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[How To/Update] Build Snap with Right Click custom build, admin fast build + upgrade Version 1.6.5 IMPORTANT UPDATE: extra_rc

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I tried doing it this way, not done this level of code before so was a little guess work.


in my mission/init.sqf 

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf"; 

Is this right?

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I tried doing it this way, not done this level of code before so was a little guess work.


in my mission/init.sqf 

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf"; 

Is this right?


yes but doing it like that gave me issues in the past, copy the variables from your dayz_code into your custom folder in your mission folder and then change the 

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf";

This way you load the full variables. Yes you mission file is a bit bigger but tends to run a bit smoother (less problems)

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I've got some problems with this,
The first id when I build something with maca's right click, the stuff doesn't dissapear from the inventory after building is finished.

The another thing is that normal players are not abble to use it, if they even have all the required items in the inventory, tyhe game says that you should have the stuff in your inventory.

Here is my rc:

class ExtraRc {
 class ItemPole {
  class flagRu {
    text = "RU Flag";
    script = "[""FlagCarrierRU"",[""ItemToolbox"",""ItemEtool""],[""Itemsandbag"",""ItemWire"",""ItemPole""],[0,5,0]] execVM ""custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf"";";
  class flagUSA {
    text = "USA Flag";
    script = "[""FlagCarrierUSA"",[""ItemToolbox"",""ItemEtool""],[""Itemsandbag"",""ItemWire"",""ItemPole""],[0,5,0]] execVM ""custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf"";";

So the normal players see that you should have a sandbag in yourunventory.

P.S. sorry for my english

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did you remember to install build snap extended and then replace the player_build.sqf with the one i released? For me it sound like you should try and go over the instructions on how to install again. :)

yes, I have added those to, and all is workingif you are an admin, except dissapering of stuff, snap building also is working good.

But if you are normal player the only thing appears that it doesn't see you have needed items in your inventory.

Now will try to switch off BE and infistar and see how it works

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it's working fine on my own servers and om using the same files as you are. did you also remember to create the public variable to define fastbuild admins? jsut leave it empty if you don't want to use it, but you need to define it

nope I didn't edit BE and AH, I have Epoch may be that the problem?

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I have swiched off infistar and BE, reinstalled the script, it worked while my uid was in the WG_adminBuild but items still do not dissapear from my inventory. When I deleted my id from WG_adminBuild it also worked and even the items dissapeared from the inventory. So it seemed to be that admins don't run off items while admin_build, and that great. I'll try to swtch on the Antihack and BE and see. Will report asap

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that is correct, admins only need the right click item also called the base item for the object you want to build and an admin added to that array can also upgrade without items in the inventory. And when an admin that's added to the array build, the item will stay in his or hers inventory.

Regarding to objects disappearing when you build is because you haven't followed the instructions properly


remember to add your custom objects in "dayz_allowedObjects" and "DZE_maintainClasses" in your variables.sqf

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Hm, I got it all installed properly(I think) but battleye is givin me some issues. whenever I try to make an object that's added from the second post, i get kicked for a CreateVehicle restriction, any idea what I need to add as an exception to make this all work smoothly?

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Hm, I got it all installed properly(I think) but battleye is givin me some issues. whenever I try to make an object that's added from the second post, i get kicked for a CreateVehicle restriction, any idea what I need to add as an exception to make this all work smoothly?


No clue, i don't use BE Filters try look at The Build Snap Extended topic

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