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Hi Guys just started a arma 3 epoch server - But my mission.sqm looks weird is it supposed to be like this as I have not used pbo manger before - allways use cpbo, But that for some reason would not open the Arma 3 pbo's. This is what im getting even downloading fresh server files from github.


raP       0_   version     Mission Z    Intro [   OutroWin x\   OutroLoose Ô]  0_   addOns A3_Soft_F_Car  A3_Soft_F_Quadbike  a3_soft_f_beta_quadbike  A3_Boat_F_Civilian_Boat  A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01  A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01  A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04  A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03  a3_map_altis  a3_characters_f_gamma  A3_Characters_F_OPFOR  A3_Characters_F_INDEP  A3_Characters_F_Civil  A3_epoch_config  a3_characters_f  A3_Data_F_Curator_Virtual addOnsAuto A3_epoch_config  a3_map_altis randomSeed Ñ™·  Intel =   Groups l   Markers ,Z  [   briefingName Epoch Mod resistanceWest     timeOfChanges €p  startWeather     startWind     forecastWeather     forecastWind     forecastWaves     wavesForced    windForced    year ó  month    day    hour    minute 7   startFogDecay ôýT<forecastFogDecay ôýT<l   eitems d    Item0 $   Item1 ö   Item2 È    Item3 š
   Item4 l   Item5 >   Item6
   Item7 â
   Item8 ´   Item9 †   Item10 X   Item11 *   Item12 ü   Item13 Π  Item14     Item15 r   Item16 D   Item17    Item18 è   Item19 º   Item20 Œ   Item21 ^   Item22 0   Item23    Item24 Ô   Item25 ¦   Item26 x   Item27 J   Item28    Item29 î   Item30 À    Item31 ’!   Item32 d"   Item33 6#   Item34 $   Item35 Ú$   Item36 ¬%   Item37 ~&   Item38 P'   Item39 "(   Item40 ô(   Item41 Æ)   Item42 ˜*   Item43 j+   Item44 <,   Item45 -   Item46 à-   Item47 ².   Item48 „/   Item49 V0   Item50 (1   Item51 ú1   Item52 Ì2   Item53 ž3   Item54 p4   Item55 B5   Item56 6   Item57 æ6   Item58 ¸7   Item59 Š8   Item60 \9   Item61 .:   Item62  ;   Item63 Ò;   Item64 ¤<   Item65 v=   Item66 H>   Item67 ?   Item68 ì?   Item69 ¾@   Item70 A   Item71 bB   Item72 4C   Item73 D   Item74 ØD   Item75 ªE   Item76 |F   Item77 NG   Item78  H   Item79 òH   Item80 ÄI   Item81 –J   Item82 hK   Item83 :L   Item84 M   Item85 ÞM   Item86 °N   Item87 ‚O   Item88 TP   Item89 &Q   Item90 øQ   Item91 ÊR   Item92 œS   Item93 nT   Item94 @U   Item95 V   Item96 äV   Item97 ¶W   Item98 ˆX   Item99 ZY  ,Z   side CIV  Vehicles C  ö   items     Item0 `  ö    position '\¸Fö(L@,šŒFazimut ²=C special NONE id     side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?ö   side CIV  Vehicles    È    items     Item0 2   È     position ½Z¸Fö(L@(¢ŒFazimut C special NONE id    side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?È    side CIV  Vehicles ç   š
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ªE    position 9\¸Fö(L@Å¥ŒFazimut C special NONE id J   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?ªE   side CIV  Vehicles ÉE  |F   items     Item0 æE  |F    position Œe¸Fö(L@\¡ŒFazimut C special NONE id K   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?|F   side CIV  Vehicles ›F  NG   items     Item0 ¸F  NG    position sY¸Fö(L@)¨ŒFazimut C special NONE id L   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?NG   side CIV  Vehicles mG   H   items     Item0 ŠG   H    position ©d¸Fö(L@™ŒFazimut C special NONE id M   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™? H   side CIV  Vehicles ?H  òH   items     Item0 \H  òH    position ÿg¸Fö(L@°¡ŒFazimut C special NONE id N   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?òH   side CIV  Vehicles I  ÄI   items     Item0 .I  ÄI    position ÇW¸Fö(L@ÒŸŒFazimut C special NONE id O   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?ÄI   side CIV  Vehicles ãI  –J   items     Item0  J  –J    position ‡\¸Fö(L@¡ŒFazimut C special NONE id P   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?–J   side CIV  Vehicles µJ  hK   items     Item0 ÒJ  hK    position a¸Fö(L@¢ŒFazimut C special NONE id Q   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?hK   side CIV  Vehicles ‡K  :L   items     Item0 ¤K  :L    position c¸Fö(L@ž¢ŒFazimut C special NONE id R   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?:L   side CIV  Vehicles YL  M   items     Item0 vL  M    position ýV¸Fö(L@žŒFazimut C special NONE id S   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?M   side CIV  Vehicles +M  ÞM   items     Item0 HM  ÞM    position Ù^¸Fö(L@|¡ŒFazimut C special NONE id T   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?ÞM   side CIV  Vehicles ýM  °N   items     Item0 N  °N    position j¸Fö(L@Ä£ŒFazimut C special NONE id U   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?°N   side CIV  Vehicles ÏN  ‚O   items     Item0 ìN  ‚O    position f¸Fö(L@좌Fazimut C special NONE id V   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?‚O   side CIV  Vehicles ¡O  TP   items     Item0 ¾O  TP    position w`¸Fö(L@¸™ŒFazimut C special NONE id W   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?TP   side CIV  Vehicles sP  &Q   items     Item0 P  &Q    position h¸Fö(L@ žŒFazimut C special NONE id X   side CIV vehicle VirtualMan_EPOCH player PLAY CDG leader    skill š™?&Q   side CIV  Vehicles EQ  øQ   items     Item0 bQ  øQ    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link to pic to show what it looks like



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What IDE are you using? Looks like an encoding issue, no biggie. If you are using notepad++ as your IDE, go to encoding tab and select one of UTF-8 options then save your file again.


edit: just saw your screenshot, that's a binarized file. Use unRap or eliteness to encode it.

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Anyone know why the mission file is the only one like this? Seems like a wierd and random thing. Can we unwrap it andleave it unwrapped without negative effects on the server? Im talking just the mission file.

Because only configs can be rapified, sqf scripts are not affected by binarization process.

Binarization is a good thing, it's part of code optimization, but for mission files its still a minor improvement, so I don't see any good reason to go with it.


It's perfectly safe to leave configs unbinarized, in fact you don't even have to make PBO, server does it for you anyway... don't get all the hype about it... 

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Because only configs can be rapified, sqf scripts are not affected by binarization process.

Binarization is a good thing, it's part of code optimization, but for mission files its still a minor improvement, so I don't see any good reason to go with it.


It's perfectly safe to leave configs unbinarized, in fact you don't even have to make PBO, server does it for you anyway... don't get all the hype about it...

Awesome. just seems like a wasted step each time an updqte comes out unrapify then do the compare then wrap it again.

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When adding required server mods to the sqm do I just add the name of the pbo?




no, it's name of CfgPatches (the main class)... most of times .pbo file is matching this name. You can find this info inside .bin (use unRap) or .cpp files on very top.


Btw there's an alternative way to add these if curious:



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