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Kill Message



I am helping run a non PvP server and it would help to have a kill message when someone gets killed by a player or even AI/zombies. I have seen them on other servers, where it says who shot who, with what, & the distance. I'm not having any luck finding any help on the web.


Thanks in advance!

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Customize Death Messages


Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;

Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;

Enables global title text messaging of player deaths.

DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;




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Customize Death Messages


Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;

Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;

Enables global title text messaging of player deaths.

DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;





These don't work for me.  Never been able to figure out why.  I think a Global one popped up one time only.


Before asked, yes I set enableRadio.  Tried both //enableRadio false; and enableRadio true;.  All that's managed to accomplish is the Trader's saying Good Morning to me, haha

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These don't work for me.  Never been able to figure out why.  I think a Global one popped up one time only.


Before asked, yes I set enableRadio.  Tried both //enableRadio false; and enableRadio true;.  All that's managed to accomplish is the Trader's saying Good Morning to me, haha


Tile text works, but often flashes to fast to really be read.


Awol said he was going to look into fixing it.


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Ran some quick tests last night. Small sample size of 20 or so player kills, but Global channel and title text notifications appear to work very consistently. Global channel notifications always displayed, with only 1 title next notification that didn't display. Side channel notifications weren't displayed for any kill.


DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;
Not working
DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;
enableRadio true;

in init.sqf (not sure if this makes any difference)

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can we have this only server side in log ?

I don't wanted mu user can see it, cause when you shoot, you don"t know if you hit or kill (RP).

But for me i just want to know how kill how in log server 


Is that possible ?

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can we have this only server side in log ?

I don't wanted mu user can see it, cause when you shoot, you don"t know if you hit or kill (RP).

But for me i just want to know how kill how in log server 


Is that possible ?


No idea  :lol:

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can we have this only server side in log ?

I don't wanted mu user can see it, cause when you shoot, you don"t know if you hit or kill (RP).

But for me i just want to know how kill how in log server 


Is that possible ?

by default there is a death message logged server side look for "PKILL:".

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Actually using DZE_DeathMsgTitleText with enable radio = true; and oddly I'm the only person that sees those messages, the rest of the server does not see them. I have 5 radio set to 1 in my BE filters so I'm not sure why only me as the admin can see the message.

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I am running and I got this to work by modifying the following:


//Customize Death Messages
//Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)   (Default: false)
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
//Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)   (Default: false)
DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;
//Enables global title text messaging of player deaths.  (Default: false)
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;
and I also set the following:
enableRadio true;
enableSentences true;
Note: We tested this 5 times in a row and certian players got different messages. I got just the message in side chat where others had both side chat and global. Some didnt get one at all. Wierd. Hope this helps!
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