I have this installed, but I guess I don't understand what it should be doing. I thought is was supposed to make the messages from WAI show up different like color wise and stuff, but all I get is the radio messages so either it's not working or I really don't understand it's function.
So here is my thoughts, the remote.sqf needs the remote_message.sqf because it calls it right?
But then if it is calling it then what exactly is it doing because it has color to text changes, but I see no change. Maybe that not what it supposed to do at all and if that's the case then what is the point in this line?
I tried to explain my question as best as possible , but to sum it up I am just trying to figure out what the heck remote_messages.sqf is supposed to do exactly? I am executing it in my complies, but ya any help understanding it's function would be great.
Hey guys,
I have this installed, but I guess I don't understand what it should be doing. I thought is was supposed to make the messages from WAI show up different like color wise and stuff, but all I get is the radio messages so either it's not working or I really don't understand it's function.
So here is my thoughts, the remote.sqf needs the remote_message.sqf because it calls it right?
if(!isDedicated) then {
fnc_remote_message = {
private ["_type","_message","_player"];
_type = _this select 0;
_message = _this select 1;
call {
if(_type == "radio") exitWith {
if(player hasWeapon "ItemRadio") then {
if(player getVariable["radiostate",true]) then {
systemChat _message;
[objNull,player,rSAY,"Radio_Message_Sound",30] call RE;
if(_type == "global") exitWith { systemChat _message; };
"RemoteMessage" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) call fnc_remote_message; };
remote_ready = true;
But then if it is calling it then what exactly is it doing because it has color to text changes, but I see no change. Maybe that not what it supposed to do at all and if that's the case then what is the point in this line?
format["<t size='0.40' color='#FFFFFF' align='center'>%1</t><br /><t size='0.70' color='#d5a040' align='center'>%2</t>",_message select 0,_message select 1],
fnc_remote_message = {
private ["_type","_message"];
_type = _this select 0;
_message = _this select 1;
call {
if (_type == "radio") exitWith {
if (player hasWeapon "ItemRadio") then {
if (player getVariable["radiostate",true]) then {
systemChat _message;
playSound "Radio_Message_Sound";
if (_type == "private") exitWith {if(getPlayerUID player == (_message select 0)) then {systemChat (_message select 1);};};
if (_type == "global") exitWith {systemChat _message;};
if (_type == "hint") exitWith {hint _message;};
if (_type == "titleCut") exitWith {titleCut [_message,"PLAIN DOWN",3];};
if (_type == "titleText") exitWith {titleText [_message, "PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 10;};
if (_type == "rollingMessages") exitWith {_message call dayz_rollingMessages;};
if (_type == "dynamic_text") exitWith {
format["<t size='0.40' color='#FFFFFF' align='center'>%1</t><br /><t size='0.70' color='#d5a040' align='center'>%2</t>",_message select 0,_message select 1],
] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
"RemoteMessage" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn fnc_remote_message;};
I tried to explain my question as best as possible , but to sum it up I am just trying to figure out what the heck remote_messages.sqf is supposed to do exactly? I am executing it in my complies, but ya any help understanding it's function would be great.
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