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Posts posted by Snakeyes

  1. Would someone recommend a good method or tool for determining position so I can accurately determine spawn locations for the AI? It's sometimes referred to as grid coordinates or world location. I tried the ArmA2 editor, but I'm not sure how to open new maps like Napf with it. I could look at the server database or the RPT file and find my position where I disconnected, but that is really cumbersome. There has to be a better way.



  2. You cover a lot of the basics in the FMission text files included in the download. Install, set-up, mission logic, etc. Currently, I'm creating very simple Hunt/Gather missions (M3) with AI and AI Patrols. I would like to see another tut covering the use of stage props for a mission, such as a crashed vehicle. It could be anything from a cargo truck to a C-130. That would help me to create more advanced missions. I can't tell a proper story without setting the stage with static props.


    Thank you!



  3. How do I use static vehicles for mission props? I have some mission ideas that require using crashed vehicles as props. For example, a bandit C-130 crash carrying building supplies or a bandit Ural crash carrying medical supplies, etc. What would the code look like and where do I add it into an existing template for FMission? After the mission ends, would the object be included in the clean up code? Thanks.



  4. I'm running 2 missions for M1 and 2 missions for M3. So with my current settings either has a 50% chance of running in an hour cycle. After two hours of server time no missions have spawned in at all. I think I'll bump the mission spawn chance up to 75% and try that. I don't mind that they don't always spawn, but I would like to see them spawn in once in awhile. BTW, I know that I can force the mission spawn with mission spawn chance = 1, but I like the randomness and the chance that they will not spawn occasionally.

  5. I'm currently running Epoch servers for both Chernarus and Sauerland. Previously, when we played on vanilla DayZ servers we tried nearly all the maps. In retrospect I still like Chernarus the best overall. Since it is the original map used for DayZ, it seems the most polished and refined. I like the terrain and the scenery. Plenty of wooded areas, etc.

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