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[HELP] Increase Loot Spawn?


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I have been digging, and hunting through every file I can think of in the server release trying to find where to adjust the loot spawn rates. I don't want to make it ridiculously high, but higher than it is now. Right now it's dreadful. I'll spend 30 minutes in a large town or military complex and find barely anything.


Last night 4 of us were running together in Athira, we were looting residential buildings trying to find food and drink. We ran around that town for about 30-40 minutes and had barely anything to show for it. Worst of all, only 2 cans of food, and no drinks. This was also directly after a server restart. I find it hard to believe that the loot is spawning as intended.


We had several players join the server during this time, and a good portion of them complained about not being able to find loot, then left the server. As a dedicated server host, this is a nightmare. If multiple players are all complaining about the same thing, and I've seen other posts on the forums here complaining about low loot spawn, then there must be a problem.


I see servers that have advertised higher loot spawn in their server name, I'd really like to know how they did this so I can rectify the issue. It really detracts from the game when you put a lot of effort in to trying to find things, but nothing is showing up. It also really discourages new players because they can't find anything.

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My guess is EPOCH_server_lootContainer.sqf



_ad=_this select 0;
_ah=_this select 1;
_al=_this select 2;

if !([_ah,_al]call EPOCH_server_getPToken)exitWith{};
if(isNull _ad)exitWith{};
if(_ah distance _ad > 20)exitWith{};
if !(_ad getVariable["LOOTED",false])then{_ad setVariable["LOOTED",true];

_af=typeOf _ad;_animated=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _af >> "Destruction" >> "animations";
if(isArray _animated)then{_ad setDamage 1;diag_log format["DEBUG: lootContainer %1",_ad];};

_config=(configFile >> "CfgMainTable" >> _af);

_ag=getArray(_config >> "tables");

if !(_ag isEqualTo[])then{_ae=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _af >> "weaponHolderProxy";_ai=getNumber(_config >> "count");

if(isText _ae)then{_aa=getText(_ae);

_ab=getPosATL _ad;_ac=getDir _ad;
_ad setDir _ac;_ad setPosATL _ab;};


[_ad,_ag,_ai]call EPOCH_serverLootObject;}

else{[_ad,["Food"],2]call EPOCH_serverLootObject;};



if((random 1)<=_aj)then{_ak=floor(random 3);

[_ah,_ak]call EPOCH_server_triggerEvent;};


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I have been digging, and hunting through every file I can think of in the server release trying to find where to adjust the loot spawn rates. I don't want to make it ridiculously high, but higher than it is now. Right now it's dreadful. I'll spend 30 minutes in a large town or military complex and find barely anything.


Last night 4 of us were running together in Athira, we were looting residential buildings trying to find food and drink. We ran around that town for about 30-40 minutes and had barely anything to show for it. Worst of all, only 2 cans of food, and no drinks. This was also directly after a server restart. I find it hard to believe that the loot is spawning as intended.


We had several players join the server during this time, and a good portion of them complained about not being able to find loot, then left the server. As a dedicated server host, this is a nightmare. If multiple players are all complaining about the same thing, and I've seen other posts on the forums here complaining about low loot spawn, then there must be a problem.


I see servers that have advertised higher loot spawn in their server name, I'd really like to know how they did this so I can rectify the issue. It really detracts from the game when you put a lot of effort in to trying to find things, but nothing is showing up. It also really discourages new players because they can't find anything.

I've never experienced this, and referring to the amount of loot available as "dreadful" is borderline laughable.

One of a number of things is happening here.

Another large group spawned the entire city and it cleaned up AS your crew was arriving.

Your server isn't restarting in a reasonable amount of time.


Just the trash piles alone in Athira is enough to get a small group relatively kitted.

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Instead of starting a new thread I'll hijack this one with my question. It is related.

I'm lead to believe that if you drive to an area with accessible buildings, the loot won't spawn immediately. But what about the trash piles? Trash piles are either fresh or already searched. So I ask, do the trash piles house loot regardless if a player is close or not? So if you drive to them and squash them, could you be missing out on loot that would've spawned if you'd have run to them from a few hundred metres away?

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Instead of starting a new thread I'll hijack this one with my question. It is related.

I'm lead to believe that if you drive to an area with accessible buildings, the loot won't spawn immediately. But what about the trash piles? Trash piles are either fresh or already searched. So I ask, do the trash piles house loot regardless if a player is close or not? So if you drive to them and squash them, could you be missing out on loot that would've spawned if you'd have run to them from a few hundred metres away?

Trash piles run the chance to spawn loot as they're squashed by the player.

You could drive into a town at full speed, spend a couple moments checking trash or investigating buildings and should be able to find furniture and lootable items very quickly.

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I've never experienced this, and referring to the amount of loot available as "dreadful" is borderline laughable.

One of a number of things is happening here.

Another large group spawned the entire city and it cleaned up AS your crew was arriving.

Your server isn't restarting in a reasonable amount of time.


Just the trash piles alone in Athira is enough to get a small group relatively kitted.

Not possible that another large group cleared everything ahead of us. There was only 6 people on the server at the time, and it had just restarted only 30 minutes earlier. Server is on an auto-restart cycle every 6 hours, which is within the dev's recommendations.

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