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What can we do to help weed out the script kiddies? How can the legit community help?


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I notice some people are posting screen shots of the player names that are in a game when the Script Kiddies are being active. I don't think that this will help to discover who is running the Zeus scripts because it is very easy to change your player name. 


If I am not mistaken we need their Steam ID in order to have something done about it. I noticed that the GTXTX 01 server only had 2 people in it when I logged on a few minutes ago, and I think it was because someone was globally killing everyone again. I didn't feel like memorizing or taking a SS of their player names would do any good because this is too easy to change.

I just wanted to know if there is anything we the community can do to help out.

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Earlier today I was kicked for a create vehicle 0. When I logged back on I was on the opposite side of the map about 14K from where I was before I was kicked for the create vehicle. When the game kicked me out it looked like an Ifrit or something may have spawned on top of me.


I don't know how to create a vehicle nor was I in any admin tools.

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should be not hard do programm a script, to check the logfile if a player loading a file which shouldnt be loaded! 

most of them loading scripts  like this:


start arma3

start cheat engine

open arma3 process

loading cheat script

closing cheat engine

connecting to server


ask some altis life server how they handle this (eg. staylite) there you are unable to load the cheatmenu

asking some altis life server wont help at all.. I just came from a server that god nuked... and while I'm typing this I might as well ask this (is it just me or do cheaters enjoy cheating survival game's more then any other game mod's) because if that is the case then they must have had a bad chilled hood -.-

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I dont have time to waste on farming 24/7.. but i like this type of game.. and that is why i would search for easier ways to get what i want... im not a hardcore gamer.. i have responsibilities and a lot of things to do in real life... ;-)


uninstall cheatengin and go play arma 2/3 wasteland. 

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I dropped both TGTX servers last night, because of the scripting douche bags.  


Are any of the DEVS looking at using the following?

Basix Serverside Anti-Hack / admin mod or infrastar?    I guess with the mod being Alpha it would make it more difficult to implement these tools.  

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Guys its a mod of a game the only thing that can be done is them coding an anti hack for the server. They can't do VAC bans because Battle eye is what is supporting Arma 3. BI won't do shit to change their anti hack stance even though its complete garbage. Either Infistar or Axle will have an anti hack in place very soon to combat most scripters.

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I dont have time to waste on farming 24/7.. but i like this type of game.. and that is why i would search for easier ways to get what i want... im not a hardcore gamer.. i have responsibilities and a lot of things to do in real life... ;-)

 you deserve to be banned as you have globally announced your a script kiddie if they dnt ban you then i cant see this mod going very far if they allow people who announce they use scripts when there feeling lazy.

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