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corpse missing after death



Players and myself have been having trouble looting our corpse in We are using the group system and sometimes when we load in there is no corpse, other times, you can see it on the map and when you get there it disappears or disappears in the middle of looting yourself. Is there a time limit on how long you can take to get back to your corpse? If so, how do I adjust?

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mm if u think is an issue with groups  you need notify to @ebayShopper about it.  I not sure  if is the same but for example  the ai corpses dissapear quickly.

the fix a use for it is for example add this line

_deathcorpse setVariable ["bodyName","unknown",false];

below of this:

_deathcorpse = _bodygroup createUnit [_deathcorpseskin, [(_mainpos select 0) + 2, (_mainpos select 1) + 2], [], 1, "NONE"];


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OK cool, so where can I find that bit of code to edit? Pretty please =o)


I do not know if it is an issue with the group function, I was trying to convey that sometimes the group function shows a corpse on the map and is accurate because if it doesn't show the little RIP, that means your corpse is gone.

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So if I change this: 

// 40 minutes = how long a player corpse stays on the map

if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 40*60) then {

to this:

// 60 minutes = how long a player corpse stays on the map

if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 60*60) then {

I can increase the time to an hour?

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  On 3/31/2017 at 2:43 AM, Birgitte said:

So if I change this: 

// 40 minutes = how long a player corpse stays on the map

if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 40*60) then {

to this:

// 60 minutes = how long a player corpse stays on the map

if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 60*60) then {

I can increase the time to an hour?


this is what i did since the corpse does not turn into bones anymore. Players havnt complained yet lol

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