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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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Look in the FuMS.pbo  under the Themes folder.



  - this file allows you to set which themes you want running, as well as tell FuMS the specifics about the map you are using.


Themes/<theme name>  (ex: Themes/Test)


- this file allows you to configure the specifics for the theme.  Respawn delay is controlled here.


If you just did the 'stock' install, there should be 2 missions and a helo patrol running as soon as the Headless Client connects.  No wait time.  So if you are not seeing those on the Map, something else may be going on.

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Hi, more than 1 hour my server is up, still no mission, nothing. we are two player in.


My desc file




author = "Epoch Mod Team";

class Header
 gameType = Sandbox;
 minPlayers = 1;
 maxPlayers = 100;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 600;
respawnDialog = 0;
onLoadMission= "Epoch";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Epoch Mod";
loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa"; 
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
onLoadName = "Epoch Mod";
disabledAI = true;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
enableDebugConsole = 0;
joinUnassigned = 0;
respawnOnStart = 0;
forceRotorLibSimulation = 1;
corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1200;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};
class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {};
    class radio1
        name = "radio01";
        // filename, volume, pitch
        sound[] = {"radio01.ogg",1,1};
        titles[] = {0,""};
class RscTitles
    class radioChatterBar {
        idd = -1;
        onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', _this select 0]";
        onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radoiChatterBar', objNull]";
        onDestroy = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', objNull]";
        fadein = 0;
        fadeout = 10;
        duration = 10e10;
        movingEnable = 0;
        controlsBackground[] = {};
        objects[] = {};
        class controls {
            class statusBarText {
                idc = 1010;
                x = safezoneX;
                y = safezoneY; // upper left hand corner
                //x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.5;
                //y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.4; //H
                w = 1; 
                h = 0.3;  //hopefully makes it 10 lines tall
                shadow = 2;
                colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0.0 };  // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
                font = "PuristaSemibold";
                size = 0.03;
                type = 13;// CT_TYPES = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT
                style = 1;
                text="Loading server info...";
                class Attributes {
                    color = "#FFFFFF"; //"#00FF09";BrightGreen   //#FF8700


Save me?

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  On 2/17/2015 at 6:17 PM, horbin said:


   You have RscTitles defined twice.  Just take the code located between the //**************************  lines and place it inside the 1st definition.


easy fix!

thanks my server start now .


but after 1 hour no mission spawn .

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If you have not set up a -profiles option for the HC, they HC's rpt is located in the default player folder such as:


C:\User\horbin\AppData\Local\Arma 3\


Also, once in game, log in as admin and #kick your headless client. See if it reconnects and the missions start.

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   I found a bug that may have been causing your issue with the HC not initializing. I am posting a fix to the github shortly.


This will require a reinstall of all files, but it will fix the problem, and provide a little better reporting in the logs.

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In my "Local\Arma 3\", it's empty, no file



I logged on admin mod. What i find in the web : 



  • Headless clients can be seen in the Role assignment display when creating a MP game
    • If you are admin (host)
      • You will see HCs listed in the Players list on the right
      • You will see a category called Virtual (it can contain both Zeus and HCs) on the left
      • Note: HCs are automatically assigned to their slots


But on mine, nothing, just me. So i can't kick anything

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I saw your HC connect in the logs. As admin you should see the HC in the Lobby.


Did you set up this in your 'mission.sqm'? (part of normal HC setup).

	class Groups
		items = 100;
		class Item0
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAY CDG";
                    init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false";
		class Item1
.........basically change your first class Item0 to the info above!
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  On 2/17/2015 at 5:38 PM, laurent09 said:

my descriptions.ext :

  Reveal hidden contents

author = "Epoch Mod Team";

class Header


gameType = Sandbox;

minPlayers = 1;

maxPlayers = 100;


respawn = "BASE";

respawnDelay = 600;

respawnDialog = 0;

onLoadMission= "Epoch";

OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Epoch Mod";

loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa";

OnLoadIntroTime = False;

OnLoadMissionTime = False;

onLoadName = "Epoch Mod";

disabledAI = true;

scriptedPlayer = 1;


enableItemsDropping = 0;

briefing = 0;

debriefing = 0;

enableDebugConsole = 0;

joinUnassigned = 0;

respawnOnStart = 0;

forceRotorLibSimulation = 1;

corpseManagerMode = 1;

corpseLimit = 10;

corpseRemovalMinTime = 1200;

corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;

wreckManagerMode = 1;

wreckLimit = 2;

wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;

wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;

class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};

class RscTitles


#include "dialog\statusBar.hpp"


class CfgSounds



sounds[] = {};

class radio1


name = "radio01";

// filename, volume, pitch

sound[] = {"radio01.ogg",1,1};

titles[] = {0,""};




class RscTitles


#include "scripts\statusBar.hpp"


class radioChatterBar {

idd = -1;

onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', _this select 0]";

onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radoiChatterBar', objNull]";

onDestroy = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', objNull]";

fadein = 0;

fadeout = 10;

duration = 10e10;

movingEnable = 0;

controlsBackground[] = {};

objects[] = {};

class controls {

class statusBarText {

idc = 1010;

x = safezoneX + 0.5;

y = safezoneY; // upper left hand corner

//x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.5;

//y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.4; //H

w = 1;

h = 0.3; //hopefully makes it 10 lines tall

shadow = 2;

colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0.0 }; // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background

font = "PuristaSemibold";

size = 0.03;


style = 1;

text="Loading server info...";

class Attributes {


color = "#FFFFFF"; //"#00FF09";BrightGreen //#FF8700









that when i had this line that my server don't start!

