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[Release] Salivals Mod Pack [Updated for 1.0.7]


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SOooo....I now have everything working in this mod pack except vkc. Out of frustration trying to diffmerge everything I finally realized I had so few custom things it was easier to just use the mod pack files and re-add the four other things. Other than the mod pack I am running WAI, DZMS, DZAI (heli patrols only), and @JasonTM's branch admin tools. Like I said it all works except I get no claim nor re-key option for vkc. I have been over the files and other than the above adds, everything is perfectly identical to the original files (which since I literally dropped them in the folder isn't any surprise). The only thing I see throwing errors is DZMS, which I have to iron out why cause it plays functionally in-game, and some errors related to the overwatch guns. I can't find any about vkc unless I over looked something.


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  On 5/17/2018 at 1:01 AM, BufordTJustice said:


SOooo....I now have everything working in this mod pack except vkc. Out of frustration trying to diffmerge everything I finally realized I had so few custom things it was easier to just use the mod pack files and re-add the four other things. Other than the mod pack I am running WAI, DZMS, DZAI (heli patrols only), and @JasonTM's branch admin tools. Like I said it all works except I get no claim nor re-key option for vkc. I have been over the files and other than the above adds, everything is perfectly identical to the original files (which since I literally dropped them in the folder isn't any surprise). The only thing I see throwing errors is DZMS, which I have to iron out why cause it plays functionally in-game, and some errors related to the overwatch guns. I can't find any about vkc unless I over looked something.


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An easy way to test this would be to disable each addon. For example, disable all the mission scripts by removing their execution lines, but leave the admin tools enabled. If it starts working, you found your problem. If not, re-enable them all, and disable admin tools. If it starts working, you have your problem.

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Tried that...also tried downloading vkc as not part of the pack and installing it solo on my old clean PBO...I think either there is something wrong in my fn_selfactions or for some reason it isn't being pulled. At first I thought maybe the stringtable but I have the latest one and it includes vkc dialog support...so I don't know...but all the other mods in the pack are working correctly utilizing the files that came with the pack. Just vkc is having the issue...I probably bungled something but I don't know how as the install is pretty straight forward....

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  On 5/17/2018 at 4:50 AM, BufordTJustice said:

Tried that...also tried downloading vkc as not part of the pack and installing it solo on my old clean PBO...I think either there is something wrong in my fn_selfactions or for some reason it isn't being pulled. At first I thought maybe the stringtable but I have the latest one and it includes vkc dialog support...so I don't know...but all the other mods in the pack are working correctly utilizing the files that came with the pack. Just vkc is having the issue...I probably bungled something but I don't know how as the install is pretty straight forward....


PM'd, please email me your mission and server pbo

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Hey there,

I know this is not an issue with the Mod Pack but I hope it's okay to post it here.

I'm running this Mod Pack on an Epoch Chernarus server in conjunction with WAI and DZAI and am having a problem where when players join, the server begins loading while the player is stuck on the "Waiting for Server Authentication" screen. The loading then times out after 120 seconds and the player is kicked back to the lobby. From there, the player can click Join or okay (forgot what the button actually reads) and the player is then loaded into the game. This is an inconvenience for players as some impatiently either leave after the timeout or exit out during the "Waiting for Server Authentication" screen. I have posted my RPT below. I do get many warnings and there are a few errors logged, but the server runs just fine except for the long loading and kick and rejoin issue. I have reviewed the RPT myself and have looked at the code in the files that are listed in the error messages but I do not have the experience to identify any problems. Does anyone have time to review my RPT and give me some advice on how I can get my server to load before the 120 second timeout? Thanks for your help!

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  On 5/17/2018 at 4:39 PM, Vladick said:

Hey there,

I know this is not an issue with the Mod Pack but I hope it's okay to post it here.

I'm running this Mod Pack on an Epoch Chernarus server in conjunction with WAI and DZAI and am having a problem where when players join, the server begins loading while the player is stuck on the "Waiting for Server Authentication" screen. The loading then times out after 120 seconds and the player is kicked back to the lobby. From there, the player can click Join or okay (forgot what the button actually reads) and the player is then loaded into the game. This is an inconvenience for players as some impatiently either leave after the timeout or exit out during the "Waiting for Server Authentication" screen. I have posted my RPT below. I do get many warnings and there are a few errors logged, but the server runs just fine except for the long loading and kick and rejoin issue. I have reviewed the RPT myself and have looked at the code in the files that are listed in the error messages but I do not have the experience to identify any problems. Does anyone have time to review my RPT and give me some advice on how I can get my server to load before the 120 second timeout? Thanks for your help!

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Without seeing your files, i'm guessing it's your infistar kicking the first player off.

Your infistar is very old, too

infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 07-Dec-2016 20-52-13-v1436 

You should upgrade this, they are at version 1450 at the moment.

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  On 5/17/2018 at 6:59 PM, salival said:


Without seeing your files, i'm guessing it's your infistar kicking the first player off.

Your infistar is very old, too

infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 07-Dec-2016 20-52-13-v1436 

You should upgrade this, they are at version 1450 at the moment.


Thanks for the reply Salival. I will look into it. Sadly, this may not be something I can update myself as Survival Servers hosts the server and they provide the Infistar version. I will ask them to upgrade it though.

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  On 5/20/2018 at 7:03 PM, salival said:

That's all my version has ever done, butcher will give -humanity, bury + humanity, no meat given.


