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[Release] Random Speed Zombies (walking and running)


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perhaps you could share your wild_spawnZombies.sqf , zombie_agent.fsm , zombie_generate.sqf , and zombie_loiter.sqf

following the instructions my zeds just stand around. they just stand there. they dont walk or run, and only attack if your standing right in front of them...

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Where do I change the random chance of slow/fast zombies? also I used your zombie attack sqf, but the zombies dont hit any harder than before.



On 2014-11-21 at 11:14 AM, McKeighan said:

yes you are correct - you want to keep the disable simulation stuff



insert those new updated lines after the publicVariableServer "PVDZE_Server_Simulation"

and then update your //start behavior  with the call to the custom place you're storing your zombie_agent.fsm

(it should look roughly like this when you're done)   Our random Chance is currently @ .925 for slow zombies.  Adjust that up and down.   @.8 - we were getting about 8 fast zombies per pack of 50, which seemed a bit much. (they also hit really hard on my server, so it was getting overwhelming for under-equipped players.)


		//Disable simulation
		PVDZE_Server_Simulation = [_agent, false];
		publicVariableServer "PVDZE_Server_Simulation";

		// Make AI Companions fire at zeds
		_agent addRating -1000000;
		// Set zombie initial walkspeed - McK 11/18/14
		_agent forceSpeed 2; 
		// Create random runners - McK 11/18/14
		_rnd = random(1);
		if (_rnd > .925) then {
			_isrunner = true;
		} else {
			_isrunner = false;

		//Start behavior
		_id = [_position,_agent,_isrunner] execFSM "custom\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";


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7 hours ago, Saije said:

got it working finally. just needed the right fsm editor. however if I use infistar to spawn zeds, it breaks the whole script apparently and every zed thereafter is running.

You just need to point infistar to the new z files you made, as it will be pointing to the default ones. Its in either AH or AT.sqf, cant remember exactly.

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