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[Release] Andre Convoy Patrol


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ANDRE CONVOY: VERSION BOMBA V2a (28 of May of 2015)
Unzip this file in your mission folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgthgs2r44utiv9/andre_convoy_bomba_arma3_epoch_v2a.7z?dl=0

Configure the map you is using in andre_convoy.sqf on line 70.
See in init(example).sqf a example on how to run the script and reproduce it in your init.sqf.

On scripts.txt add !"execVM \"andre_convoy.sqf\"" at the end of the line that iniciate with 7 exec.

If the script works for you as you intended, i kindly ask for a donation. Thankyou.

- Suicide bomber engage on player.
- You can set bomberman frequency.
- Bomberman don't detonate if near allies.
- Shot the head, arms and legs of a bomberman will not make hin explode.
- Vehicles became acessible and vulnerable when all crew die and a player enters it.
- Reduced the number of "[] spwan {}".
- Added configuration to reduce or increase loot quantity.
- You can turn on/off vehicle crew number on map icons.
- Functions created to make the main code cleaner.
- Optimization on: code consistency & performance.
- Better became better, in general.


- Fix: you don't need to kill all convoy to liberate a vehicle, you just need to kill the vehicle crew.

- Fix: Convoy units does not shot the bomberman anymore.

- Code to  embark/disembark simplified and realiable, minimum complications.

- Runner Bomber, if alive at the end of the battle, make a salute and explode if friends are not near.


- Fix: players consecutive disembark does not trigger bomberman spawn anymore.

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6:20:52 Error Type Number, expected String
6:20:52 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\custom\andre_convoy.sqf, line 281 
6:20:52 Error in expression <= _x; for "_a" from 1 to 10 do { _motor addMagazineTurret [_ammo,[_forEachIndex]> 
6:20:52 Error position: 
6:20:52 Error Type Number, expected String 
6:20:52 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\custom\andre_convoy.sqf, line 281 
6:20:52 Error in expression <= _x; for "_a" from 1 to 10 do { _motor addMagazineTurret [_ammo,[_forEachIndex]> 
6:20:52 Error position: 
6:20:52 Error Type Number, expected String 
6:20:52 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\custom\andre_convoy.sqf, line 281 Error in Expression
6:20:52 Error position: <_turretMansSkill; _gunnerPos = _gunnerPo> 
6:20:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: _turretmansskill 
6:20:52 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\custom\andre_convoy.sqf, line 326

Hey, thanks this is from my test Server.


I edit the Mrap to Gunner Offroader they dont shoot on Players, look only arround and drive away ?!

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Ai default combat status is Blue (Neutral), Change it to Red (Combat), change the type of vehicle to an open pickup truck & Ai in the back will shoot at u as they go past, actually leaving the icons on display/map & Ai in vehicles is better after playing for a while,

You can increase number of vehicles in each Ai convoy or whatever you please.


nice script.

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very nice script thx for share !



EDIT :: Battleye Kicked me not more... i dont know why, i try to found my mistace....




// But if i shot on the Convoy i get kicket by Battleye

// Player USERNAME kicked off by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0


// I dont know what i must modify in BE Filters,

// can you help?

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Razorman, you don't need to change the script to make the bots exit the vehicle.

Just shot in the vehicle(s) direction, from a distance less than 100 meters. This will make the convoy stop 80 meters away from you (or any other player that have shot), then the bots will leave the vehicle and prey you.

To make then give up, go 300 meters away from then or hide until their knowledge about you lower enough.

If you go 300 meters away, they will still search for you for some time.

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so now after TESTING again and again...


Player USERNAME kicked off by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0

if i shot in the near of the convoy... so i neet help to modify my BE Filters... (maybe becourse im around les 100 meters... so that the convoy will stop..)

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so now after TESTING again and again...


Player USERNAME kicked off by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0

if i shot in the near of the convoy... so i neet help to modify my BE Filters... (maybe becourse im around les 100 meters... so that the convoy will stop..)


and the convoy dont want stop.. i try that with my teamm8...



have you mod it? possible to get the coords that you putted?


i dont have cherno.. so its on you to get you favorite coordinates and include it at this lines...

    //Vehicle Spawns [[vehicle spawn position],[nothing],spawn angle,spawn radius]
    _spawns = [

    //A point on the map near a main road
    _aPointNearRoad = [10648,15920,0];
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Those are for Chernarus.

From the point _aPointNearRoad the script will discovery all map waypoints like water fluing by tubes (streets, in the case). Please report results. :)

//Vehicle Spawns [[vehicle spawn position],[nothing],spawn angle,spawn radius][/color]
_spawns = [

//A point on the map near a main road[/color]
_aPointNearRoad = [12786,4471,0.2]; 
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For the BE filters problem, you will need to run the script in a test server and adress the BE kicks.

Since Epoch runs a very tight BE filter and it can change at each update, its a good thing to know how tweak it.

Can't help on this one for now, sorry.

PS: When you is testing the script alone, teleporting though the map, bots can see your position wrong (like 1000 meters away when you is near then).

In this situation they will not shot you and the vehicle can stop near you because they believe you is far away.

This problem also happens in Arma 2, when you is alone at the server and teleport.

I believe the problem is related to you be alone in the server + teleport.

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The change on line ~570 should be, i believe:


_nearCascaUnits = player nearEntities ["I_Soldier_EPOCH", 100];
_nearCascaCars = player nearEntities ["B_MRAP_01_EPOCH", 100];

_nearCascaUnits = player nearEntities ["I_Soldier_EPOCH", 100];
_nearCascaCars = player nearEntities [["B_MRAP_01_EPOCH","B_Truck_01_transport_F"], 100];
I will make this automatic and remove this redundance.

Will log all changes so you can make it on your version easily.

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