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Posts posted by Snakeyes

  1. Which type server do you prefer to play on, PVE or PVP? I enjoy both for different reasons. If I'm focused on building a base I prefer to play on a PVE server. There is enough to do without the PVP element. Otherwise, PVP adds some excitement and tension to the gameplay. I'm considering changing my server over to PVP until the Antagonists/AI Missions ramp up. It would give players more to do in the meantime.




    Bornholm's got the same problem, I've only located atms in one part of the map, and they all work. but the 6 atm's I've added do not. 
    I've tried by adding to mission.sqm, wrapping if (isServer) then tages around an execVM, and by adding to config.cpp... 
    but to answer your last question, just create your own init.sqf. 


    I'm curious, where are the working ATMs on the Bornholm map? I want to deposit some Krypto.



  3. Keep looting and keep the faith, they are coming. Currently it is all about performance, once that's settled antagonists will get tweaked.

    In testing I often run 30 plus sappers on my i5 laptop with no slowdown.. :)

    You got it Axeman. That sounds good!

  4. You can't fuel jerrycans tho :)


    ONly way to fill them is leech from a vehicle. So go in  a car, leech fuel, refuel the car, profit !

    Good to know. It seems silly to carry jerrycans then, but you could leech fuel from the car to fill the cans and then top off at the fuel station. That gives you a little extra.

  5. I started playing Epoch for ArmA3 on Saturday. I've probably logged about 10 hours total playtime on two different servers hosting the Altis and Bornholm maps. I have been looting constantly for gear and $$$. So far I have seen/killed one drone and a creature that looks like a zombie. I have not killed any traders. I seem to hear a growling noise off in the distance occasionally when I'm looting buildings, but I never see anything. AI missions and roaming AI will fill the gap eventually. Currently it is too quiet on a PVE server. I'm used to roaming AI where you can be shot at anywhere at anytime. That creates tension and keeps a player on edge.  

  6. Cool! Auto refuel is a nice feature and I didn't know that  it worked in the new Epoch. Can you also do repairs and rearm at the fuel station? I'll carry Jerry cans when I'm out in the country to be sure my SUV doesn't run out of fuel. Thanks guys.

  7. I went back and found the SUV. That helps big time for storage and transportation. I found a chainsaw and I shot down a drone before I logged off. Are Jerry cans still used to fuel a car? if so, that is my next priority.

  8. Duh LOL! I never would have guessed that. Thanks Axle. :lol:


    I'll log back into my server and see if it is still there. It's doubtful since there was a server restart right after I left, but you never know.

  9. I have played a lot of Epoch for ArmA2, but Saturday was my first experience with the new Epoch for ArmA3. I played for a couple hours on the Altis map in the morning and then I started my own server running Bornholm in the afternoon. I finally found a nice vehicle (it looks like a crossover) and when I scroll wheeled on it there was nothing on the menu. My question is are some of the vehicles just map props or should they all be drivable? This was not wreck. It was a nice looking ride and in good shape. Am I missing something regarding unlock?


  10. I have played Epoch for ArmA2 to death and I'm still actively playing Epoch/Overpoch for ArmA2 on a few different maps now run by the same host. This Saturday was my first experience with Epoch for ArmA3. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is for the early stages of development. I played on an Epoch Altis server in the morning and then I started my own Epoch Bornholm server in the afternoon. All I have been doing is looting to gear up and selling to the traders for $$$. So far I have only seen/killed one AI in about 6 hours of gameplay. It was the zombie looking thing with no arms. Other than that it is very quiet. I have moved to one of the big cities on the map and hope to find more action. The loot is definitely more plentiful. I will try playing at night more often. Nice job so far developers!




    // Time based 
    StaticDateTime[] = {0,0,0,6,0}; // {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
    timeDifference = 0; // Server uses real time this will allow you to offset just the hour.
    timeMultiplier = 4; // Sets a time multiplier for in-game time. The command range is now capped at 0.1 - 120 to avoid performance problems.
    Starts at 6am and it will go dark about 40mins b4 a restart that is if you have the server on a 4 hour restart


    I'm late to the party and currently playing in the dark. What file is this found in? Thanks!


  12. Hey Guys after downloading companion ai am i meant to edit anything as im using sarge ai aswell i see the companion ai but nothing happens when i run up to them i have also tried using ~ and nothing happens.

    Also is this meant to be set to true -

    - DBGroupsStarted = false;

    DBMaxSurvivors = 50;  


    Alos This-

    -DBCurSurvivors = 0;

        publicVariable "DBCurSurvivors";

        DBSGroups = false;

        publicVariable "DBSGroups";

        DBUpdClient = false;

    I didn't change any of that from the default settings. You should see "Recruit" when you are close to a Survivor Companion with your mouse scroll wheel. Then you simply highlight "Recruit" and left mouse click or hit enter. I'm sure you need at least one recruit for the tilde "~" key to work.

  13. I'm really interested in trying headless clients on my server. A few questions in preparation...

    • Does each headless client need a copy of ArmA 2 OA to run?
    • Can multiple clients be run on the same PC?
    • Ideally, I want the HC(s) and my player client to run on the same box.


    Thanks! I'm looking forward to trying this and see how it affects my server performance.

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