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[Release] Andre Convoy Patrol


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See main post for the new version, developed in Arma 2, and now on Arma 3.


- Suicide bomber engage on player.
- You can set bomberman frequency.
- Bomberman don't detonate if near allies.
- Shot the head, arms and legs of a bomberman will not make hin explode.
- Vehicles became acessible and vulnerable when all crew die and a player enters it.
- Reduced the number of "[] spwan {}".
- Added configuration to reduce or increase loot quantity.
- You can turn on/off vehicle crew number on map icons.
- Functions created to make the main code cleaner.
- Optimization on: code consistency & performance.
- Better became better, in general. 

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Those are the convoys (you find that in andre_convoy.sqf). Change to your needs:

//Cars in each convoy (refere to donn_carsConvy)
_convoyFormation = [

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hakimos00, i will fix that.


You can easily fix that changing line 332 from that:

_agent = createAgent ["O_G_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];

To that:

_agent = createAgent ["I_G_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];
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hakimos00, i will fix that.


You can easily fix that changing line 332 from that:

_agent = createAgent ["O_G_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];

To that:

_agent = createAgent ["I_G_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];

Tyvm its work :)

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- Fix: you don't need to kill all convoy to liberate a vehicle, you just need to kill the vehicle crew.

- Fix: Convoy units does not shot the bomberman anymore.

- Code to  embark/disembark simplified and realiable, minimum complications.

- Runner Bomber, if alive at the end of the battle, make a salute and explode if friends are not near.

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To fix bomberman spawn triggered by player consecutive disembark download BOMBA version V2a or fix your V2 version replacing those two functions:

	//Protect Vehicles from players until all crew is off
	donn_casca_getIn = {
		_motor = _this select 0;
		_unit = _this select 2;
		if (isPlayer _unit) then {
			_carGroup = _motor getVariable ["car_group",GrpNull];
			_allOff = true;
			{if (alive _x && assignedVehicle _x == _motor) then {_allOff = false;};} forEach units _carGroup;
			if (!_allOff) then {_unit action ['getOut', _motor];};
			if (_allOff) then {
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "getIn";
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "getOut";
				_motor setFuel 0.5;

	//Make bomber man on disembark
	donn_disembarkCount = 0;
	donn_casca_getOut = {
		_unit = _this select 2;
		if (!isPlayer _unit) then {
			donn_disembarkCount = donn_disembarkCount + 1;
			if (donn_disembarkCount mod (round (1/(donn_runnerBomberManPerc max 0.001))) == 0) then {
				_agentPos = position assignedVehicle _unit;
				_agent = createAgent ["I_G_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];
				_agent removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
				_agent addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_casca_unit_HD_bomber}];
				[objNull,_agent, group _unit] execFSM "andre_convoy_bomber.fsm";	
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One quick question.  I want fewer overall convoys but bigger ones.  When I go into the sqf and find:

//Cars in each convoy (refere to donn_carsConvy)
_convoyFormation = [

To delete a convoy entirely do I need to just delete the contents in the brackets so it reads [] or can I just delete the entire line?

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ANDRE CONVOY: VERSION BOMBA V2a (28 of May of 2015)



Unzip this file in your mission folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgthgs2r44utiv9/andre_convoy_bomba_arma3_epoch_v2a.7z?dl=0

Configure the map you is using in andre_convoy.sqf on line 70.

See in init(example).sqf a example on how to run the script and reproduce it in your init.sqf.


On scripts.txt add !"execVM \"andre_convoy.sqf\"" at the end of the line that iniciate with 7 exec.


If the script works for you as you intended, i kindly ask for a donation. Thankyou.


- Suicide bomber engage on player.

- You can set bomberman frequency.

- Bomberman don't detonate if near allies.

- Shot the head, arms and legs of a bomberman will not make hin explode.

- Vehicles became acessible and vulnerable when all crew die and a player enters it.

- Reduced the number of "[] spwan {}".

- Added configuration to reduce or increase loot quantity.

- You can turn on/off vehicle crew number on map icons.

- Functions created to make the main code cleaner.

- Optimization on: code consistency & performance.

- Better became better, in general.



- Fix: you don't need to kill all convoy to liberate a vehicle, you just need to kill the vehicle crew.

