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Osef StatusBar


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This isn't mine but I thought you guys may like this, credits to LifeIsAJoke and midgetgrimm.


Installation Instructions:


1. Create a folder in your epoch.altis mission folder called scripts (if you don't already have one).


2. Add the statusbar.hpp and statusbar.sqf to your scripts folder.


3. Add this to the bottom of your description.ext

class RscTitles
	#include "scripts\statusBar.hpp"

4. Create an init.sqf in your mission folder if you don't already have one and add this to it.

[] execVM "scripts\statusBar.sqf";

5. To edit what the statusbar says simply go into your statusbar.sqf and edit lines 11 and 21 with whatever you want. You can also change the color of the statusbar on line 30 of the statusbar.hpp


You can see here what the statusbar looks like in the bottom right corner of the screen.




I do not have battleye filters for this, I have got it working simply with the lines commented out that cause issues. If a kind person wants to post the filters that will make this work then by all means please do so.

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Is there a way to change the GRIDREF in Stamina or add a Stamina Stat in this Statusbar? :)


Use the "EPOCH_playerStamina" value instead of the one used for grid ref. Or you can define a _stamina variable and round it out so it always show numbers with no decimal places.....like this.

_stamina = round (EPOCH_playerStamina);
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