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[Release] *NEW* missions for WAI 2.2.0

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@caveman : There is a bandit mission in hero folder in the epoch zip file, crop_raider causing log error and bugging mission pop.

Thank you very much. I'll fix it now and make sure the other missions are ok too.





FIXED Crop Raider

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[Hero] Hippy Commune


You have : 

diag_log format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero] Hippy Commune]: Ended at %1",_position];

b_missionsrunning = b_missionsrunning - 1;

At the bottom.


Should be  : 

diag_log format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero] Hippy Commune]: Ended at %1",_position];

h_missionsrunning = h_missionsrunning - 1;

Should it not?


[EDIT : Same with [Hero] Drone Pilot.

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Yeah that happened to me today too. I was thinking it was because I had more than one bandit mission enabled. I'm running 2 bandit and 2 hero...Could this be the case? 


I'm gonna check it out. I think those were the same missions when it happened to me.


Thank you

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Yeah. I run PVE servers whereby I only have [bandit] missions with bandit AI active. This line : 

h_missionsrunning = h_missionsrunning - 1; 

was causing missions with hero AI to spawn, even though I have them set to 0 in the config. All fixed now though.


And yes, having 2 bandit missions at a time running with sometimes cause double-ups. It's natural :)

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I'm using na old version with 5 new missions in each side.


I noticed the Weed Mission create units with the skin Rocker4. This skin is used in a Epoch trader, so Epoch think the units are traders and add a trader Action on then.


Amazing work! Thankyou for sharing!

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I'm using na old version with 5 new missions in each side.


I noticed the Weed Mission create units with the skin Rocker4. This skin is used in a Epoch trader, so Epoch think the units are traders and add a trader Action on then.


Amazing work! Thankyou for sharing!


Thank you for the heads up. I'll fix this asap.



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If you have WAI 2.2.0 installed then you can use these missions.


Thanks Caveman, I think I have bigger issues, none of the missions on standard 2.2.0 end after killing all the AI and none of the loot boxes have anything in them  :(

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Are you using infistar, and if so, have you disabled the CU option?  It should look like this in the AHConfig

/*  EXPERIMENTAL CU FIX   */ _CUF = false;    /* true or false */    /* *experimental* - will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */


Magic - fixed :)

Thank you so much

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Now that this is working - is anyone else getting this in their RPT files?



15:08:43 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\customsettings.sqf not found

15:08:43 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
15:08:53 "WAI: Initialising missions"
15:08:53 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"


I see that dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf references it twice 



Line 59: if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers ("\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\customsettings.sqf")) != "") then {

Line 60: ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\customsettings.sqf";



I don't have a customersettings.sqf - is that an issue?




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So installed the missions and went into game and nothing. I went back and looked and also had someone else check my work and they could not see anything wrong. Tried it again and still nothing. took out your missions and put back the org ones and they work.  No errors in the RPT.  I do have 2.2.0,   going to bed will check in morning 

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Hi Caveman thanks for releasing these new missions, Have not yet placed them on my server as i am running a PVE only one so need to alter then slightly. I did notice a couple of syntax errors on 3 missions

they are as follows if you want to update them:


1. "_baserunover6"        Radio Shack mission  Line 3 in  Bandit mission missing "


2-3. in both Hero and Bandit mission - _baserunover23 = createVehicle ["MAP_garbage_paleta,"   Line 43  - missing in  junkyard missions



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Hi Caveman thanks for releasing these new missions, Have not yet placed them on my server as i am running a PVE only one so need to alter then slightly. I did notice a couple of syntax errors on 3 missions

they are as follows if you want to update them:


1. "_baserunover6"        Radio Shack mission  Line 3 in  Bandit mission missing "


2-3. in both Hero and Bandit mission - _baserunover23 = createVehicle ["MAP_garbage_paleta,"   Line 43  - missing in  junkyard missions



THANK YOU!!! You just made these missions solid. This was a huge help.I will update the files right now.





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