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  1. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from willxx in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  2. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from briariuss in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  3. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from VAKE in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  4. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from RundeEcke in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  5. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from pkok10 in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    Who is your server host?
  6. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  7. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from tynmanz in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  8. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from celticwarrior06 in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  9. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from MisterT in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    Thanks MisterT!  I don't get the errors on my server, but it seems to work for me...  Glad you solved the issue!
    I'll test on my server and see if it work, then issue an update..
  10. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from ispan55 in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  11. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from spirit2990 in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  12. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from Mad in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  13. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from DamianL in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  14. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from BlackPlague_81st in blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5   
    This script spawns zombies when players enter cities.   It is very much in alpha, and does not spawn 100% of the time for some reason.

    This script takes use of "Shaun's Simple Zombie Script"

    1. Download and Unzip this: ZombiesVersion0.0.0.5.zip
    2. Add the zombies folder to your mission folder.
    3. Add the sounds folder to your mission folder.
    4. Add zskin.jpg to the root of your missions folder.
    5. Add this to your descriptions.ext at the top.
    #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" 6. Add this to your mission folder init.sqf
    if (isDedicated) then { [] execVM "\q\addons\zombiemission\init.sqf"; }; [] execVM "zombie\compiles.sqf"; "playZSoundHurt" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; "playZSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fncNextSound}; 7. place ZombieMission.pbo in your @EpochHive\Addons folder
    You are now complete

    - Zombies do not look exactly like zombies...  (Hard to setTexture and get them working to look like zombies without editing client side requirements)
    - They do not always spawn when player enter cities

    Change Log: >
    Added a spawn code for the server side files.. >
    Added code to play sound for client side >
    Added zskin.jpg to zip file
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...
  15. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from FPSTrollywood in possible to edit the epoch_code, for loot?   
    nope...  that would be client side...

    to edit config.hpp you would have to port some of the code to your mission folder... would be really difficult undertaking..

    I think the DEV's should put the Loot Tables and Pricing tables in the mission file so we can edit....
  16. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from piyrez in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    I have compiled some code from multiple authors and edited them.  Most of this being from Arma 2, since I have been running this script for over a year, I don't remember the authors.
    Thanks to GhostRider for taking this and improving it.  You can see his improvements on his GitHub: https://github.com/G...v-2.0.2-updated
    Current Version Number: 2.0.2
    AI Features:
    4 AI Missions (Each Different Color)
    Each mission individually configurable
    New Improved AI setOwner to enable JIP and new spawn damage
    4 Crates at each mission (You can edit each one individually)
    Variable amount of AI at each location, you can choose the range. (Default 5-15)
    If anyone has any other cool ideas they would like me to make..  Personal Message me...  I'll work on them and post them on forum when completed if I like them...

