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[WORKED AROUND] Anyone having an issue with BEC since the 1.78 update


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As I wrote on BI's forum:

  On 12/1/2017 at 5:28 AM, kbbw123 said:

You di read the changelog right? Battleeye now has a new port it connects over so if that port is blocked it will screw everything up for you...


I did read the changelog and assumed all would be okay since I had been using 2306 for BattlEye for my server on game port 2302 since they moved the port months ago... but no... neither RCON nor BEC could connect anymore. As recommended by a fellow server owner I moved the port to 2307 and it works perfectly... go figure?!?


However, for my second game server on my dedicated hardware, I am SOL... it uses game port 2312 (and now BE port 2317, which allows BEC and RCON to connect to the server)... However, after a few minutes clients are kicked with BE client not responding. Have turned BE off on that server until Bohemia fix... oh well

(And yes, 2302-2307 and 2312-2317) have been open ports for months and the servers worked perfectly before the 1.78 upgrade.

I feel for those on hosted servers though...

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@Grahame, I am running 4 servers on a dedi and have been settign the RCON port to game port -1. That has worked fine for the first three which run on ports 2302, 2342 and 2362. My epoch server, for some reason, has the dreaded battleyeclient can not connect error and runs on 2312; changing it to other ports does not address the problem so far. I hope this helps.

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