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I would rather sort out the off chance someone gets kicked for a script restriction, rather than spend my days sifting through logs looking for dupers.


I also remove players that constantly crash/disconnect/signature check timeout - they are usually the sort of player who can't be bothered researching their issues and sorting them out. If a player has a flakey internet connection or a unstable PC, that is their problem - not mine.


Ah the good old high horse lol


And yet almost every other mod has been able to control duping with out wiping someones gear. The code is there.



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When are we going to see custom loadouts in Epoch?!  I have donators lining up at the door, but without custom loadouts what's the point?


I'm going waay  off-topic here , but i dont like your logic. "I get donations, so I need you guys to work on what my donators  want" rudely translating your sentence :P. You should provide them with food drink and shelter before asking for them to do labour "because you have donators".

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When are we going to see custom loadouts in Epoch?!  I have donators lining up at the door, but without custom loadouts what's the point?


All I hear when I read this is, "Hi, I'm not getting to profit off your hard work. Get with the giving me something free so I can make money off it." 


Your solution is to go code it yourself or modify some other free code available. Alternately you could pay someone or give them a cut of your profits.

Sorry Moderators, but... what an ass.

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All I hear when I read this is, "Hi, I'm not getting to profit off your hard work. Get with the giving me something free so I can make money off it." 


Your solution is to go code it yourself or modify some other free code available. Alternately you could pay someone or give them a cut of your profits.

Sorry Moderators, but... what an ass.

Actually, I could care less about any kind of profit.  It isn't like there is any real money to be made running a server. I was only asking because my donators wanted it. I feel obligated to give back to those who care enough to give to the server. I had read that custom loadouts had been promised in an earlier release and still wasn't available.  As it turns out, I can use one of the access levels of the admins tools to accomplish this, so never mind.

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 It isn't like there is any real money to be made running a server. 



It can cost as little as $25-$35 dollars a month to run a server. Some people give some rare gear as gifts for $25 dollar "donations". So if 2 people a month "donate" for such gear you have profited off your server. I've seen larger "donations" get things like an Armored SUV full of ammo and guns as a reward and those people are making a significant amount of money off those. 


The solution with your donators looking for something for their money is to thank them for the donations and send them to a dictionary link of the word. 


a :  the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b :  a free contribution :  gift
Alternately you could just not accept donations and be beholden to no one. 
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On my server, ill be disabling the no ammo on restart, removing the hotwire kits, and disabling the wipe backpack when log out near other player.

No ammo for vehicles after restart is definitely something I won't have. I think it's dumb. Its ok for server spawns, but bought vehicles and hive spawns......those should retain their ammo.

Pack wipe after log out near other player......thats just a lazy fix for something else. That just makes being an admin more of a pain in the ass.

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Your choice what you do on your server, but I wanted to clarify: up to now vehicles do not retain their ammo after restart, they regain it, without any effort from the player's side, some may call that glitch abuse.


Which means vehicles need to retain their ammo not lose it. This fix is just as bad in the opposite direction. ;)

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It can cost as little as $25-$35 dollars a month to run a server. Some people give some rare gear as gifts for $25 dollar "donations". So if 2 people a month "donate" for such gear you have profited off your server. I've seen larger "donations" get things like an Armored SUV full of ammo and guns as a reward and those people are making a significant amount of money off those. 


The solution with your donators looking for something for their money is to thank them for the donations and send them to a dictionary link of the word. 


a :  the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b :  a free contribution :  gift
Alternately you could just not accept donations and be beholden to no one. 
Just to clarify, I'm not in this to make a profit and I don't expect to.  If I do it will end up going back into the server anyway.  I'm planning on the perks being a few dollars a piece. The whole point of the perks is that it is my way of saying "thank you" to my players who like my server enough to help keep it running. As far as the donator perks are concerned, all of the perks are designed to be non-op and for convenience sake only.  For example, one of the perks is the ability to have a (master key), or a second vehicle keyed to the same key as a previously owned one.  Another is the ability to set your modular building combos to ones you can actually remember, instead them being randomly generated. It's supposed to be a "perk" not "buy your way to win". What kind of crappy servers are you playing on?
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Which means vehicles need to retain their ammo not lose it. This fix is just as bad in the opposite direction. ;)

We can agree to disagree ;-)


Retaining is not a realistic option because there is no DB mechanism for it.


I know that I prefer deleting the ammo because I feel that most people arguing for full ammo are vandalist adolescents. Officially I'll just use the argument that there should be a balance between gain and sweat :-)

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We can agree to disagree ;-)


Retaining is not a realistic option because there is no DB mechanism for it.


I know that I prefer deleting the ammo because I feel that most people arguing for full ammo are vandalist adolescents. Officially I'll just use the argument that there should be a balance between gain and sweat :-)


Or people that play on servers where you actually have to work for your gold and dont want to loose their money for no good reason every restart



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Just to clarify, I'm not in this to make a profit and I don't expect to.  If I do it will end up going back into the server anyway.  I'm planning on the perks being a few dollars a piece. The whole point of the perks is that it is my way of saying "thank you" to my players who like my server enough to help keep it running. As far as the donator perks are concerned, all of the perks are designed to be non-op and for convenience sake only.  For example, one of the perks is the ability to have a (master key), or a second vehicle keyed to the same key as a previously owned one.  Another is the ability to set your modular building combos to ones you can actually remember, instead them being randomly generated. It's supposed to be a "perk" not "buy your way to win". What kind of crappy servers are you playing on?


