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Redis TTL Base Objects Disappearing Issue


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Ok, here is a funny one, directly related to Redis :D


  1. Player builds nice new base.
  2. Few days pass, maintenance time is coming.
  3. Player messes up times and maintains the base AFTER the TTL has been reached but before the server has restarted...

Oh shit, no base objects to maintain in Redis, server restarts and halve the base is gone!


Very upset player :'(



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Happens to us too, that's why expirations should only be called at restarts or daily in a scheduler.


If I had a crypto for every player who has maintained, for their base parts to despawn after restart I would be an e-millionaire.

I would have billions!


and u cant do the ttl check on boot either, its a redis "feature"

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Here is a breakdown of it happening today, i trimmed it abit:


Maintain Log (the numbers are the object id's):

13/05 15:38 | OP3EUPanthera | Someone (PLAYERID) maintained 258 base objects at 052022. IDs: [1312,1205,1305,4134,4060,3010,3872,3870,527,1598,776,3873,4067,3871,3850,1613,......]

Extract from the backup done at @ 13:48

  "Data": "[\"WoodFloor_EPOCH\",[[5238.05,8029.38,4.17095],[0.9953,0.0968365,0],[0,-0,1]],\"-1\",\"PLAYERID\",0,0]",
  "TTL": 6101,
  "Key": "Building:OP3EUPanthera:1598"
TTL is @ 6101 which is around 100 minutes, the item expired at 15:28.
The player maintained 10 minutes after the item expired...
(hope the maths is right  :huh: )
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I have had tons of vehicle and objects disappear well within doing maintenance with no rym or reason that I can discover.  Can anyone shed some light on the subject if I am missing something.  Here is the seanrio.


Maintenance is required on the server every 4 days.  every two days I do maintenance, rotate items in vehicles , lock boxes etc.  Still in between periods, (two days) things disappear.  Today I had all my vehicles disappear (8 in total) a lock box, about 10 shelves or more, and a wall piece. (note second story wall piece covered by another piece so it was not a raid nor could someone gain access into the base through it)  massive loss.


Any ideas?

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