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Epoch Cry Launcher - 1.0 [updated 20-10-2014]


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Hi @ all

sorry for my bad english,
this is my little idea and project. I play on different maps and it annoys me repeatedly enter the parameters and the DayZ Commander taking so long to bring out updates and I kept the paramater needs to change... *it sucks*! :P My friends have the same opinion! So I started to write me a small tool. When it is finished I will publish it.
I have the launcher now rebuilt. In the next beta you can select the map, for example Taviana / Panthera ....!


What can the tool at the moment?
* Installed Beta Patch 103718 (Menu -> Install Patch)
* Install Epoch

* Automatically finds the Arma2 & Arma2 OA installation

* Change another Epoch Maps(Panthera/Taviana/Namalsk)
* Delete Epoch (Menu -> Delete Epoch)
* Costum Connect to your own IP(3 IPs)
* Create Desktop Shortcut (Menu -> Shortcut)

* Server infos(Name, Player)


* Install Net Framework 4.0 HERE
* Start the launcher and make a Desktop shortcut, you find the option in the Menustrip!

* Make sure you have installed the beta patch!
* Done and Have Fun :)



* Windows 7/8/8.1
* Net Framework 4.0
What is planned?
Install other Maps (Taviana 2.0/Namalsk 0.741/Panthera 1.8)

Better Serrver handling(Add/Edit/Show)

What will I need maybe?
* Sponsors <---
* Quantity Time
* Ambition and fun :)


Version 1.0:

Download HERE: www.crymedia.de
Suggestions are welcome!


best regards

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NO WAY!! You read my mind.. I'm actually talking with my friend about this exact same project right now.  


Universe always listens :)



EDIT: No wait.. Our idea is for admins to automatically install and configure addons for their chosen dayz mod.  

i.e bloodbag, tow/lift etc.. Dam, but yours looks almost identical. Great minds :P

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Yes PM me and we can discuss something. Hopefully it wont be the only source to get the files from otherwise the bandwidth will be an issue. I do have unlimited bandwidth with my account with bold lettering in the T & Cs stating "fair usage policy" etc.

Regardless, just PM me and we will see if we can work something out.

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vbawol had access to the source code. The source code remains closed in the future.
It is being developed with a view to arma3 Epoch, and even then only there is also a new version.
in the moment, about 50 people test the launcher, more than I need at all to fix bugs.
best regards cryten
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Update to Beta 1!
I have rebuilt the launcher!

* Install Epoch
* Change Epoch Logo
* Delete Epoch
* Costum Connect to your own IP(3 IPs)
For Error: "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack'"
1. Go to .\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\
2. Copy the content of the 'addons' folder.
3. Go to .\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Common\
4. Paste and replace/merge the files.
(5. Additionally, copy the entire Addons folder into A2OA's main folder.)

WHY: The required animations are in the ARMA 2 addon folder. Copying them over to ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead will also add them to where DayZ can find them. Not everybody are required to do this. (Assuming they don't have the error.)

DOWNLOAD at the first post!

best regards Cryten and thx for all Testers :)

if there would be a 4th option for namalsk and a 4th line for ip/port it would be perfect for me/us...
maybe you can add this?


comming soon :)

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Update Beta 2:

  • Automatically find the path to Arma2 and Arma2 OA
  • Launcher does not need to be copied in Arma2 OA folder!
  • Problem in start parameters has been fixes(no more errors on join to server)
  • Maps select(Chernarus(Default)/Tavi/Panthera/Namalsk)
  • more maps? Pls reply here(Mod Parameters and Download link)!

Best regards Cryten




Fix Bugs

redownload the launcher!





Update3 29.12.13 : Style change :)




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gunnar you have installed Net Framework 4.0 and you have Admin rights of the computer?



EDIT: Update Bug fixed.



Update Beta 4;

Change GUI Code

GUI Timer reduced

Bugfix save code(Server name)

Window move fixed


Update again Beta 4.1   ->  31.12.2013 04:09am GMT+2


32bit/64bit client fix... detect Arma2 and Arma 2OA now correctly!



Update again Beta 4.2  ---> 31.12.2013 18:34 GMT+2

Background ist now avaible in a Window!


pls redownload the file


Server info ist done for testing!



  :wub:  :wub:  :wub: 

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Would it be possible to have it set up so that server owners can offer this to their players with their servers and server name on the launcher so that the players jst go to the website, download this launcher and have everything set up for them?  Server Info wise I mean.


at the moment you can edit the launcher.ini for your purposes.




Name=MGT Chernarus Server
Name=MGT Panthera Server
Name=MGT Namalsk Server

edit this an repack this into a zip an giv the launcher your community. 


that should work at the moment.




Edit: The "Epoch_Cry_Launcher.exe" create the ini file at start! but you can create a new and copy this into the launcher folder. the launcher detect the launcher.ini.

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