You not paying for your server is you profiting. The whole point of perks is "This is no longer a donation, you are now buying a service."  

Look, I am not trying to fight with you in particular, I just think that using the word donation is misleading and is only done so that people won't get sued for using someone else's IP to bring in money. If the person giving money is getting some value in return then it really isn't a donation anymore. Yes, the ones you just names are not horrible however your original post was about "custom loadouts" which normally consists of  food & drink, medical supplies, bigger backpacks, and/or weapons. That is a significant advantage and yes, pay to win. 

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We can agree to disagree ;-)


Retaining is not a realistic option because there is no DB mechanism for it.


I know that I prefer deleting the ammo because I feel that most people arguing for full ammo are vandalist adolescents. Officially I'll just use the argument that there should be a balance between gain and sweat :-)


I agree that the free ammo can be bad but removing my found or bought ammo is bad in the opposite direction. You are correct that there should be a balance between gain and sweat but if the ammo is going to vanish then specifically looting ammo seems like a silly enterprise as does saving up and buying it. Complete removal isn't a balance as much as free ammo wasn't a balance. 

I understand that the DB doesn't allow for that tracking of ammo, but it does for clips, in vanilla at least. And it seems a bit incongruous that vehicle ammo goes away while I can use 199 out of a 200 round belt if it is a carried version of the same gun, wait for a restart, and oh look my clip now have 200 rounds in it. Mount it on a vehicle and use no rounds and your ammo goes away. 

Trust me, I don't want some chube blasting my base between restarts, but it is somewhat pointless to put ammo into a vehicle unless you have decided you are going to use it all right away which doesn't typically mean blasting zombies. I suspect people will be loading up to shoot other vehicles, bases, and more and what is worse... a minigun with 2,000 rounds no way to reload or a minigun where the group has saved up 10 reloads and so has 20,000 rounds?

Maybe a compromise would be to lower how many rounds a vehicle spawns with. Some of them have ridiculous amounts of ammo like some of the vehicles with grenade launchers. Give them 10 grenades, enough for normal operations but not enough to start taking down bases every restart. Then with the added in lootable ammo they can add more but don't have to waste a whole reload to shoot a couple zombies. 

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You can only load one magazine at a time and can load the ammo just before you need it. We will not be adding the ammo to the traders by default as there are many new ways of obtaining the ammo from the world. Up to 3 ammo supply crates will spawn each server start and the random supply drops in the world can also be broken open to get ammo as well they spawn in military special loot tables.

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dayz_paraSpawn = Halo jump for each login and fresh spawn


Can't we have fresh spawns only? I can't imagine anyone wants to drop down from 1000m at every single login (relog, server restart, connection loss ?)

I'm inclined to agree with this.  Especially with how difficult it is to control your movement while using a parachute. Most people would prefer to login standing in the same spot they logged out at.  However, having a halo jump at spawn would rock!

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You not paying for your server is you profiting. The whole point of perks is "This is no longer a donation, you are now buying a service."  

Look, I am not trying to fight with you in particular, I just think that using the word donation is misleading and is only done so that people won't get sued for using someone else's IP to bring in money. If the person giving money is getting some value in return then it really isn't a donation anymore. Yes, the ones you just names are not horrible however your original post was about "custom loadouts" which normally consists of  food & drink, medical supplies, bigger backpacks, and/or weapons. That is a significant advantage and yes, pay to win. 

As I said in my second post, it's all moot point anyway.  I found a way to do it using admin tools.  So, it doesn't really matter if they ever get around to adding custom loadouts or not.  While, I may not entirely agree with you, I do acknowledge your point.

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Quick question regarding this update to epoch


  • [ADDED] Downgrading locked door to unlocked door is now possible if you know the combination and if you are the owner or a friend of a plot pole.


So in theory if someone brute forces into my base picks up and replaces my plot pole and then downgrades the door and upgrade it to their own lock they will then own my base?

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You can only load one magazine at a time and can load the ammo just before you need it. We will not be adding the ammo to the traders by default as there are many new ways of obtaining the ammo from the world. Up to 3 ammo supply crates will spawn each server start and the random supply drops in the world can also be broken open to get ammo as well they spawn in military special loot tables.

I must admit that these many ways to acquire ammo make me a bit uneasy. You say 'up to 3' and 'random'.

Will there be an option to influence/disable these random mechanisms?


The problem is simply that the bigger the clan the greater the chance to find vehicle ammo, and then we are where we have been before on our server: total street and sky domination by one clan up to the point where we lost most of our players.


The only way to put a stop to this was to remove the stronger armed vehicles, leaving us with only a handful. Nevertheless our server is more populated now and there are fewer complaints about the missing variety than we had about dominance.


I'd love to see the heavier vehicles re-introduced but our main admin won't do that until he has the possibility to fine-tune ammo availability.


Don't mistake me, I'm all in favour of more ways to get ammo, but also for being able to configure those.

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