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Server Providers



Ok, i'm starting to get fed up with DayZPriv, they dont keep their files up to date and they take awfully long to answer my tickets some times. 

I need the best server hosts I can find that have all or most of the following-

-Admin Tools

-Great Customer Support

-Easy Access to ALL files

-Working Epoch Taviana(?)

-And of Course great connection


If anyone could help me within the next 2 days before I go through with another monthly payment it would be great. And I have already used DayZ.ST and am not considering going back to them.  



Anything that is around 30 dollars a month would be great too. 

Also Looking for a low priced TeamSpeak Host.

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Don't go with HFB, the server lags so bad with over 25 players.

In the end i went for a dedicated server with online.net and don't regret it, I have everything i need using Infistars AH and PHT and have total access and control, no downtime and i update things when they're released.

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Don't go with HFB, the server lags so bad with over 25 players.

In the end i went for a dedicated server with online.net and don't regret it, I have everything i need using Infistars AH and PHT and have total access and control, no downtime and i update things when they're released.

How much does it cost?

And dont you have to pay for infiSTAR's antihack which is like 40 dollars?

If I did buy this would you be able to help me set it up, show me a few things with their server?

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infiSTAR/Blurgaming antihack is a one off payment, they email you updates when they become available, including Battleye filters. 


They're very helpful if you have any issues or requests in relation to thier tools you can use thier support ticket system or hop on thier TS to have a chat with them. :)

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infiSTAR/Blurgaming antihack is a one off payment, they email you updates when they become available, including Battleye filters. 


They're very helpful if you have any issues or requests in relation to thier tools you can use thier support ticket system or hop on thier TS to have a chat with them. :)

What do you think about the online.net servers? Or do you have other suggestions for another provider?

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you could try a dedicated server or cloud hosting, you would be completely responsible for setting up your server (that isnt hard, just a few more configs you need to manage) but you would then have 100% control over your server.


I am crazy and did this, and co-located. But in return I have 2 dayz servers, 3 minecraft server, 1 starbound, 1 just cause 2 server, 5 teamspeaks, and 4 web hosts. Yah, a lot...but totaly worth it to be out from under the thumb of any GSP. You could easily run arma 2, teamspeak and a wamp server from a duel core server(2.5ghz or better no hyper threading), a SSD would boost your performance and anything above 6gb of ram is plenty.

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you could try a dedicated server or cloud hosting, you would be completely responsible for setting up your server (that isnt hard, just a few more configs you need to manage) but you would then have 100% control over your server.


I am crazy and did this, and co-located. But in return I have 2 dayz servers, 3 minecraft server, 1 starbound, 1 just cause 2 server, 5 teamspeaks, and 4 web hosts. Yah, a lot...but totaly worth it to be out from under the thumb of any GSP. You could easily run arma 2, teamspeak and a wamp server from a duel core server(2.5ghz or better no hyper threading), a SSD would boost your performance and anything above 6gb of ram is plenty.

dedicated servers cost like 150 monthly dont they?

Plus the infistar antihack

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I use DayZ.ST and honestly I haven't really had any issues other than not being able to modify the hiveext.ini file to change the time schedule, but I've uploaded a script that basically changes the time for me as a time skipper. I honestly don't have any other complaints about DayZ.ST.


To get stuff working on your server you've just gotta get out there on this forum and opendayz.net and start reading and asking questions. I've been running my server for about 3 weeks now and I had no prior knowledge. 

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