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Hi Jason i thought i would add my sched_corpses.sqf for the new Epoch it seems to work ok but could be wrong :S if you could take a look and see if i made any errors would be great :)

#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp"

if (isNil "ai_cleanup_time") then {ai_cleanup_time = -1;};

sched_co_deleteVehicle = {
	private "_group";
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Respawn";
	clearVehicleInit _this;
	_group = group _this;
	deleteVehicle _this;
	if (count units _group == 0) then {
		deleteGroup _group;
	_this = nil;

sched_corpses = {
	private ["_delQtyG","_delQtyZ","_delQtyP","_addFlies","_x","_deathTime","_onoff","_delQtyAnimal","_sound","_deathPos","_cpos","_animal","_nearPlayer","_delQtyV","_delQtyAI"];
	_delQtyZ = 0;
	_delQtyP = 0;
	_delQtyG = 0;
	_delQtyV = 0;
	_addFlies = 0;
	_delQtyAI = 0;
		if (local _x && {_x isKindOf "CAManBase"}) then {
			if (_x isKindOf "zZombie_Base" || {typeOf _x == "z_bloodsucker"}) then {
				_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
				_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;
			} else {
				//Only spawn flies on actual dead player, otherwise delete the body (clean up left over ghost from relogging, sometimes it is not deleted automatically by Arma or onPlayerDisconnect)
				//AI mods will need to setVariable "bodyName" on their dead units to prevent them being cleaned up
				_deathTime = _x getVariable ["sched_co_deathTime", -1];
				if (_x getVariable["bodyName",""] != "") then {
					if (_deathTime == -1) then {
						/*_deathPos = _x getVariable ["deathPos",respawn_west_original];
						_cpos = getPosATL _x;
						// forbid a move further than 50 meters, or burried body (antihack)
						if (_deathPos distance _cpos > 50 or _deathPos select 2 < -0.2) then {
							diag_log [ __FILE__, "Corpse should have been moved! CID#",(_x getVariable["characterID", "?"]),"from:", _cpos, "to:", _deathPos ];
							//_x setPosATL _deathPos;
						_deathTime = diag_tickTime;
						_x setVariable ["sched_co_deathTime", _deathTime];
						if (dayz_enableFlies) then {
							_x setVariable ["sched_co_fliesAdded", true];
							_addFlies = _addFlies + 1;
					// WAI: 60 * ai_cleanup_time = how long a mission ai corpse stays on the map
					if ((ai_cleanup_time != -1) && (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > (60*ai_cleanup_time)) && (_x getVariable["bodyName",""] == "mission_ai")) then {
						if (_x getVariable["sched_co_fliesDeleted",false] or !dayz_enableFlies) then {
							// flies have been switched off, we can delete body
							_sound = _x getVariable ["sched_co_fliesSource", nil];
							if !(isNil "_sound") then {
								detach _sound;
								deleteVehicle _sound;
							_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
							_delQtyAI = _delQtyAI + 1;
						} else {
							PVCDZ_flies = [ 0, _x ];
							publicVariable "PVCDZ_flies";
							_x setVariable ["sched_co_fliesDeleted", true];
							// body will be deleted at next round
					// 40 minutes = how long a player corpse stays on the map
					if ((diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 40*60) && (_x getVariable["bodyName",""] != "mission_ai")) then {
						if (_x getVariable["sched_co_fliesDeleted",false] or !dayz_enableFlies) then {
							// flies have been switched off, we can delete body
							_sound = _x getVariable ["sched_co_fliesSource", nil];
							if !(isNil "_sound") then {
								detach _sound;
								deleteVehicle _sound;
							_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
							_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;
						} else {
							PVCDZ_flies = [ 0, _x ];
							publicVariable "PVCDZ_flies";
							_x setVariable ["sched_co_fliesDeleted", true];
							// body will be deleted at next round
					} else {
						// Do not spawn flies immediately after death. Wait 10 minutes.
						if ((diag_tickTime - _deathTime < 10*60) or !dayz_enableFlies) exitWith {};
						_onoff = 1;
						// remove flies on heavy rain.
						if (rain > 0.25) then { _onoff = 0; };
						// switch flies sound on/off. 
						// sound must be deleted/respawned periodically because new players won't ear it otherwise, 
						// and other players would ear it several times (very loud noise)
						_sound = _x getVariable ["sched_co_fliesSource", nil];
						if !(isNil "_sound") then {
							detach _sound;
							deleteVehicle _sound;
							_x setVariable ["sched_co_fliesSource", nil];
							//diag_log "delete sound";
						if (_onoff == 1) then {
							_sound = createSoundSource["Sound_Flies",getPosATL _x,[],0];
							_sound attachTo [_x];
							_x setVariable ["sched_co_fliesSource", _sound,[false,true] select (DZE_Bury_Body || DZE_Butcher_Body)];
							//diag_log "create sound";
						// broadcast flies status for everyone periodically, to update visible swarm
						PVCDZ_flies = [ _onoff, _x ];
						publicVariable "PVCDZ_flies";
				} else {
					if (_deathTime == -1) then {
						_deathTime = diag_tickTime;
						_x setVariable ["sched_co_deathTime", _deathTime];
					} else {
						// Wait 30s to make sure the server had time to setVariable "bodyName". PVDZ_plr_Death can be delayed by a few seconds.
						if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 30) then {
							_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
							_delQtyG = _delQtyG + 1;
		if (_x in vehicles) then {
			_deathTime = _x getVariable ["sched_co_deathTime", -1];
			if (_deathTime == -1) then {
				_deathTime = diag_tickTime;
				_x setVariable ["sched_co_deathTime", _deathTime];
			// 5 minutes = how long a destroyed vehicle stays on the map
			if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 5*60) then {
				{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (_x nearObjects ["CraterLong",50]);
				_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
				_delQtyV = _delQtyV + 1;
	} forEach allDead;
	_delQtyAnimal = 0;
		_animal = _x;
		if (local _animal) then {
			_nearPlayer = {isPlayer _x} count (_animal nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]);
			if (_nearPlayer == 0) then {
				_animal call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
				_delQtyAnimal = _delQtyAnimal + 1;
	} forEach entities "CAAnimalBase";