Never used your old version i dont think, the 1 i use to have gave meant on the body's for butcher .
Would it be possible to do a version like that ? or would it require to many changes to be worth while ?


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  On 5/20/2018 at 8:26 PM, inneedofhelp said:

Never used your old version i dont think, the 1 i use to have gave meant on the body's for butcher .
Would it be possible to do a version like that ? or would it require to many changes to be worth while ?



After this line: https://github.com/oiad/buryBodies/blob/master/scripts/buryActions.sqf#L52

Add this line:

if (!_isBury) then {player addMagazine "FoodBeefRaw";};


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Hey guys,

I merged in my safe, lockbox and door code changing script, see this thread for information: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/45116-change-code-change-lockbox-safe-and-door-codes/

GitHub link to commit: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/commit/1bc7bccde81b34c014b5d67cf51298f45da74753


Please let me know if there are any installation issues.

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Hello, I added infistar and I enabled single currency but for some reason when I load in the game, I can't use the infistar menu and the single currency doesn't work. If I die, then respawn then I can use the infistar menu and I see single currency working. Any idea why this happens?


Edit: After some more debugging, it seems when the first person connects, the player joins the server before those addons are loaded. Does anyone know of a way to make the addons load before a user joins?

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  On 5/21/2018 at 10:45 AM, salival said:

Hey guys,

I merged in my safe, lockbox and door code changing script, see this thread for information: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/45116-change-code-change-lockbox-safe-and-door-codes/

GitHub link to commit: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/commit/1bc7bccde81b34c014b5d67cf51298f45da74753


Please let me know if there are any installation issues.


Hi Salival, 

I have just installed a fresh server with your modpack only. Does the front page download have the change code included or do I need to upgrade from the above commit? I started making changes in the player_upgrade.sqf but then it seemed like in the next file that the changes had already been made.

I have just attempted to build a cinder cube with metal floors and roof, can build all that fine, built a cinder doorway, but could not upgrade the cinder doorway with 1x metal pole and 1x metal floor. It did not give any message or warning and I do not have any .rpt errors server side.

Error From my client side .rpt:

File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf, line 8
Error in expression <llingMessages;};
+dayz_actionInProgress = true;
+player removeAction s_player_up>
  Error position: <= true;
+player removeAction s_player_up>
  Error Missing ;

Do you have list of things I can test to see if the modpack is all working?

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  On 5/22/2018 at 9:53 AM, Voltan said:

Hi Salival, 

I have just installed a fresh server with your modpack only. Does the front page download have the change code included or do I need to upgrade from the above commit? I started making changes in the player_upgrade.sqf but then it seemed like in the next file that the changes had already been made.

I have just attempted to build a cinder cube with metal floors and roof, can build all that fine, built a cinder doorway, but could not upgrade the cinder doorway with 1x metal pole and 1x metal floor. It did not give any message or warning and I do not have any .rpt errors server side.

Error From my client side .rpt:

File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf, line 8
Error in expression <llingMessages;};
+dayz_actionInProgress = true;
+player removeAction s_player_up>
  Error position: <= true;
+player removeAction s_player_up>
  Error Missing ;

Do you have list of things I can test to see if the modpack is all working?



I just did a fresh install and I can't replicate what you are seeing, the current github repo is up to date and is what I used to test.

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  On 5/22/2018 at 11:08 AM, salival said:


I just did a fresh install and I can't replicate what you are seeing, the current github repo is up to date and is what I used to test.


Thanks for checking mate, will replace the player_upgrade.sqf with the one from your repo and see if that fixes it.

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  On 5/22/2018 at 11:27 AM, salival said:

If you still have any issues, I guess you still have my email address? Just email me your dayz_server and mission pbo


Fixed the errors, all working now. The code change is working for doors when I put them down, but not safes or lockboxes. Applying the latest commit change now.

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  On 5/22/2018 at 11:36 AM, salival said:

Although, I did miss this from my changeCode merge, but it's unrelated to your problem: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/commit/e42fdebd2a5f882a1b40da189a161c230e9c682d


I am getting this error client side .rpt now

Error in expression <ad = nearestObjects [player,vg_heliPads,vg_distance];
if (count _heliPad > 0) th>
  Error position: <vg_distance];
if (count _heliPad > 0) th>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: vg_distance
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\scripts\deployAnything\player_deploy.sqf, line 147

Have emailed you my client and server .pbo

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  On 5/22/2018 at 1:12 PM, Voltan said:

I am getting this error client side .rpt now

Error in expression <ad = nearestObjects [player,vg_heliPads,vg_distance];
if (count _heliPad > 0) th>
  Error position: <vg_distance];
if (count _heliPad > 0) th>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: vg_distance
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\scripts\deployAnything\player_deploy.sqf, line 147

Have emailed you my client and server .pbo


Fixed that here: https://github.com/oiad/modPack/commit/96993d7600a51e600cfebcfe946ef72c9f9bf406

That's been there for some time with no-one noticing, heh

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Hello again,

The next issue I have found is that none of my right click actions are working, my clickactions config file:

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I am also getting this error client side .rpt

String STR_CL_CC_CODE_CHANGE not found
String STR_CL_CC_CODE_CHANGE not found
String STR_CL_CC_CODE_CHANGE not found
String STR_CL_ZSC_ACCESS_BANK not found

The stringfile.xml link you provided on the first page is broken so I obtained this one  from someones upload in one the pages in this thread. Are you able to provide me with your up to date stringfile.xml?


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