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AllowPlayerDamage (for AI mission makers) - OBSOLETE


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AllowPlayerDamage AddOn for ArmA3 EPOCH MOD v0.2.5.2
Made to use alongside user made AI scripts.


Old Post:


This script allows AI (that is hostet serverside) to damage/kill fresh logged in clients without editing the default EPOCH server files.
According to the allowDamage issue will probably be fixed in future versions of the EPOCH MOD.
AI locality has no longer to be changed to clients by using setOwner, which breaks all move and Waypoint commands.
- For more Information about that specific issue, follow this link: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21800
If you use any of those AI scripts, where the AI does not hurt fresh spawned players, simply add this little "addon" to Your server and it will fix that issue for You. :)
Copy the file "EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage.pbo" to the folder "@EpochHive/addons/" on Your server.

For more experienced Users:
You can also add the scripts directly into Your own AddOn, so the users of Your specific
AddOn do not need to download and install the "AllowPlayerDamage AddOn" separately.


If You use Vampires Epoch Mission Framework (), You don't need this!
If You use Simple Epoch Missions () v0.7.1 or higher, You don't need this!


Download: REMOVED ->

[Fixed] Removed allowDamage false on player model which caused server side AI not to damage players.

Greez KiloSwiss

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16:22:54 Error in expression <nits;

waitUntil{UIsleep .1; (!isPlayer _unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:22:54   Error position: <_unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:22:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
16:22:54 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13

in the server.rpt 


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Have You downloaded the new Version?

Because I updatet recently and could not find any errors when running the new code on my server.

I also use the exact same code in my Mission Script (v0.7 not released yet) and have no errors.

Can You please pack the Server RPT into a .zip and add it to Your previous post as attachment, that would help me.

Also download the updated files and try it again.

Greez KiloSwiss

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no... but i want this for all players they join, without they must download it seperate.

i only work on a ai mission and want that the ai make damage at freshspawns, with your addon works, but not for players they join.

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i think i translate somethink wrong... i dont wont to create my own addon... iI've got no idea of this.... i only work on a mission on my epoch server, i dont want to change any code or something from epoch.... I think I have simply misunderstood what.... i work for days on a epoch mission ( big island with ai )  works good, but the problem that as freshspawn not make me hurt , I was not able to solve it without your addon. I thought I can incorporate into my epoch server that way. without making my own addon or infringing licenses.


I just wanted my ai`s also kill freshspawns,

not .... but I understand I think here really something wrong ... or translated has written what I ws not mean it
how can the ai bots kill freshspawns in your missions ?
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Then simply add this little addon as described and it will do the job for you.

Your players do not need to download anything, it's all serverside only.

If You really have the problem that this fix only works for the first joined, but not later JIP clients, report that issue and attach the logfile (.rpt of the server) to Your post.

For the future:

Don't post Code directly without the use of [ CODE ] and [ SPOILER ] tags, better upload scripts and logfiles as attachment to Your posts.

Greez KiloSwiss

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ok... sry, dont know this... sorry...

but this is the problem...

i have your addon in my Arma 3\@epochhive\addons       but when I start the test server and let someone join, the addon dont work on him, only after he died one time.... so I thought it must combine this and put this in my epoch.missionfile pbo or somethink....

So this should really also go for joined people ? I test again , but in fact it appears to act only for myself

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Ya getting line 13 as well and I just downloaded it a few hours ago.


16:19:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit

16:19:05 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13
16:19:06 Error in expression
waitUntil{UIsleep .1; (!isPlayer _unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error position: <_unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
16:19:06 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13
16:19:06 Error in expression
waitUntil{UIsleep .1; (!isPlayer _unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error position: <_unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
16:19:06 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13
16:19:06 Error in expression
waitUntil{UIsleep .1; (!isPlayer _unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error position: <_unit)};

_newUnit = objNull; _loop = 1>
16:19:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
16:19:06 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13


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hm, i put the pbo in the addons folder, but i dont get damage from the AI...


Where´s the issue?

Same here, No damage. Still getting the below poping up. And I just used the download link last night.

{ UIsleep .1;
 8:50:01   Error position: <_unit)};

{ UIsleep .1;
 8:50:01   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
 8:50:01 File EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage\fn_allowPlayerDamage.sqf, line 13
 8:50:01 Error in expression <nits;

waitUntil{UIsleep .1; (!isPlayer _unit)};
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Check Your logfiles, there should be lines, telling You if it worked:

#EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage: Waiting for Server to initialize.

#EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage: Stacked EventHandler "onPlayerConnected" added.

From then on, every client connecting will be catched by the eventHandler.

If it does not work, the eventHandler got overwritten by Epochs own EH.

I already reportet that issue, as You can see in this Thread:

They use "onPlayerConnected" like it was used back then in ArmA2, instead they should use the new stackedEventHandler functionality from ArmA3 (it's even written in the BIS wiki...) that was mainly created for exactly such compatibility issues.

But the good thing is, if You read trough the whole thread I linked above, they will probably fix the whole "player can't get damage" issue with the next update, which will make this little workaround completely obsolete.

Let's hope they fix both issues I addressed in the thread, I'm a bit concerned because there was no answer from axeman regarding that one issue, only about player damage.

Anyway, I really hope that the next EPOCH update includes fixes and You no longer need to use this addon.


From Your RPT log I can tell You, that You still use the old version.

Greez KiloSwiss

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Perfect, thank You Vampire.

I was already going to contact you over PM if we could have a look into that issue together.

You probably delivered me the reason why my newest Update of SEM does not work on some servers!

Okay now I will upload the AiA terran pack lite to my server and start doin my tests on Chernarus.

Greez KiloSwiss

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