		if (count units _x==0) then {
			deleteGroup _x;
			_delQtyGrp = _delQtyGrp + 1;
	} forEach allGroups;
	if (_delQtyZ+_delQtyP+_addFlies+_delQtyGrp+_delQtyG+_delQtyV > 0) then {
		diag_log format ["%1: Deleted %2 uncontrolled zombies, %3 uncontrolled animals, %4 dead character bodies, %7 ghosts, %8 destroyed vehicles, %9 dead mission ai and %5 empty groups. Added %6 flies.",__FILE__,


sched_disconnectedPlayers = {
	private ["_x","_disconnectTime"];
	diag_log (_x);
		if (local _x) then {
			_disconnectTime = _x getVariable ["sched_co_disconnectTime", -1];
			if (_disconnectTime == -1) then {
				_disconnectTime = diag_tickTime;
				_x setVariable ["sched_co_disconnectTime", _disconnectTime];
			if (diag_tickTime - _disconnectTime > dayz_ghostTimer) then {
				if (alive _x) then {
					[_x,nil] call server_playerSync;
				dayz_disconnectPlayers = dayz_disconnectPlayers - [_x];
				_x call sched_co_deleteVehicle;
			diag_log format["%1 - %2",_x,_disconnectTime];
	} forEach dayz_disconnectPlayers;


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I know I'm very late to this party, but unfortunately I have stuck trying this mod working on a epoch fresh server. I followed the step-by-step installations instructions but with no luck: server starts fine but in the process of authentication I got a "kicked off bt Battleye Script restriction #39".

Any clue?

Thanks in advance



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Thanks @olegatorfor your answers and tons of help. Fortunately I solved that issue and already no need to tweak with BE scripts restrictions. If this helps for anybody in the future:

  • The install instructions are ok and works for Epoch Just read and follow them step by step.
  • My problem was the use of a pbo creator that doesnt work properly (cpbo and mikero tools). The link at the README.md points to the discontinued armaholic site. At the moment there are two options:  last PBO Manager (NOT the deprecated!): https://github.com/winseros/pboman3 (this version only works on Windows 10, not 7) and -my solution-, rescue from the past the old PBO Manager that is still available at this repo: https://github.com/SteezCram/Armaholic-Archive

After unpack and repack with that everything was running fine :-)


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