




    Sooo... lastly,  where I am at currently is I have removed these two files from my custom folder and went back to the originals which makes my MAP and GPS markers work like they should, and also my persistent plot poles are working, but allowing friends to build on your plot when you tag them doesn't work (since I took out those two files)


    Can anyone offer me any help towards a work around to get this solved,  I would be in your debt!

  7. I have added a Debug Version of the script for download. This version has no new features, it is for problem checking for server where the script doesn't seem to work correctly.


    Please read the new Debug Version part in the description. You can send me your RPT file as attachments via Message or post a cut version of it here. It would be best if I get 2 RPT files of both players testing at the same time who try to see each other on the map/gps.


    Has the Debug Version been taken down? 

  8. hey,  I tried to rip out the PlayerUID check for packing tent in my custom fn_selfActions.sqf

    my custom edited fn_selfActions.sqf:

         //Packing my tent
        if(_isTent and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
                if (s_player_packtent < 0) then {
                    s_player_packtent = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_07", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tent_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_packtent;
            s_player_packtent = -1;

    this is not working for me.  any suggestions?


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