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Epoch - No lobby after death - How To


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This is how i make no-lobby after death:

Files to change:

1 - Client side: compile\player_death.sqf

use this custom player_death.sqf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4yaijzuj1ieegiq/player_death.sqf?dl=0

2 - Client side: description.ext (on the root of the mission file)

Change this:

respawndelay = 5;
to this:
respawndelay = 0;
3 - Server side: compile\server_playerSetup.sqf

Look for this line:

_playerObj addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;}];
Add above it, this line:
_playerObj removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPHit";
Create new file:

1 - Put this file in the root of the mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/omb7n23bxcky2gl/player_monitor.fsm?dl=0

It's a custom player_monitor.fsm to run everytime the player dies.

2 - Create reinit.sqf, in root of the mission file, and add inside it this content:

dayz_originalPlayer = player;
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];

if (isServer) then {
mtdr_reinitOk = false;
_id = [] execFSM "player_monitor.fsm";

waitUntil {mtdr_reinitOk};

//If you use ESS, uncomment the line bellow:
//sorry, i dont know the start line for it

//If you use ESS2, uncomment the line bellow:
//execVM "spawn\start.sqf";

Anti Hack Problems

I believe antihack kill the player if he goes to the debug area (respawn_west marker set in mission.sqm) after first respawn, so if you use antihack, the player will enter in a die/respawn/die/respaw cicle and probabily crash the game. Without antihack, it seens to work ok, but tell me if you find a problem.


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how can I get player_death.sqf without removing it


terminate dayz_musicH;
terminate dayz_slowCheck;
terminate dayz_animalCheck;
terminate dayz_monitor1;
terminate dayz_medicalH;
terminate dayz_gui;

r_player_dead = true;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\TakeClothes\Recoverskin.sqf";
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [4]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0.2;

by infistar  permission?

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Hi i have trying to get this to work for a day or so. So far i have found a number of things infistar dose to make this impossible and resolved most of them

1. detects player TP kills.  (Can be fixed by turning of TP detection but also by adding exception to debug.)

2. Detects player still has more than 0 blood in debug and kills / logs. (Can remove this part, as i have for testing purposes)

3. Detects godmode in debug kills and kicks. (Removed this section of code for testing)

4. lobby's for no dam reason.


After fixing the first 3 and testing time and time again with both a admin account and player account i found consistently that admins can still re-spawn without any issue. However players can now respawn and if your quick you end up back in the map bounds with ESS gear and para into the map. However within 10-15 seconds of all of this process it lobby the player accounts anyway.

I cant find anything in infistar related to endmission or missionfail etc that can account for a sudden kick to lobby.

Pretty much polluting my days and nights.

I am in no way a master coder but i am good with logic and trial and error. 

Anyone know of a setting / section of the infistar code that deals with lobby kicks ? so i can at least just disable / remove it for testing.

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It works mostly without issue as a admin (so exception to all the rules of infistar). I have noticed that sometimes if the death and re spawn is too quick that the GUI sometimes didn't update right. I had a character that was stuck with the broken legs GUI image despite re-spawning 4x. This has not repeated however. If i can get past this last issue with the forced lobby kick 10-15s after respawn i will get me crew to respawn over and over and test every possible combination until we find any issue or exploit. But for now any suggestions on how i can stop infistar for force lobby kicking would be great

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Still no luck. Been trying to get past this final lobby kick that takes place 10-15s after re-spawn. If your on as a admin it works perfectly but without it will still lobby kick 10-15s after you have spawned. This happens if you leave debug or sit in debug and don't choose a spawn or kit etc. I get the same issue without the ESS. 

Will keep working on a solution. This would really help for my server as its high military and pvp so a lot of death and action. (lots of re-spawning) lol

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  • 1 month later...
On 01.01.2016 at 6:09 PM, getwastedgaming1 said:

Still no luck. Been trying to get past this final lobby kick that takes place 10-15s after re-spawn. If your on as a admin it works perfectly but without it will still lobby kick 10-15s after you have spawned. This happens if you leave debug or sit in debug and don't choose a spawn or kit etc. I get the same issue without the ESS. 

Will keep working on a solution. This would really help for my server as its high military and pvp so a lot of death and action. (lots of re-spawning) lol

i find this theme with fast reSpawn players, without waiting


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  • 1 month later...

Could not make it work in my server even with no anti hack, problems:

  • black screens sometimes (10~15sec)
  • no zombie aggro after respawn
  • sometimes players break their legs when spawning via hallo
  • sometimes players dies 2 times in a row for some reason (this is not a big deal)

If anyone could fix this i would be very glad.Thanks.

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