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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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Try looking at the actual mission file in the themes folder.

In there are loot types. they are commented so you know whats what.

Each mission is different in respects to loot. Check and find out which one is giving you trouble and start there.

Maybe look at the offsets for the loot types and play around, maybe try raising it up in the air a meter or 2 like Horbin has attempted with the Heli Crash Sites.

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ok, I'll try raising the loot box - however its all missions not just 1 in particular.


A player just died on a mission...a town invasion mission. He went back and AI haven't fire a shot, so he cleared it. All mission AI now aren't engaging players.


No errors in the HC RPT or server RPT.


I am getting these errors in the HC now, but before the non-shooting AI incident.


  Reveal hidden contents
18:24:12 Error in expression <il "_box") exitwith {};
_players = _box nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
18:24:12   Error position: <nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
18:24:12   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
18:24:12 File FuMS\HC\Loot\FillLoot.sqf, line 97

After checking line 97 as per the RPT. I have noticed that in the whole file there are exitWith and exitwith...are they supposed to be both or 1 in particular or doesn't it matter?
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Ok so forget my original thoughts on that.

See you FillLoot.sqf error line 97?

You need to fix that, revert what changes you made to ensure it works first.

Then try your edits again and restart a3 server.

It looks like maybe you tried to turn off smoke by removing a line of code...

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I turned on smoke.. but reduced it to 1 smoke instead of the 3 and reduced the timer to 60 seconds.


This doesn't impact the FPS when players are near the triple smoke and repeat smoke for 5 mins.


Can't be all smoke for 5 mins or no smoke at all?

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  On 5/5/2015 at 4:01 AM, prue420 said:

No i want them on. I want to use the theme i followed the instructions and added the mod but they wont spawn in.

This is the second time you are making people repeat themselves.

Read the replies if you expect people to continue to help you!

  On 5/5/2015 at 1:36 AM, horbin said:

cloning anomalies are raptors. If you are not using that addon, disable the theme.

As he said and I am going to repeat:

Then you need to download the Raptor MOD and require that your players download it too in order to play it.

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Can you actually read I did all of that. LIKE I SAID I FOLLOWED ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS AND I GET THAT ERROR. Wow dude get off your high horse and actually read wtf i write. I have added the mod i added the launch parameter to the server and when i launch the game plus added the theme and i get that error still. I was just asking if anyone else have had this happen.


This is everything i did.


****Jurassic Raptor Addon Support **************  


  http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/ec2EDrOCkM#.VT0zFfnF9EK   1) Download the addon.   2) Place the '@Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack' folder in the base folder of your server. At the same folder level as the @Epoch folder.   3) Place this folder in the same location on your HC, IF your HC does not share the same source folder as your server.   4) add @Jurrasic Arma - Raptor Pack to the -mod option of your server command line   5) add this to the -mod option for your HC.   6) add this to the -mod option for your client.   7) Ensure your players download the mod, and add the proper @Jurassic.... to their start paramaters.   8) Enable the "Jurassic" theme in BaseServer.sqf.   9) Learn to generate a bi-key for the mod and add it.   OR   edit your config.cfg file and set 'verifySignatures = 0;'   10) repack and play!   Note: Raptors use the same AI patrol logics as regular FuMS soldiers, so BoxPatrol, building searching, PatrolRoute, etc logics will   all work with the "RaptorM", and "RaptorF" AI types.   Note: Feel free to add Raptors to your own encounters!, see the Jurassic theme for examples.  

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Alrighty Horbin,

On to my next question. :)

I am working in the BaseServer.sqf file and noticed the section:


        // soldier only equipment. Items in this list are only available to AI.
        //  when an AI dies, gear on this list is deleted from the AI's inventory.
            [], //Uniforms
            [], // Vests
            [], // Backpacks.
            [], // Helmets
            [], // Weapons
            [], // Magazines
            [] // Items
So I added in a few launchers and its ammo to prevent them from getting in the hands of players.

However this actually enables the AI to receive these weapons on spawn....

Ended up with a bunch of AI with MRPL launchers taking out everything in their PATH!!! :) not that im mad about that! but the players are ;P

Maybe reword the comment to if you want your AI to have these weapons and for them to delete on death, add them here

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Ok, as I'm now blind from reading pages of text. Does anyone know a fix for loot boxes not spawning in trees? I've tried raising it as someone suggested..nothings. 


Also Horbin, I have tried setting the convoys loot box with various off sets, its a 50/50 chance of the loot box spawning next to the truck/trucks. I have found it at various points along the convoys path..? When set, Chernarus map btw, to random location they get stuck in trees, and just sit there until restart and if set to villages, towns and cities the HC freaks out and De-sync like KOTH servers.



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  On 5/5/2015 at 10:00 PM, horbin said:


  Not sure what you are saying.  That list is only looked at when an AI dies.  If the AI got hold of the weapon, they got it from some configuration setting in their SoldierData.

Im terribly sorry for being overwhelmed this morning, both these updates sprung up quickly today. PHEW. thanks Horbin

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