yes you have doble :

  Reveal hidden contents

class RscTitles


#include "dialog\statusBar.hpp"


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1.2c on the hub.
Recommend fresh install. Many changes made to assist admins in identifying errors in custom mission files.
-Minor change needed to any current custom mission files (see comments at end!)
-Issue with HC hanging when restarted at the same time as the server corrected.
Recommendation: Do not reboot your HC, but maybe once every couple days.
Rebooting HC with server is not required under normal circumstances!
And don't forget, you can 'kick' your HC just like a player to get FuMS to do a full reset!
-Changed 'options' for AI "BUILDINGS" logic to mirror most of the other logic types:
   See Docs\AI_Logic.txt for details before customizing your own missions!
-Enhanced error reporting to server and HC .rpt for mistakes in config files.
-An error in a mission file will no longer cause FuMS to hang. FuMS will report the error, skip the mission
  and continue to run all configured themes.
-"Random" boxes for mission loot have been restricted to the following:
  Other boxes can be used, but only if specified in the mission file's loot section:
  ["Random",[0,0]]    -->>  ["<your box name>",[0,0]]
- Corrected an error in building placement that was causing mission buildings to ignore 'rotation' settings.
- Volume of radio static has been reduced to 60% (was at 100%). see your 'description.ext' 
        sound[] = {"HC\Encounters\Sounds\radio01.ogg",.6,1};
**Contributor: MillerTime : http://hightimez-gamerz.enjin.com/home
-Loot Box smoke now more patriotic.
  Box smoke also persists through the duration of the box to aid in locating it.
- Color enhancements to Global Hint message.
-Adjusted location of AI radio message window to no longer interfere with 'Action' menu.
-New Theme Options - 
  Admins can now consolidate all loot and soldier specs into two common files for ALL mission themes.
  Global Loot Data - theme will use server's master loot definitions
  Global Soldier Data - theme will use server's master soldier definitions
  See Themes/Test/ThemeData.sqf for syntax
  No changes required to current mission or themes. Any Theme with the flag set to true will now use
  the GlobalLootData.sqf or GlobalSoldierData.sqf located in the root /Themes folder.
-New Soldier Options -
 Admins can now specify default magazine counts when using the 'RifleXXXPairs' set of values in their SoldierData.sqf's.
 See BaseSoldier.sqf. for settings. 
-New AI Options -
Anti-Tank!  See GlobalSoldierData.sqf for how to now include anti-tank weaponry to allow your ai to combat those armored vehicles!
Ex: [ true, true, true], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo, anti-tank! 
Any AI with this gear will have it deleted upon death.
-New Building Support -
See MazeTest2.sqf for example:
Building placement code modified to better support 3D offsets.
In the building section if the 1st building in the list is designated at a position of [0,0,0], then all other building
locations are treated as offsets.  This will provide the ability to import pre-designed bases and building layouts, and 
move them around the map.
-Global Variable Conforming:
To reduce risk of conflict with other Mods and addons, FuMS global variables have been modified.
**Admins: Make corrections to your files in the \FuMS\Themes folders for any custom missions you are currently using!
** Missions distributed with FuMS are up to date.
FuMS_ServerData - BaseServer.sqf - was ServerData
FuMS_THEMEDATA - bottom of all ThemeData.sqf files - was THEMEDATA
FuMS_LOOTDATA - bottom of all LootData.sqf - was LOOTDATA
FuMS_SOLDIERDATA - bottom of all SoldierData.sqf - was SOLDIERDATA
 <if you are using the new 'global' Data and Soldier files the above changes don't need to be made immediately>
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  On 2/20/2015 at 5:18 PM, PAR4NA said:

My misison not start! I need help









Is your headless client connected ? you need a headless client in order to use these missions:) if it is connected, send its rpt logs aswell. else: follow this tutorial to create a Headless Client.  

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  On 2/20/2015 at 5:36 PM, larsmos2011 said:

Is your headless client connected ? you need a headless client in order to use these missions:) if it is connected, send its rpt logs aswell. else: follow this tutorial to create a Headless Client.  

This is really necessary? I will not be able to install

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If you have installed your own server. This is all that is required to get an HC up and running:


HC Setup:
#Assumes you are using the BIS Arma3 server installation default install. If you installed your Arma3 server to a different folder, adjust instructions as necessary.
1) add to C:\Games\ArmaA3\SC\config.cfg
headlessClients[] = {""};
Note: If your HC is on a different virtual or physical machine from the server, add the HC's IP addr to both the local and headless client lists!
2) modify mission.sqm file.
 a. Locate:
      class Groups
        items = 100;
        class Item0
 b. Change the contents of 'class Item0' to the following:
  class Item0
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAY CDG";
                    init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false";
Note: HC_HAL will be used as the HC's name in game. This is the name you will be able to use to 'kick' the HC if needed.
3) Make a copy of C:\Games\Arma3\arma3server.exe and rename it to HCserver.exe
4) Start your HC with the following:
C:\Games\Arma3\HCserver.exe -client -connect= -mod="@Epoch;" -nosound
Note: HC does not require a restart with the server, nor a restart upon updating mission files.
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I am hoping someone else has seen this, I keep getting a BE kick for....




#96 "rom 0 to 5 do {

_animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));
for "_iy" from "

Does anyone know what script or section of code this is coming from?

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Does anyone here have some SoldierData.sqf file with Hardcore settings? My players were complaining about difficulty of AI's. I tried some tweaks but when i tried it again AI's response and behaviour was worse. My goal is to eliminate the problem when players go to the mission and with sniper rifle kills entire mission.

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