- Fix: Convoy units does not shot the bomberman anymore.

- Code to  embark/disembark simplified and realiable, minimum complications.

- Runner Bomber, if alive at the end of the battle, make a salute and explode if friends are not near.



- Fix: players consecutive disembark does not trigger bomberman spawn anymore.

the dropbox is broke files are not working when you download them

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Hi Donnovan,

First thank you very much for this script.


Second, it looks like everything is working properly in game, and this is great fun!

I am getting one error in my .rpt file.


 6:06:57 Error in expression < 0,_origin,[],_rad,"NONE"];
_motor call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_motor allowDama>
 6:06:57   Error position: <EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_motor allowDama>
 6:06:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_server_setvtoken
 6:06:57 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 566


The only thing I edited was line 70 to change map to Chernarus.

So I don't know whether this is just my server, something to be ignored, or just something that needs fixing. :)


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This is why in the new epoch there is no more EPOCH_server_setVToken. So the line _motor call EPOCH_server_setVToken; gives an error.


This error cause no harm, but you can remove the line if you want, to keep your log clean.


Thankyou for the kind words!



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This is why in the new epoch there is no more EPOCH_server_setVToken. So the line _motor call EPOCH_server_setVToken; gives an error.


This error cause no harm, but you can remove the line if you want, to keep your log clean.


Thankyou for the kind words!







Many thanks! I will ignore it. No problem!


One last question...

Can I turn "on" AI vehicle damage so that we can shoot out tires / damage the AI cars?

(If so, how would I do that... )

Or will that do bad things to the script and I should leave it alone?



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Cur, i believe it will need extra code. If you do it now, if i'm correct, the bots will stay forever inside the vehicle.


If you want to try, change this function:

	//Vehicle Handle Damage
	donn_casca_veh_HD = {
		_motor = _this select 0;
		_dist = (_this select 3) distance _motor;
		_groupShoted = _motor getVariable ["car_group",GrpNull];
		_inWar = _groupShoted getVariable ["donn_inWar",false];
		if (!_inWar) then {
			_crew = crew _motor;
			if (count _crew > 0) then {
				_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];
				if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};
		if (_inWar) then {_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];	if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};};

To that:

	//Vehicle Handle Damage
	donn_casca_veh_HD = {
		_motor = _this select 0;
		_dist = (_this select 3) distance _motor;
		_groupShoted = _motor getVariable ["car_group",GrpNull];
		_inWar = _groupShoted getVariable ["donn_inWar",false];
		if (!_inWar) then {
			_crew = crew _motor;
			if (count _crew > 0) then {
				_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];
				if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};
		if (_inWar) then {_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];	if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};};
        (_this select 2)  //NEW LINE HERE
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Ok, I was looking at that function, but don't know some of the code, so I figure I would ask first :)  I'm glad I did, I will try at some point, but you would be far better than me at trying that :) :)


I am still a newbie at all this.


I will buy you a beer anyway! If you get a chance to play with it and make that work, I would love it, but if you don't, enjoy your beer on me!


Thanks again!

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Just to let people how to do one thing, if they wish... The script as is, puts markers on the map where the convoys can start from, I was worried people may "camp" there and try to kill them to get the loot, so I disabled the markers... here is how to do this and keep everything else working!


Find this block of code in andre_convoy.sqf


//Spawn icons on map iniciate variables
  _spawns = _this select 0;
  _donn_casca_icons = [];
{_donn_casca_icons = _donn_casca_icons + [[_x select 0,"Convoy Spawn " + str (_forEachIndex + 1)]];} forEach _spawns;



And make it look like this:


//Spawn icons on map iniciate variables
  _spawns = _this select 0;
  _donn_casca_icons = [];
  /*{_donn_casca_icons = _donn_casca_icons + [[_x select 0,"Convoy Spawn " + str (_forEachIndex + 1)]];} forEach _spawns;*/


Cheers and happy gaming!

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Hi mate, I wanted to check this out but got kicked for this:

#22 "(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Data\Scripts\randomize_gue1.sqf""

I fixed it but wanted to let you know that I got kicked for that. I am using Epoch 0303 with infiSTAR BE filters.

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