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Network message pending spam since


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20:07:18 Server: Object 7:105 not found (message 94)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:108 not found (message 70)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:107 not found (message 70)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:106 not found (message 94)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:109 not found (message 70)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:110 not found (message 70)
20:07:18 Server: Object 7:111 not found (message 70)
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 4:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:14 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 4:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:14 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner
21:09:12 Server: Update of object 2:1 arrived from nonowner

no idea why this started happening

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​18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363f9 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363f9 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fa is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fa is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fa is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fa is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fb is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fb is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fb is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fb is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fc is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fc is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fc is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fc is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fd is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fd is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fd is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fd is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fe is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fe is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fe is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363fe is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363ff is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2363ff is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2365f4 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a3 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a3 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a3 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a3 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a4 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 2367a4 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 23694f is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 23694f is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 23694f is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 236950 is pending
18:20:22 Server: Network message 236951 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236abe is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236abe is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236abe is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236c17 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236c17 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236c17 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236d1a is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236d1a is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236d1a is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 236e61 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 237058 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 237059 is pending
18:20:23 Server: Network message 23729e is pending

18:22:58 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:58 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:58 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:58 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:58 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:22:59 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:00 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:01 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
18:23:02 Client: Object 48:39 (type Type_70) not found.
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Bump - for all of the above.. 


Server FPS is down a bit too since 1.0.4.*


Gonna rebuild the PBO's tomorrow to try and rule those out and try to figure out why such a drop since 1.0.3*


(yes, we have updated all client file pulls etc) :D

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Yeah i've also got loads of these, they're probably my missing vehicles that just vanish :unsure:

17:58:31 Server: Object 13:111 not found (message 89)
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:13 not found
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:0 not found
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:12 not found
18:17:44 Server: Object 31:349 not found (message 70)
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 Client: Remote object 35:0 not found
18:18:13 Client: Remote object 35:15 not found
18:18:13 Client: Object 32:309 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 30:216 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 19:417 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 31:351 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 24:434 (type Type_149) not found.
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:266 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:267 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:268 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:269 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:270 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:271 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:272 not found (message 98)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:273 not found (message 91)
20:28:12 Server: Object 24:276 not found (message 98)
20:28:12 Server: Object 24:277 not found (message 91)
20:28:33 Server: Object 24:278 not found (message 99)
20:28:33 Server: Object 24:279 not found (message 91)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:69 not found (message 70)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:68 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:66 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:67 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:70 not found (message 70)
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2952ec is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2952ed is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fc is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fd is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fe is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954ff is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295500 is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295501 is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295502 is pending
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:125 not found (message 94)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:126 not found (message 70)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:130 not found (message 70)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:129 not found (message 70)
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d2 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d3 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d4 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba83 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba84 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba85 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba85 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba86 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba87 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba88 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba88 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba89 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba89 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8a is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8a is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8c is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8c is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8d is pending
etc etc

I don't have/want a Github account, I've added my snippet to show it's happening on my server as well.

Good luck finding and fixing :)

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Yeah i've also got loads of these, they're probably my missing vehicles that just vanish :unsure:

17:58:31 Server: Object 13:111 not found (message 89)
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:13 not found
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:0 not found
18:17:42 Client: Remote object 26:12 not found
18:17:44 Server: Object 31:349 not found (message 70)
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 No player found for channel 1689378880 - message ignored
18:18:13 Client: Remote object 35:0 not found
18:18:13 Client: Remote object 35:15 not found
18:18:13 Client: Object 32:309 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 30:216 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 19:417 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 31:351 (type Type_149) not found.
18:18:13 Client: Object 24:434 (type Type_149) not found.
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:266 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:267 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:268 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:269 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:270 not found (message 99)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:271 not found (message 91)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:272 not found (message 98)
20:27:48 Server: Object 24:273 not found (message 91)
20:28:12 Server: Object 24:276 not found (message 98)
20:28:12 Server: Object 24:277 not found (message 91)
20:28:33 Server: Object 24:278 not found (message 99)
20:28:33 Server: Object 24:279 not found (message 91)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:69 not found (message 70)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:68 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:66 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:67 not found (message 94)
20:28:36 Server: Object 26:70 not found (message 70)
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2952ec is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2952ed is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fc is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fd is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954fe is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 2954ff is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295500 is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295501 is pending
20:28:41 Server: Network message 295502 is pending
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:125 not found (message 94)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:126 not found (message 70)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:130 not found (message 70)
20:28:46 Server: Object 5:129 not found (message 70)
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d1 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d2 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d3 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29b7d4 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba83 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba84 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba85 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba85 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba86 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba87 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba88 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba88 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba89 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba89 is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8a is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8a is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8b is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8c is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8c is pending
20:28:49 Server: Network message 29ba8d is pending
etc etc

I don't have/want a Github account, I've added my snippet to show it's happening on my server as well.

Good luck finding and fixing :)

This does not tell me anything, PM me your entire RPT file.

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Network pending messages can generally be resolved by configuring the basic.cfg correctly (if your hardware/network can support it) - many factors contribute to why you are seeing the message. E.g. things such as max vehicle limit (more vehicles, more network messages), AI (more network messages) and player count (more players, more messages).


How many slots is the server, how many players do you have during peak times?

What hardware are you running? (more specifically, CPU)

What's your max vehicle limit? (MaxVehicleLimit in mission init.sqf)

Do you run AI missions?

What settings do you have in basic.cfg?


This isn't really an epoch specific issue, more of an ARMA/configuration issue - however it's obviously more common with epoch/dayz due to the amount of objects in the world and Arma's inherent nature tell every client everything that is happening (this is why they created the "network bubble" for standalone).

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