    1. Download the attached files.
    2. Add custom_server.pbo in your @EpochHive/Addons/ folder.
    3. In your Mission Folder or PBO , if you have an init.sqf go to step 5.
    4. Create a file called "init.sqf" in your mission folder or PBO (init.sqf provided in .zip)
    5. Add the following Lines:
    //If server execute this script if (isServer) then { execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf"; //If anything but server execute this script } else { [] spawn { //This is to spawn the markers when players enter after server has started [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers2.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf"; [] execVM "debug\addmarkers752.sqf"; //Event handler to show messages to players // this can be used for other scripts to send messages to players -- see AIM.sqf "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];}; }; };  6. Unzip the mission.zip file and add the debug folder into your mission folder or PBO. (init.sqf is provided only needed if step 6 was not completed)
    You are complete!  Enjoy!
    ATTACHED IN THE ZIP ARE THE BE FILTERS THAT I AM USING..  IF THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU, NOT SURE WHY.  Due to too many people having different BE Filters issues, I will not provide BE Filter Support.  Use mine if you have issues (make a backup of your old ones in case of further issues)
    AI Damaging players was configured by the following code added to the end of the AI.sqf and AI1.sqf files.
    //Prevents players from having AI God Mode while {true} do { _players = []; _nearEntities = count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["_nearEntities: %1",_nearEntities]; //Used for testing { if (isPlayer _x) then { _players = _players + [_x]; }; } foreach (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000]); //diag_log format["Nearplayers: %1",_players]; //Used for testing if ((count _players) > 0) then { _owner = _players call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ai1 setOwner (owner _owner); }; //diag_log format["_ai1 %2 Owner: %1",owner _ai1, _ai1]; //Used for testing waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])}; }; AI Cleanup was completed by adding the following:
    _ai1 spawn { waitUntil{!alive _this}; _this setOwner 1; sleep blck_aiCleanUpTimer; deleteVehicle _this; }; FILES CAN BE EDITTED. to edit the server files, you need to unpack the custom_server.pbo with PBOMANAGER...  then once your done editting repack the PBO. To edit I would suggest using Notepad++ and the SQF Addon from Armaholics The PBOManager can be downloaded from Armaholics as well Change Notes:
    2.0.1 > 2.0.2
    Minor Fixes
    2.0.0 > 2.0.1
    Fixed the issue with the AI not getting inside vehicles
    1.3.4 > 2.0.0
    You can customize the look, number of AI, AI Weapons at each mission individually (see init.sqf in the server files).
    Provided my BE Filters..
    Changed the way the AI get weapons and magazines (Now specifed in server init.sqf as  ["Weapon","Magazine"] )
    Changed how the AI get their owner to provide player damage.
    Removed all items from AI before adding new items to prevent providing items you dont want..
    Added a section to add FirstAid Packs and other items...
    Added function to make sure AI Missions are a certain distance from each other (Default in init.sqf:  MinDistanceFromMission = 500;)
    1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    Added setOwner script to the AI in spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    Commented code to help understand what is happening better
    Removes some Headless Client testing code
    1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    Fixed issue where Minor/SM1.sqf wouldn't remove marker (Thanks to ilganna)
    Removed unnecessary code from spawnvehicles.sqf
    1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    Added the debug folder to zip file
    1.2.0 > 1.3.0
    Updated code for setOwner
    Added removeBackpackGlobal for AI (Some would spawn with unwanted items) to remove the backpacks
    Fixed issue where specified weapons wouldn't be given to AI, rather default weapons.

    blck AI Mission v2.0.2.zip
  17. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from piyrez in blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)   
    It is...  To fix it for Chernarus or other maps change this in the SM1 of the Major and Minor missions
    _coords = [[6322,7801,0],300,12000,30,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; to: Center Pos Range _coords = [[6322,7801,0],300,12000,30,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; For Chernarus this should work: _coords = [[6322,7801,0],300,5000,30,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; In ver 1.2+ i added support to define these in the server init.sqf file..
  18. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from Suppe in Need Help... Looking for a Tool   

    1. Copy Paste into Excel.
    2. Use Text-To-Columns to to break it into different columns
    3. use =Concatenate to bring them back to gether.
    4. Copy new concatenated strings and paste back into file...

    Might only work on a list though
  19. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from chipsandcheese in Survival Launcher - alternate Steam launcher for ARMA 2: OA and ARMA 3   
    + 1,000,000 points!!!

    I think this is much better than A3Launcher...  It appears that A3Launcher is broken..  It does not show all servers..

    This one does show all servers.. A+++
  20. Like
    blckeagls reacted to SurvivalServers.com in Survival Launcher - alternate Steam launcher for ARMA 2: OA and ARMA 3   
    Updated May 11, 2015: Version released
    I've been working for the last few months on a launcher for both Arma 2:OA and Arma 3. The goal is simple: keep it free, keep it updated (same day mod / game updates), and keep it from negatively impacting player ease of joining game servers. It's also modular and I can build in new games fairly easily.
    Here are a few screenshots:




    I decided to release a bit early due to the Arma 3 Epoch update and because the core features are stable. I have a sleugh of features in the works like favorites, friends, notifications, and statistics & reports. Coming soon, of course =)
    Go download it at http://www.SurvivalLauncher.com
    As feedback is crucial to this project, I ask that you let me know of any bugs or feature requests in the forum.
    Ryan Pennington
  21. Like
    blckeagls got a reaction from calamity in [Outdated] [Release] Single Currency & Banking 1.1   
    Found the answer:
    I mean not playerHud.sqf. My bad. I wanted to see your gold/init.sqf.
    Are you sure you have these functions in your compiles.sqf? :
    BIS_fnc_numberDigits = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\numberDigits.sqf";
    BIS_fnc_numberText = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\numberText.sqf";
    And those files actually exist in the given paths? (Might be different paths for you)
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