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How to change plot management currency?



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On 4/3/2019 at 5:45 PM, Reaper5150 said:

I have taken out the coins and am using gold and silver for my currency. How would I go about changing the maintain plot poles from the coins to say one gold bar or whatever?

try looking in the epoch old posts mite me some thing in there as is now all based on coins


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You can slap me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure I'm not - Epoch Is NOT all based on coins.
Coins are an addon to vanilla Epoch, so you need to revert the relevant files that your installed coins addon required you to change. Or look for some settings within the coins addon to revert maintenance back to vanilla currency.
I cant be much more help as I havent dabled in A2 for a couple of years.
Here is the coins addon that Salival made for that may be usefull for you.
Salivals addon

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Coins are an addon. is gold/silver/gem only... If you had Salival's mod pack installed all you needed to do was change these first three lines in your mission file/dayz_code/init/variables.sqf to: 

Z_singleCurrency = false; // Enable or disable coins?
Z_globalBanking = false; // Enable global banking? Disabled by default.
Z_globalBankingTraders = false; // Enable global banking traders at trader cities? Disabled by default.

and everything works vanilla as far as currency is concerned

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Okay! Just to be sure if I turn off all the coin base currency on the server then it should revert back to the old school gold and silver? In my variables.sqf I have this 

Z_singleCurrency = true;
DZE_maintainCurrencyRate = 100;
DZE_MoneyStorageClasses = DZE_LockableStorage; // List of classnames that players can bank with. If you want a specific class name added (i.e Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ) consult the README.md on github.
ZSC_defaultStorageMultiplier = 200; // Default magazine count for banks objects that don't have storage slots (i.e Suitcase, Info_Board_EP1, Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ)
ZSC_MaxMoneyInStorageMultiplier = 200000; // Multiplier for how much money a bank object can hold, example: 200 magazine slots in the object (or the default value above ^^) multiplied by the 50,000 multiplier is 10 million coin storage. (200*50000=10m coins)

ZSC_bankObjects = [""]; // Array of objects that are available for banking (i.e Suitcase, Info_Board_EP1)
ZSC_bankTraders = ["Functionary1_EP1_DZ"]; // Array of trader classnames that are available for banking (i.e RU_Functionary1)
ZSC_limitOnBank = true; // Have a limit on the bank? (i.e true or false) limits the global banking to the number below.
ZSC_maxBankMoney = 900000000; // Default limit for bank objects.


Also I would have to go into the traders .hpp files and change them over to gold and silver? what are the IDs to do that?  ItemBriefcase100oz <<<Like this??

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6 hours ago, Reaper5150 said:

Okay! Just to be sure if I turn off all the coin base currency on the server then it should revert back to the old school gold and silver? In my variables.sqf I have this 

Z_singleCurrency = true;
DZE_maintainCurrencyRate = 100;
DZE_MoneyStorageClasses = DZE_LockableStorage; // List of classnames that players can bank with. If you want a specific class name added (i.e Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ) consult the README.md on github.
ZSC_defaultStorageMultiplier = 200; // Default magazine count for banks objects that don't have storage slots (i.e Suitcase, Info_Board_EP1, Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ)
ZSC_MaxMoneyInStorageMultiplier = 200000; // Multiplier for how much money a bank object can hold, example: 200 magazine slots in the object (or the default value above ^^) multiplied by the 50,000 multiplier is 10 million coin storage. (200*50000=10m coins)

ZSC_bankObjects = [""]; // Array of objects that are available for banking (i.e Suitcase, Info_Board_EP1)
ZSC_bankTraders = ["Functionary1_EP1_DZ"]; // Array of trader classnames that are available for banking (i.e RU_Functionary1)
ZSC_limitOnBank = true; // Have a limit on the bank? (i.e true or false) limits the global banking to the number below.
ZSC_maxBankMoney = 900000000; // Default limit for bank objects.


Also I would have to go into the traders .hpp files and change them over to gold and silver? what are the IDs to do that?  ItemBriefcase100oz <<<Like this??

My mod pack by default is setup for briefcases/gold/silver etc: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/blob/master/DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus/dayz_code/init/variables.sqf#L1-L3 

Same goes for the trader files: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/blob/master/DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus/description.ext#L85-L86

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