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Traders vs Trader Cities


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After playing for quite a bit I was able to run to a bunch of traders.  So far, I'm not a fan of having single traders that sell random stuff.  Also, I think being able to kill them is pointless.


In the past you were able to scope out a trader city.  You would see a lot of activity and do the following:


  1. Talk to the people there and see if you can join them
  2. Scope out a person buying building supplies and see where their base is (always good to know)
  3. Follow them with all the supplies they just bought and hold them up or take them out


I feel like this was a pretty big aspect of the game and now it will be gone.  Now I'm sure people will custom script trader cities because the demand will probably be there but I'm not quite sure I understand why there are a ton of random traders a few km from each other.


I think it would make sense to add 2 major trader cities and 2 minor trader cities.  Along with having roaming Vehicle Traders.




PS.  This is purely opinion and I understand the Devs have a vision but I figured I would see what others think.




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Actually you're wrong, Safezones at traders are custom scripted and were never part of the original Epoch.


I have no doubt it will cause firefights but all I'm seeing right now are dead traders with nothing to sell.


You can have trader cities with randomly spawned individual traders.  Either way, I'm certain servers will modify things when released.  I'm sure some will leave it but I feel like having both single and random traders + full trader cities makes sense.

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i think the traders are awsome, why should they have a ton of stuff from nowhere? they should only have what is sold to them, when i 1st logged in i went to a few traders and they had NOTHING at all, all because nobody had sold to them yet, it's a great idea, 

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Ive always hated trader cities. They are constantly camped and trolled by mindless kids and people trying to steal from you. I love the the number of traders on the map now and that they are spread out. If you suspect one of being camped go somewhere else.

They idea of being able to kill them, im not sure i agree with. That will turn into a greifing issue on a full live server as they will all be dead.

Just my two cents

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I didn't realise the trader locations were randomised? they always seem to be in the same spots whenever i've played.


I had just come here to post that I thought there needed to be more even spread across the map, everything seemed to be around the center.

with no traders at all near the west or east coastlines



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