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Plot Pole Use / Maintain Option


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Can someone please explain to me how the plot pole maintain works?  Right now the server I play on has Plot Pole building enabled, meaning you need one to build.  Once built we havent received the maintain option at all when checking the plot pole.  Its been 12 days since I planted the pole and I havent died with this guy.  Since the new patch I picked up the plot pole on another building and placed it again but every time its still saying 0 parts in range to maintain.  


Can someone please explain how it should exactly work, when I should be able to maintain etc?  We have been building over and over after two weeks because our buildings / walls are removed at random after one restart.  


Thanks for your time in advance.  

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When you look at your plot pole and select Maintain Area Preview, it will tell you that you have X number of items in range and it'll tell you what the cost to maintain them will be. If you have nothing to be maintained, then it will say there are 0 items in range and you can pay two 10oz gold to maintain it (even though there's nothing to be maintained). Your buildables need to have damage set to them from an SQL event. If they still have damage when the number of days set in the hiveext.ini is reached, they will be deleted.

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Can a admin or a dev for this mod please help me out.  Multiple people have tried on the server I play on to pick up the plot pole and place again, add gold even know nothing is there to maintain etc.  I think this is a server setting that is wrong.  I dont want to call out what server I play on so please PM me if you're a dev or an admin :-(


This has been ongoing for two months now, we have put countless hours, Im talking weeks of building for it to disappear within 14 days.  


Please help!


Thanks in advance

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Implemented the 0.1 to 0.11 and updated the current objects that were set at 0.1 to 0.11 - waiting on server restart to see if that fixed the issue over at BMRF.


I'm unsure why more people haven't complained about this. 


Try changing the SQL event damage from 0.1 to 0.11. Not sure why but it the only way I could get any maintenance options up.


Confirmed it works. Make sure you run a sql command to change all objects with a damage of 0.1 to 0.11


Let me get with AWOL before anything is written in stone first.

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When are the maintenance options supposed to show up?

After a reboot? After a day? Week? 

We've had issues with it, but more like the bases just disappeared after 14 days. 

I had to update all the entries of buildables to that they were built on current timestamp as a temporary solution.

Then we got help from AWOL, but no maintenance options have shown up yet.

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When are the maintenance options supposed to show up?

After a reboot? After a day? Week?

They show up when building objects are damaged to around 0.1. A chainsaw works well and will give the maintenance options without the need for a restart. Its how we kept our bases until we fixed the SQL event.

There is an SQL event that sets damages on any object older than 3 days to 0.1, change that to 0.11. Once the event has run and the server has had a restart the maintenance options will be there.

Hope that explains it.

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I'm unsure why more people haven't complained about this. 



Confirmed it works. Make sure you run a sql command to change all objects with a damage of 0.1 to 0.11


Let me get with AWOL before anything is written in stone first.


This has been discussed before. I've been using 0.11 for a while because of this problem.

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