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Posts posted by Snakeyes

  1. I dont think you need rmod. Correct me if Im wrong, rmod just enables miltiarized vehicles to be used on the server. If you're running epoch, all of that is already enabled, you just need to add the vehicles to the dynamic vehicle list or traders.  Adding a mod like RMOD will kill your server because it requires every client who wants to play on your server to download it.

    Your right. I don't have any problem adding military vehicles to the database/traders. Using the guided missiles has been the challenge. I hope I can get AI Recruit running this weekend. I'm sure that the anti-hack requires an exception for that.

  2. I'm not sure why that happens. The vehicles are not deleted and any items that are stored in them are still there. We can locate them on the map with the admin tools ESP and they are locked when we find them. Any ideas why that would be happening? I have not added any mods lately that would cause a problem. The only recent change was that I updated the Infistar AH. I thought that may be the problem so I rolled it back to the previous version which was working fine. The problem persists. Really strange ...


  3. You need a gunner with you in an apache to lock on. The pilot or the gunner can lock on for the gunner but only if you have a gunner. Only some of the jets allow the pilot to lock on and fire without a gunner.

    Yep, I've got to get the AI Recruit script working or use something like rMod.

  4. That helps a lot Hux. I'm trying to get the AI Recruit to work, but no joy so far. I'm using the later server side version. It's a simple install, but I don't get a map marker for the AI trader and when I look at my RPT there is no indication that AI Recruit is running or has even started. Anyway, I'll join my server and see how it works for me without the AI. Thanks for the help.



  5. this works for any map and will place a trader randomly each restart, has a scroll menu compared to the display menu and spawns the ai serverside so players are not spawning the ai and their weapons/ammo:



    I installed AI Recruit with this method because I prefer to run it server side. After the server restart there is no map marker for the AI trader. I checked the RPT and there are no errors for it either. It's a very simple script to install. I simply added the bon_recruit_units folder to the root of my mission.pbo and the call to the init.sqf, but I'm not sure if it is running or not. Thanks for your work on this Halvhjearne.

  6. Like I mentioned in a post up above ^^^^. I don't think you can get missile lock with vanilla Epoch. Those that have it working on their server have done some kind of work around. I'm considering looking at/adding rmod to my Epoch server. I enjoy the militarized Epoch. Some don't and I respect that.

  7. I may be mistaken, but I don't think A2A/A2G missiles will lock on to an enemy target in Epoch. I added a AH64D and an Mi24D to the traders as perks for my regular players with a lot of gold to spend. I could buy and sell them, fly them and launch the missiles, but I could not get them to lock on to a target. When I saw an air target on radar it was green indicating friendly. I could not lock ground targets either so I pulled the attack helis from the traders. Can it be done? Yes, because I play on other Epoch/Overpoch servers that have it working.

  8. Thx for script its the best :)


    for infistar user u need to rename the variable, helpmenu to helpmenuu  in player_tools_main.sqf

    Will that fix the Infistar player kicks? I really like this script because it streamlines the commerce/currency handling process. Currently, only the admins playing on my server can use the Player Tools. The players get kicked immediately whenever they access it.

  9. I installed A3EAI and then played for several hours on the Altis map this afternoon. A3EAI brings the A3 Epoch world alive with plenty of action. The AI killed my player a few times while I tried different tactics so it's challenging. Any chance that you will add the AI radio chatter like there is in DZAI? Excellent work on this mod Face. Thank you for your efforts.



  10. Thanks for the script. We made the ai spawns from 2 different factions and as you approach town it is like entering a war zone they fight each other and you. KOOL

    I will share info if needed.

    Do the 2 different factions of AI spawn together at the same spawn coordinate?

  11. Greetings,


    I'm using the Custom Gem Trader now on my A2 Epoch Napf server and we are enjoying being able to utilize mining. Also, there is a chance to recover gems from the roaming AI when they are killed and looted. A quick question. How did you get the 1337 number for the RU_Villager1 trader? Is it derived by the editor? Because whenever I place a man (NPC) in the editor, that number is always 0 (zero). Here is a snippet from your Gem_Trader.sqf code. Thanks for the mod. :)


    _unit_1337 = objNull;

    if (true) then
    _this = createAgent ["RU_Villager1", [6054.33,7704.25,0.1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unit_1337 = _this;
    _this setDir 29;
    _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0; ";
    _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
    _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;

  12. Does anybody have this script working and care to share what you did? MisterT (the script author) mentions clientside files in a post to my question above. I have set up the script serverside only as per the OP. I'm using the Chernarus map and the spawn points provided by KingRaymond795. I don't see the script loading in my server rpt. I have visited multiple towns and ran through them and waited for awhile, but I never have any AI spawn. I have tried both versions of the generate_zone.sqf to no avail. I would like to get the Roaming AI script going to spice up the game for my players. Thanks for any help.



  13. When the devs allocate spawnable items to the relevant buildings, you will automatically see a difference in gameplay.

    For your benefit, Frank, I'll give you an example or two.

    Medical items only spawn at hospitals, schools, etc.

    Military items only spawn at military compounds.

    I would like to see this in an update soon. Currently, there is no rhyme or reason to the loot system. I could find an M107 in a house stuck underneath a cushion or a living room sofa in a hangar at the airfield. How plausible is that? :huh:

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