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Exploding heli on enter as pilot


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Arma 1.34.128075

CPC Hardcore

Loaded a fully functional/repaired Orca to just about full capacity, entered as pilot, exploded immediately.

(after having landed smoothly on an almost ideally flat area).

//rant on

everything we had - EVERYTHING - was in that heli, was relocating stash...

//rant off

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Happend to me yesterday, I was so happy that I found one of the new choppers, bought the damn fucking dlc, flew the chopper, lifted a car, droped it on the floor, flew to a shipping container, got out of the chopper, looted the container, got into the chopper, chopper jumped 20m into the air, chopper dead, I'm dead, salvage metal and cynder blocks gone :(.

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  • 3 months later...
This literally happened to me JUST NOW. Hopped in an MH-9, i'm on fire, and dead, and all my goodies gone. Ladies and gentleman, i believe this is one reason that there shouldn't be vehicles keys. (for now anyway)
Just a question, isn't this script related? As in isn't the heli exploding due to it being freshly spawned? Either via. Spawn cache, or after a restart? I think long ago someone mentioned to be when a vehicle explodes, it's a protective measure via. script, to prevent someone from spawning in vehicles, and getting into it, therefore fresh vehicles explode. Not sure if that'd be something to look into. But i'd love not to go boom, ya know? Now i'm naked again. =/
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Has to do with the fact that sometimes the "enableSimulation" command doesn't take hold on the vehicle until after a player gets into it.  This is a known issue and may be fixed with the next Epoch update, however it could also be an Arma problem.  There's been a ticket on the feedback tracker for a while now.  BIS made an attempt to fix it in 1.38 but it wasn't a cure-all solution, so now we let the Epoch guys do their thing and see where we stand.  


In the meantime, if you want to make sure the vehicle is initialized before you get in it, take out your sidearm and put one round into the side of it.  It won't hurt the vehicle much and it should force the "enableSimulation" to take hold which should eliminate the exploding problem until a permanent fix can be created.  

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  On 3/9/2015 at 11:30 PM, Darth_Rogue said:

Has to do with the fact that sometimes the "enableSimulation" command doesn't take hold on the vehicle until after a player gets into it.  This is a known issue and may be fixed with the next Epoch update, however it could also be an Arma problem.  There's been a ticket on the feedback tracker for a while now.  BIS made an attempt to fix it in 1.38 but it wasn't a cure-all solution, so now we let the Epoch guys do their thing and see where we stand.  


In the meantime, if you want to make sure the vehicle is initialized before you get in it, take out your sidearm and put one round into the side of it.  It won't hurt the vehicle much and it should force the "enableSimulation" to take hold which should eliminate the exploding problem until a permanent fix can be created.  

Believe it or not, that's exact what i did, because i've known about this issue for ever. I wasn't surprised when i i blew up either, i kinda braced for it really. But i see what you mean. I wonder if they can fix it in 0.3, as it's not officially out yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have noticed this as well but it seems when happens on our server that the explosion is attached to the clothing.  if the player was in a vehicle that exploded then gets his gear back. .. enters a new vehicle as driver it will explode as long as he is using the orginal gear and is the driver/pilot.  if he gets new gear or is not pilot/driver no explosion.

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  On 3/30/2015 at 11:23 AM, Capt Blackbeard said:

i have noticed this as well but it seems when happens on our server that the explosion is attached to the clothing.  if the player was in a vehicle that exploded then gets his gear back. .. enters a new vehicle as driver it will explode as long as he is using the orginal gear and is the driver/pilot.  if he gets new gear or is not pilot/driver no explosion.

Does it not explode if the player enters via any other (non-driver/pilot) seat and then switch to pilot/driver seat?

Someone claim this is a 100% working workaround.

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Okay. This has really been a problem for us. So, I did some extensive testing.

Tried all sorts of scenarios.

Then, it occurred to me, that this has not happened to "all" our players.


Turns out, it has never happened to an admin. Aha!


We are using the built in Admin tool (epoch). So, I figure it has something to do with that.


That being the case, is anyone having this problem, "not" using the built in admin tool?

Are you using Infistar instead? Does it happen to Infistar users who are "not admin"?


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  On 4/7/2015 at 11:34 AM, blueman said:

Okay. This has really been a problem for us. So, I did some extensive testing.

Tried all sorts of scenarios.

Then, it occurred to me, that this has not happened to "all" our players.


Turns out, it has never happened to an admin. Aha!


We are using the built in Admin tool (epoch). So, I figure it has something to do with that.


That being the case, is anyone having this problem, "not" using the built in admin tool?

Are you using Infistar instead? Does it happen to Infistar users who are "not admin"?


Admin with No Infinistar  , most admins don't play as much , so less chance !



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there is no proven correlation between having admin status and experiencing this bug.

I have experienced it in both states as played over 100 hours in each mode.

it does happen and doesn't care if player is an admin.

there is a logical connection as stated above of course:

there are more non-admin players thus occurrence likelihood is statistically considerably less for admins.

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  • 3 years later...


  On 11/23/2018 at 6:22 PM, JakeQue said:

For future reference if anyone drags this up, add 

_heli enableSimulation = true;


underneath where you createVehicle.

Also add the vehicle classname to your variables > dayZ safe vehicle.


Arma 3 Epoch? dayZ safe vehicle.  I think not.
Also if the variable _heli is not defined as such in the original, then adding that will not help anything?

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