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Posts posted by Snakeyes

  1. The jammer is like a tax collector. It always want more Krypto! :)


    Seriously, I fed it some krypto this morning and a few minutes later I checked and it would take more krypto. Am I paying for future maintenance?

  2. I had my first experience with building today. I like that you can put a structure up fast with the snap building. On the other hand there isn't too much freedom with it. In ArmA 2 Epoch if I put a small structure up in a hurry it was not perfect and square. But I had the freedom to cover a gap simply by using another wall or floor/ceiling. With this when you have gaps you have to live with it as far as I can tell. I play on Epoch servers now with snap building, but you can toggle it on or off. That is probably the best solution.


    I know A3 Epoch is an alpha and it is early on, but a few other items like a ladder or small stairs would help. The only way I could get into my finished building (due to height from the ground) was to try an add a floor like a doorstep. That is hap hazard at best because you don't know how it will look until it settles. It may work and it may not.

  3. Update " its not possible to change color. The color you see ingame is set by arma itself. not Bec ". :(

    Sok, I have my server messages/restart messages set for a light gray now. It's less obtrusive than a bright green or hot pink.



  4. I installed the Status Bar on my server this morning. I only see the FPS and Players Online. The Next Restart and Krypto are missing. Any ideas why? I copied and pasted verbatim.


    NVM. Got it ...


    Thanks for the status bar. :)

  5. I've seen that on Legions server. I kind of like it because it provides useful, real time data to the players. Like time before a server restart, # of players online, fps, etc. Most of the stats related to your player can be found in debug with the ~ key. It seems more than one server is using that so maybe the code isn't proprietary.

  6. Where does Redis derive the time for time stamping data? I was playing this morning and watching the data change/update on Redis. The timestamps were for the evening and I have not lived that yet. Is there an option to set the server time for a particular server if you run more than one? As it is the time stamps make no sense to me, but the date is correct.

  7. Hi, I think the color of the message is and will ever be white. But you can change the color and name of the "name" from server. 


    SERVER: Bec (Global):  Server restarts in 10mins.

    The "SERVER" Is the Windows username of the server and the color you can change somwhere in bec folders I think :)

    Thanks. I'll look at that more closely. The server messages are all I want to change the color for anyway.

  8. Keys are unnecessary imo, the way it works at the moment is fine if it didn't reset after the server restarts. Freshly spawned vehicles should just be unlocked unless bought from a vendor in which case they should be prelocked and linked to the person who bought them.


    Something like a 2 week time limit (server configurable ideally) on the lock would be fine if the timer was reset everytime the vehicle was relocked. That way if someone stops playing on a server after the predetermined time has passed it just unlocks and becomes available to anyone.

    Keys become a hassle if you own a lot of vehicles. There must be a way that you could bind vehicle ownership to a players GUID. Personally, I would rather they do away with keys all together.

  9. Greetings,


    I searched the forums and I could not find anything related to the topic.


    Is there any way to make the text messages colored? Specifically, I would like the server restart messages from the BEC scheduler to be red rather than white. Red text pops on the screen! While white text can be overlooked by players.

  10. Radio quartz replaces the side chat, at least by default. The way I like to think about it is that if you want to talk to people who are outside of your group, you need to find a functional radio.

    Interesting. I thought I had fixed that "issue" and I probably broke it instead. Like I stated above, even when I dropped the radio on the ground (no other radios in my inventory) my side chat did not work and the quartz radio was still listed when I cycled through the radio channels.

  11. You are correct Nic. I looked in the description.ext file and I found that the side chat was disabled. After enabling it in the file I have side chat back again as well as the quartz radio.


    disableChannels[] = {2,6};


    0 = Global
    1 = Side
    2 = Command
    3 = Group
    4 = Vehicle
    5 = Direct
    6 = System

  12. I don't believe radio chat replaces side chat. I think I have been on servers where I had side and radio, but side is disabled by default so server owners have to enable it in the config files. But if you have side enabled, you should be able to access both. 

    My server hosts CP is probably bugged then. They have a side chat toggle on it. I'll check the server files and set it manually.

  13. Are you using an extra server side cfg for Bornholm?

    I am working on a possible fix currently

    I'm not sure, My server is rented and I simply select the Bornholm map in the control panel. I suppose they use a server side cfg to make the Bornholm map work?


    I hope you are successful with your fix. I would rather be playing on the Bornholm map right now than any of the others.

  14. Greetings,


    I searched the forum topics and I did not find an answer to this.


    I picked up a quartz radio tonight and I added it to the radio slot in my inventory. Now when I cycle through the VON radio channels with the "." (period) key, I have all the usual channels (group, direct, vehicle) except side chat. It seems to have been replaced by "Radio (Quartz)." Is that how its supposed to work? I never noticed that before when I carried a radio. If that is correct, how do I chat over side chat since the radio communicates with other quartz radios?


    Perhaps my server host control panel is bugged. I will look at the server files for the VON chat settings.



  15. You're not loading up any addons by mistake are you ?

    Try joining my server and i'll see what happens, might help find out why :)

    That happened to me this evening. I loaded the Chernarus map on to my server and I forgot that I had the Bornholm map selected in my launcher. After I noticed that from reading this post, I deleted my guid from the ban file and deselected the Bornhom map in my launcher. After that I joined without a hitch.

  16. RE- Epoch v0.2.5.2/Bornholm map v1.3


    When you spawn in to the game world as a fresh spawn in the room with the glass tubes, there are no teleporters (man hole covers). So there is no way to get out of that room that I am aware of. See this post in the Epoch Mod forums. It has an image and it is exactly what I see. No teleporters on the floor.





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