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Epoch AH banning players .. Battleye bans.txt

Chainsaw Squirrel

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I've been having recurring issue with this . have all set to log only .. still bans players , below is how have set up .. of course still have admin ID setup ..
Keeps banning players and adding to bans.txt


/ Anti Hack
antihack_Enabled = true; // built-in Anti-Hack
antihack_cfgPatchesCheck = true; // cfgPatches (AddOn Check)
antihack_PVSPrefix = "EPAH_"; // used to help whitelist pveh variables in BE without BEC and watchdog, leave blank to use no prefix.
antihack_cfgPatchesCfg[] = {1}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG

antihack_ahInitAuthCfg[] = {1,90}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG, 60 = ban or log if anti hack is not started in 90 seconds

Tried this at 60 and 90 

antihack_addActionCheck = true; // false to disable addAction checks
antihack_customVariablesCheck = false; // true enables variable scanning on missionNamespace
antihack_customVariables[] = {}; //Add global variables from custom scripts, example: {"MyOwnVar","CP_KK"} //Global Variables begin without "_" !!
antihack_customVariablesCheckMode = 1; // 0 = Ban, 1 = Log, 2 == learning mode (only enable with trusted players in a passwored server to profile your variables keep disabled for normal operation)

Edited by Chainsaw Squirrel
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Maybe some one can explain it to you, cause I literally just guessed. I was having the same problem, with it even banning my Headless client. I did this, and it stopped doing it. I can also still use the admin tools, I dono what it will stop it from doing though. 

// Anti Hack
antihack_Enabled = true; // built-in Anti-Hack
//antihack_cfgPatchesCheck = false; // cfgPatches (AddOn Check)
//antihack_PVSPrefix = "EPAH_"; // used to help whitelist pveh variables in BE without BEC and watchdog, leave blank to use no prefix.
//antihack_cfgPatchesCfg[] = {0}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG
//antihack_ahInitAuthCfg[] = {0,90}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG, 60 = ban or log if anti hack is not started in 90 seconds
//antihack_whitelistedCfgPatches[] = 
//antihack_InvOpenCheck[] = {}; // blank array disables, enable with {6} distance in meters disallows gear access if another player is within this range also disables gear access in vehicles.
//antihack_banReason = "EpochMod.com Autoban";
//antihack_checkFiles[] = { //script check, leave it blank to disable it
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf", "EPOCH_clientInit"},
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf", "EPOCH_onEachFrame"},
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_masterLoop.sqf", "EPOCH_masterLoop"},
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf", "EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer"},
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf", "EPOCH_clientRespawn"},
    //{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf", "EPOCH_KeyDown"}
Another guy told me it had to do with people changing their video settings, while in the game. I dono though, because it def banned the headless client. 

Edited by makasouleater
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well this is one thing that I wish .. @vbawol, @Axle , etc .. would give some better explanation of .. I know this topic has come up before .. never see a real answer.. Luv Epoch and the whole crew ..  you appear to ignore this .. its like you are saying I don't care enough to write something up to explain the details of Epoch AH .. if you can't or won't .. because of other issues.. which well I somewhat understand .. trying not to talk in riddles lol .. but don't want to piss off other players in this dynamic .. trying to remain neutral.. then just say it is what it is .. and Say don't ask we cant give details . due to other factors .. Im good with that f u say its a matter not able to discuss.. just say so! 
and I will move on to other options .. for AH

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People are getting that far .. getting kicked instantly .. except admin .. and I can promise most of these aren't hackers I will set to false  antihack_cfgPatchesCheck , but its for what ever reason , set to default that way in the mod from GitHub .. it was set that way for a reason .. even though no one will comment .. if Epoch has explained .. make it a sticky .. or add to wiki 

I'm a reasonable guy .. but I dont like being ignored .. on what seems to be a reasonable request to me .. 

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I've just searched mine and i don't have any AHB entries but i don't use the AH and nobody is banned.

Tricky one to resolve this one, have you tried without the AH just for testing purposes ?

Yes works fine without ah .. everyone can get in fine , my self included.. but I could get in fine with as well .. but of course I was listed as admin .. sooo.. 
You can remote in if you like and look around .. if you wish team viewer


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I can tell you that it has to do with mods. The battle eye might not kick people, because you put in the filters, but the anti hack still bans for what ever reasons were set in it. It has to be one of these mods, A3AI, Status bar, Ear Plugs, or black market. I know some one who runs a epoch server, and those are the mods we have in common, and he got auto bans, till i told him what i told you. He didnt block all the code out though, he put 1s, where it has 0s, where it says log instead of ban, I believe that worked for him. 

//antihack_cfgPatchesCfg[] = {0}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG
//antihack_ahInitAuthCfg[] = {0,90}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG, 60 = ban or log if anti hack is not started in 90 seconds

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I can tell you that it has to do with mods. The battle eye might not kick people, because you put in the filters, but the anti hack still bans for what ever reasons were set in it. It has to be one of these mods, A3AI, Status bar, Ear Plugs, or black market. I know some one who runs a epoch server, and those are the mods we have in common, and he got auto bans, till i told him what i told you. He didnt block all the code out though, he put 1s, where it has 0s, where it says log instead of ban, I believe that worked for him. 

//antihack_cfgPatchesCfg[] = {0}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG
//antihack_ahInitAuthCfg[] = {0,90}; // 0 == BAN - 1 = LOG, 60 = ban or log if anti hack is not started in 90 seconds

Tried Logging .. still bans .. every player except admin. for now its just turned off until I can either afford infistar or get help from epoch devs to sort out the issue

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Update the epoch_server_core.pbo with the file below to fix the logging, then report back with the logged info if you still need help.

I do now have the ahb log .. it gives this [ 2015-10-13 21:03:08 CHAINSAWSQUIRREL (7656xxxxxxxxxxx9): addAction 1/0 ] minus the brackets on kick , I still know as much as I did lol..
and it still kick/ban instead of log, after I tell it to log and not kick

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Ok, that tells me that something custom you are running is adding an addaction to a player.

To use addActions change this line to false in your epochah.hpp:


That fixed it .. Thank You vbawol ! now I have a better grasp on what to look for , should this occur again :)

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